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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII-DER DELCARATION <br />I h.Eby arfirm und$ Fnrky {,f p.tjuy rhd I er cxonpr nom thc Cotrrrocrim t,iccnsc l2w tor rhc folle*ing rt$n (Scc 7031 5 <br />lusincs .M Profc$iotr Co{c)r Any Cily or c{Dnl, which RalriB a ,f,i,nr ro connrud. dl.r, inlltrorc. {bmnnh nr mFn rny <br />dd.rurc. Iri.r !o ik hruanc.. rlm rcqun s thc r,'dhant ror su.h Flmi o lilc tr sisrcd sraremnl lhar hc or shc I li..n*i Pursrnl <br />ro rhc nmlhions of tlE Conrract ls Liccned L2w {Chrpter 9. C6'nncn.in8 wilh Scdion 7000 ol Divisn'n 3 of lh{ Bu1in.$ r d <br />ProtcsionsCodc)orrhnrhcorshciscxcmprrhcrclrom,Mlhcbasisrorlhc0llc8qlcxcnrplioi.Aiyvi{n!ii.n.rscciion703l.5by0ny <br />nprlicrtrr ior r pcflnir subjcctslhc applicsnl ro !civilpcnolllol nor morc rhxn rivc hutrdtu'ddollas(55lxj). <br />-1, <br />a\ owmr or rhc tr,tEny. or my .mtloyes wirh waecs N lh.n b[ .omFns ion. sill do r,E krl dd rh. { 1mtmr <br />icidcd.rofiircdlorsLlSR.To44.BusircssandPmlcssionsCodeTh.Colrtlcroiil,t..seL,*dl).snornpplyloano,rcrof <br />rhc pmrcny *ho brit s or irqimh rh.tu( riqhodesrx.hsrkhin\.lforhcrcllorrhrouAhhi\orh€rosncntrlo)t.( <br />Dmvid.d lhol su.h imloErnh m mi inrerhd or for sk lf. l$wcvci. rhc huildin8 or impmtmnr is eld *irhin onc Fr <br />ol conq,lction. rhc owncr Buika *ill how ttt hurdcn of fmvirE rhnl hc or shc did n, hill or inpmw $. pmtd] lor rhg puqD* ol <br />l.asowncrolrlEl'o|cny.!mcxclu\ivclrconrrrcrirsvirhliccnscdconrrrkr{t,.otrdfl.'drrft}-tt(Scc7(!4.Bu\itu\r <br />nftl Pnfc$ionCodc:l'hcConrrctr'sLi.ri$Li$doc\norrrplti)r0o*mrolnmpcrly*hoI'uil&.ri'nrruv$rhcrcotr. <br />.nd *lr .onrd.htur .h tnoj.rls *irh ! o)nrruurrn(s) lkenrcd nur\urnrkirhcC. t,.roi( l-iccnsc ltrrw) <br />I omcxcmDr undcrs.crbn .8.&P.C ro' rhn rea''n <br />rvltxxt Bjlrout[lst-ll!)N <br />DECLAITIII}N <br />I h.ruhtrflnnruDdcrI[trxhrol 0c'juryoncollhcln Irvirg u.liroons <br />Ih3vc d lill n' inrtri u C.n ifl.drc ol cotr$nr k) scll l trsurc Lr r$kci\' conrFnsxrion. r\ pn)lidcdntrhyscdion:1700olrhc <br />lrhrr Codc- f{rrhcpcnbrmrtuc of th. work Lrshi.h rhc Frnrir i\ issuci <br />lhrk rnd tr,llnuidrin $orkcri conrF-tr\ari,r nr{uinncc. r\ rcquircd hvSr.ri,n.17(Xrofrhc l-rhor(inlc. i,n rhe Pcrforturncl ol <br />rh. sork for ehhhrhis pcirnil is hsucd. Mrwortc oTcma'ron rnsruna urt$ nnd Fricy numbn ml <br />Nhrh rhis pcflnl n isncd.l \hrlLnoledrl{yrnrtrr{r' in itry.' <br />Ri A ro hsm subF.r ro rhc rorts{ conE.slrion hws or Caliio,oia. nnd asRc rhd il I should bcorE tubjccl lo r}r <br />soir$' .onn trs,r ior thvi\rns of Scl ion l'7(x) ot rhc Lahor Co<lc- I shllt. rod htr irh .omPly wirh rtus Pnvnions.. <br />lv^ltNNc: l'aihc l, {.urc wo,kcr. co ion.ovcriac i\ uild*tu|, dnd shrll {rbjal in cmploy.r ro aimind Fnrlri.s rnd <br />.N I lni.s uf r(] ofr lrtrn(lre{l rMu\xn,l doll rs l(xr.Ox)r. i', l irrnr ni rh. cosl .l .onDcnsrr on. drnlg.\ a\ prrirlcd lar rh. <br />sccrnrn 1076 olthc Ciidc. inlcrcsr <br />"",".r-1/2 <br />l.l( 1.:\\l.ll, ( r,\l lll( llrt <br />DICI.ABA.IIIIN <br />I hcrcl,y afiirm undcr FnnlryorlE jury rh.l t am li.cnrn undcr povisiotr oI Chaprq 9 (comncing wirh sccrion TOUo) ofDivisnnr.l <br />of lhc Busircs md &ofc$ions Codc. ind my* i! in rull rom dld efccr. <br />'7 6/ <//2 <br />2 2 <br />V <br />C(INS'IRUCTI(}N LENDINC AGFNCY <br />I hcmby rr6.fl undcr tr trllty.l pclju.y lhal lhsc h. s'nsrruclion lcndins ascn.y fttr rhc lclformmc oflhc *orl lor whth rhis lEnrir i\ <br />i\\ucd (Scc :1097. Ci! C ) <br />AIPIL(;AILDLCLAIAIII)N <br />I h.1rfiy alim undcr Fnalry of Frjury or ol rh. followi.g dslnmiions <br />Dcmlirion Pcrmih-Alhcslos Nolificlli.n Federll RcBohlions ('rnl.,ao, Pda, <br />-Rcquired <br />Lcrrcr of Norifrcarhn <br />lccnifyrh r rhcrid.rrlrcgtrl nns rcE lira !\ rcNrvrl rrc for Jtllicrhlc brhi\ pnicd <br />ordimNc( rtrd Sralc l-rssrcl ingk) <br />trhovr nrnrionc.i pfl,Ir rt r(n ir$n .l <br />ldins conirucrion. !M hcreh, ru')nrn. mp,oscJlljllta. orthn cirylnd cou y i. $rcr qrotr thc <br />1|l|lli.,nl.r,\scnl Sisniluru <br />-?-y tr:la--z/eLe <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm i Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />lvleter Release A <br />Rouqh ld -1-ttr hs4.t0) <br />Service [/eter LA <br />FINAL lo-25-lg x.v+$ <br />Notes, Flemarks, Etc. <br />Site-Work <br />_l.cnify rhar i! rh. prrf,trtruieof rhc solk <br />I