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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNT:N BUII,DER DI]I,CANATION <br />I hcruhy lrfirm undcr Fnnlly ofltrrjury rh l N crcnrpr liorn lhc'l.i.ti{ Iaw ror rhc rollosillt rclen (Scc 70.115 <br />Arsirlcs rnd Profcs\n a(xlc) Any Cily or Counry shich rcquirc\ a p.nnir h .oNrru.i. nhcr. i ProN. dchoLlt .r ruPJn rny <br />{n.rurc. prior h, it\ issuancc- aho rcquircs rhc lprlicxrr in \rch Fnnir ro hlci ngncd slalcnEnr rhlriror \hc il{d 4trr\uanr <br />h rhc F,vi\i{,N of rhc Conrrcrofs Li.cnscd l-0q (Chaprcr 9. Commcrcing *irh Sc.rnnr 7mO .l Division .l ol rh. Bu\iics rid <br />ProfcssionsCodc).rrhd( hcor sh. hcicmnr lhcrcfrorlnd rnc ha\i\ lo!rhc rllcg.dtrcnuiur Aflyviohrion.fS..rioiT0.ll5byrnt <br />!t'!li.rnrfuIapcnnirsubjersrhe$plicanrt'r.ivilFnrhyoriorntrcrhM,ivchtr.drcddollarsl$5(x)) <br />I. is o*nnorlhc flo|Eny. or nry cnD]oyccs *ilh wtrgcs us rhcir \.k cotrrp..sarion. willdo ltE wori and rhc itrrur i\ trur <br />inrcnd.n or oltcrcn for slt (SN ?041, Borin.$,nd I'r.rcsln,ns codr Thc Conr,aclois l-tcnr ljw dNr nor,pdy ro an owNr oi <br />,tEi, wh. htrildr or impmrcs rnc@n. and uho dms such *!rl hnn\clfdr hctrclfor thoulh hh or hcr oercmpbyccs. <br />providcd rhar such impokft.r\ m nor inrcnnn .r ofcrcd for slc ll ho*$u, rt* building or irprorentnr i\ v,ld sirhin o'k )tr <br />orconlndbn. tlE owner Buills *ill hrr lhc hrd.n ol nn,virr! rh,r tr or shc dil mt lditl or inqlovc rh. lm,Fny ior rhe IUTF,E ol <br />l,^,p.nt,.'ncr.lusirclycortdcriiauilhliccns.dconkrtrst).on(ru.rrhct)mjccrlS( 7(),l.l Bd\i,'r\r <br />rM Fniissbn C.dcr'rhc Contact{ \ l-iccnse tr$ docs nor lPply ro rtr osncr o{nruPcny !h{) build\.r nnfrolcs rhcrcon. <br />lnd *ho contrrc( r{n su.h pn,j..h withiCont cktr(,licc.scrl pur\u,nr t, rhc cotur&trt Licctr{ l3w) <br />I smcxc'npr u.d.r S..ln) <br />TOBtrEIII"I;AUIENSAIION <br />!&gantrIlaN <br />I hctuby alfi n urdfi r.nrhy of Fquly orc of rhc lollowing dclarurn,nr <br />I huv. iJil uillrrui'nai.a ccniirorc oi Con*nr ro Sclf-lnsu.c tu eorkcd .uml.ns,tion.ns Fovided fo h, Sern,n l70o orrhc <br />ltrbor C{ic, ror rhc l]crfomncc olhc $ork for *hich rhc pcrnril k issucd <br />I h0vc rnd willmai.hin worterl conpcnsarion in\" as rcqoncd bys(riotr 37(t)ollhe lil,, Gldc, ror lhc,xrlomEtrcc of <br />thc qor* r{ wnrhrhh llcrmr A hs.d MJ }f,r\cF Ti,nrru\d' n 'nrurumccJris Jr{l |'oli(ynumbfl m <br />crr,: ./\t^-^ - ^/1 )/ <br />,.,,,,*'*IKAFv"{o-- L(rtrc <br />- I trdily,hJr rhct.c'I' mtrn."nr't*[*u,*r',.t 'r'^1*cnll)loy.trypc6on ir uyd trnf <br />!r st. b(nnrc rrbjcn b tlE workc^ conrp.nssri,'n hq\ otCalinmir. rtrd igNc Ihrr ilI shoukl hc..m \ubF.r lo rh. <br />workctr conDcnsllion tovishDs ol Sccr ioi :l?(x) of rhc lltitr C.x].. I shrll. lon h$ilh onrPl, sirli rk*c pmvhn N <br />WARNIN(; Frilorc ro rcurd qolkcr( coma.nelion covcn8c i\ unl,wtrl. md \hrll suhi.l u tmploycr t, dinri'itlF* ri.s rtrd <br />.nil lnrr ut k) orc hu rcd rlDnsr dollrr\ ($l(x)-U)0)adJin,n b rhc .o$ oi comNnsrrion- lll n8c{,s frovtrlcJ lor rhc:::Zilry;:; <br />t/Dl!lllil!.ltlll <br />Ih.ohy3l1tnrunderocnlllyotperjurrrhlrInmliccna{nidcrptuvisn{ufChiucr9(conmnciuwirhs&(i)n70(x))ofl)ivision.l <br />of ih. Busircssud Pm(cssioNCo c- d my li.cnsc is in full hrLr drl clL.r <br />o/ <br />I:I)NET:BIqIONTENDrICA{iENCI <br />I hcrcby rflnnrnd.r F.,lrt ol,,.rjury lhul thcrc h a con(rcrbn lcndin8 asen y ror rhc t rrormmc ofrhc work lor whih rhis F.nrir is <br />irsucd (Scc.:109?. Civ C ) <br /> Nnflc: <br />- <br />d.TTUCA!1DDIITIBAII!}N <br />I hcEty [mundf pcnrhy drt'clury onc ol thc idlowin8 dccl$rlbns, <br />Dcmlirion Pcrmirs AslE{os Norinc,riotr Fcdcrol Rcguldiotrs (fillc.l0. P!'16) <br />-Rcquncd <br />t.tts ol NorifrariJn <br />_1.{nilrrh3r rh. a.d.rd rc8ul io.s rcBadi.E $tf,sosrcnov.larc nolappliclhlc t, rhi{ pioj.{r <br />I cmify thar I hNc aad thisapnlicd n {l{irc rhrrrhc rhn. i',lonn , rconccr l rArLtrocornplt*irhrllCity.nd Coumy <br />ingc.ndtocri{nr. rrJ turchr urlxrizcrclr.scntulivc\ol'lIi\Ci!] rtr(l Sfur.l-au\ rcl ingl(i <br />rtx,rr nanriinul l[,]^-'nv nr if\t\_l <br />,\plicnnl or ,\xml Sisn lufr *'r L:/ co r <br />y''z/ts <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Rool Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq t0-s-lr Y.\r,)6)l <br />lnsulation/Enerqy '\/ <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Ivlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enoineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />/ <br />FINAL l0-71-lv x-vJl0 <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />7+q 4 <br />I