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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE IDUil COMMENTS OWNf, R BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I lEclrr' !,rm uid6 rdulr! ol Fjnr! rhd I m .rmB nln rh. (tnirsloE l ace llw fnr !h. followin8 rNn lS( 7031 5 <br />Its'o* ed P(t6rn\n ( qi.): Any Cilt or ( ounl, which rcqutrG . Fni lo.odtud, .116, rmForc, &ml6h or ot <br />sMm. Fff io tu isutr., 6bo r.qutr6 rh. eplror aor r*h Fnn ro fik r 3i8n.d sldffit lhd lE or dE i! lic.N.d pu,lul <br />ro rh. rhviriod ofrhc Conk,cloit Licdsd liw ((ll!fld 9. ([ w h sdion 7u$ of DNisi]n I oflhc Bains Md <br />Pr.i*ioB ('o&) or rhd lE m ,E ir d@F rha.ftuh E rh. bdir aor rh. tlkr.d.roFstr. Ar'_ vhldion ofsalion 701I J hyu, <br />apr,liclnr fu a p6rn rubjer3 rh. .ppli.rnr xr.civilpadlrtofnot mor.rhu fivc hundr.d doll$ (ll0o,. <br />t, s o*nd oalh. F.psly, o. oy dtlorc snh wt86 4 lh.n sl. snp.6r6n. sill &' llt sst id rlE rMr i! ml <br />inrdrLd or oFad fs sl. I Sc 7or,l, BuilB rd t\.fashc Cod.: 'llE Comrdoa! Lt.M lrw .lB Bn rpply lo u oum of <br />rh. pmpdy *ts t{ildr or i,ryrovE tn@\ ud *ho dG !u.n *t.t hr6.lf or h@lf or rhmush tis c lF o$n ntr9bt6. <br />pror iLd rhd ech .rqorq6r. G d ddddt trofiftd lir $t lf. hBs. tlE hrildi* or ir{|ltffr it 5ld $fiin.m td <br />of(ompkior lh. oqd Rul&r {rll h!v. ih. h dd .f F.vr* th, rE .. rlE d'd mt tlild r nsrxt dE F!9ory 6i rtE F,Fr ol <br />l. N NF orrh. FoFdr, m.r.l6iv.l, co.r*ing $ irh li.dB<l corlndoE ro coNtu.l rlE rojd (S€ ?0,1.1. BBfB <br />m'l [\oE{ion (id.r Ih. Conir(1oa: l-icd* tr$ &6 nor aml) ro.n o$nd ol ltoD<n} trho boild! o hpdtd rhEon. <br />rnd trr$.. dr for su.h F,,r.(r tr iih i ('or Ecro(!) li.os<i rE@r ro rh. (t'nr&ror'r Li.ctrsc L.wl. <br />I un&i S(rr)n <br />D.r. Orn6: <br />noBJ(rRs-( oitPFrrs Ttofi <br />Dfclllaallo! <br />I lE.h imm Fuh, of FJu.! oft ol rh. follo\ i.s ioB <br />I ll.t. id tr ill ! Cd'trd. .lcongi id rNr. for s orld conlrdErn'n. d Frid.d for hy Sd ion 17($ o I lh. <br />Lrhr. cFi.. tu thc rEfomoc. otlhc *o n \hi.h rh.Ff,n . isud <br />-)rf'BE od "nl s orld .omt,n iNurrft.. s r.qutr6l b) s(lhi 1700 .f rh. btrr corL. for lL Frolrr@. ol <br />trr tro* fttr utah rhu Fhit ir ieEi My trorlc onrF6aion imrm. cui' rnd Flicv nomh( uc: <br />c*. .5thfS6r**r*a,y !N4,EA^/rc ryD <br />ro,iclNumbd: qzzll:1 z- .,.* . 5-f-?9 <br />l.dit thd in rh. Ffol1ffi.otrhc *ort fo, shth thB n6nil i3, I 3h.ll nol mt loy.ny Fkn in tny moE <br />a, s ro b.em iubrar x' rlE sorld @mFMion h$: of c.liaoma &d 4r rh', il I 3r!.uld baom suqF b llE <br />qo*d omFssr ion p(n isioB of S<li'. .U00 o I lh€ lrhor ( od., I llEl!. fonhwnh co,npl, trnh lho* PNltirB <br />W RNINC f_.ilu.. ro s@ tro*B onFsion srdrE ir unl&lul md .hll 3ubj.d x dphF lo diniMl FEhis 3nd <br />.nrl 6n6 up ro oR hordrcd rhousnd dolle (1100,000). ii 6ddnio. ro rh. cor of conFNlior. &nrs6 B FoYlicd fn rlr <br />n, .lo-zz- l'l aUr,*.,,\( <br />I hft{ry atfinn unds p.n,lr, of t'djury rhti I dr lic(scn unds Forirhn.fCh.O6 0 ($mftin8 tr nl' sarion 7(J001dfDn bion:t <br />or <br />'tE <br />llrnlar 'd Prurdhd co&. in mv lkG t in aull lor.. dd.lI.d <br />r,.crc('rass ' C 3'l a q gbol6 <br />.lo-zz -11 ,***.>< <br />I hdllr, .fm lria Frty otFJUry lhi llE i ro!3tu ini brlrE.8@,lor,E Fftu. of tlE *dl for r'hth thl! Fhil ir <br />isucd (sc.1097, cir c ). <br />l .i& t Nm <br />AfTIJ(AILPECIIEAIIII! <br />I hd*n rJrm unld F.hy olFjuy on. of lh. rollosirs d.(l&,rion!: <br />l)@ol 6d Psnir}tuh€rd Norilicr'ion [.rtd!l Rc8lld ion! ( tnk r0. PM6) <br />R.qu'cl Llrr6 of ridiftdion <br />I .sl it rt'al th. t rj6!l r.suhh6 r$rdin! sbdos rmor al d. nn rrrlrnhk i(, rhi! FoF <br />{Jarty rtra I trnc rcaa rti! 4'plrdion rd n,r. rhn lh rb\r 'nft.rdimtr6 md st,r. tj$J Elsr iu ro hlldlllt .oNrtud ion, rnrl h6.h, <br />K,n 6 cotrRl l ,sra lo snpl! \ nh ill ('iry ind ( ounlr <br />'n. rcrr6dtdnd ofrh" Cnt md (-ooniy ro or( up.n lh. <br />.h.\! odl$n dFFn) i iBFdhnF,FE <br />rpprk.r, o. ,g-,.ign.,ur. F- <br />U*.U--..,0r.,, (Srrn C|D'f <br />-to-zz-t1 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing iltal/4 b* lYl 6L 4t? <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />,4\ <br />FINAL 'L-// -{1 { (,:'/vf,ro) /ar) / <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />srtri.n t076 .l rh. l:lnr ('.d. 'nrd xrl drolc t f6