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lZ e oc 2( z s t, sYrr tfu,t"frfrfto1-tNspEcroR <br />REcoHD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Itiletal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Ivlisc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork 2-t2, r9 ? &9) <br />Vents <br />Toilet Boom / Clothes Dryer Z-r2- t9 J).Sa bCvD <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinos <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />FINAL //-7-t? .Uc{*z I ,1) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNTR AUILDI]R DET,CARA'TION <br />I hcrhy nllirrn r.dcr Nnrlry {,i B rjry lh,l I rnr crcnfl tunr llt ({nnrrtn- tr.cnsc Lrw tur rh. Iolloqirs rca',n lsc( ]nrl 5 <br />ItusiN$ rnJ Pi('Ls\n,n Aftr n, Ciry or C.utrry uhi.h Btonc{ r f.trnir ro..n{rucr- !lrc.. i'nPi{rc, drmoli\h !r trnrn Jdl <br />nru.rulc. nrntrt, i( iliuri.c, ako rclutrcs rhc {'plicnd for \uch t^-ani b fil. a \i!n.d ear.ftnr rlril hc.tsh. is lnun\ql ftrAt tr' ' <br />lo rhc prcvisi.Ds ol rh. Conkrct, s*d Lrw (Chrficr 9, Connncn.irs sirh Sccrion ?(xx) of l)iliiotr :l of,itr l{u!nc$ rld. , <br />Prot sioi\ Cod.)orrhrr h.or{lf n cxcn{'l lhcreiro$rnd rhch.}ir Iilr lhcallcscd cxcnrlnnr Any vn,[rttrr ol Sdtr 7r).t I 5hr rny <br />lpnlirnrtarap.nn(suhlL\rrhcrrplicnnrl,,!civilpcnrllyoanolnx,cihr iivd hutrdrcddollns{$5fi)).I <br />-/t. r .sncr.rrr,c p",rnl.,,nrtcnrdoyccs withsrgcs \ rhcir q)lc ..mpei\arior. *illrlo rh. work nM rtr(n.lukA nur <br />. 7r!r lrnlincsrtrr prcr'.!\io sc( c:'lhc c(n rn.k,'\c Lrwiocsnol aml,r,rn',qnrr I <br />rhcpmFny $lm hoilds or imrfl*c( rllfr)n, drd ek, de\ $.h solk hnn\cll.r ltrrscli.r rhfl,uEh lri\ r hcr o*n cn{'lo)r.\. <br />D.ovilcd rhlr s(h ntmknrnr\rn frn inrcndcd or oltarrd ntrssh ll.l$s$tr. rlfh^ril,iin8ot iq'.n\tnrnr issli*irhin,{'r <br />of.otr{Lr Fn, rt* ()wns ltuillcr sill tulc rh. hurdrn olIll,linE rhd hcot\h. tlid rn blilllor illlla)vc fic pR,Aiy,nr Ih. flr {',1 <br />s[' <br />-1. <br />!s oqEr ol rhc lropcrry. om cicluritel, conradinS wirh*i co.lrldos lo Rrtndcl lh. Eojd (Se. 7044, Ausrcs <br />lnd Prn6ssion Codq Thc C.nr6crois Lic.nsc tjw docs nor 0ptly ro anolncr of nrdpcny *h. huilds or improrcs lhcrcon- <br />0nd *ho @ntuk for sch prujsls wilh ! CoilEdo(d ltcnEd rlu6uor b rh. Conrdols Liccnsc L!w). <br />btc <br />UIC!r!Ar[!A] <br />I hrrcby ilfirm und.r pcMlryolp.rj!ryone ofrhc iolk,si.s dchruri.n\ <br />IhrvcMdtrillnrdrirnCc ifiQrcofC.n\ctrlh SclflNU'c nt$orkr* (DPctr\iri.n. os Provnlcd f( lTtrool th! <br />I rhtrCodc, tu'rhc pcrro',Mncc o I r hc sork tur which rhc pcnnit i\ i$tr.d <br />-l <br />havc md will nrinhin vort r' compcnsrrion in$ftN.. !s rcqnied hy Sstion l?00 of lhc ljbo. C6d.. lot lhc pcrfomft. of <br />thc ert for whi.t rhh pcrn i. i$!ed My w6rk.n onip.nerion insffi ffid !n poky numb.r e: <br />-l.crriryrh,r <br />inihc p.rroflMnccofrhcworkforwhthrhh p.rmir is hsucd,I shallno{ cnploy My pcron inan, runncr <br />s as ro bccom subr.rr r. rhc *od(cn' .oopcnsdion la*s of Colifomin. rnd ngft lhrl il I slDuld bccon* $bF.t ro lh. <br /> compcns0iion pmrisions olssrion l7mof rhc tihor C{'rle.I shtrll.lodhwnh comPly *ithlhos lhehnrns <br />WARNINGT failuE 16 sur. wor*cB' ompensolion svm8c is unhqtul. ad ehdl subFcr .. mplortt lo dminal lc@kier dd <br />.iril fincs ur lo or nudEd lllolsmd dollm (Sloo,mo), in rddnion to lhc cosr of conp.osolion. d.mBcs !s provid.d for 'h. <br />Lll.ENSrolQ In qraB, <br />DDCLI,BdI]QN <br />I hcmhyrftt rundn pcnahyofFrjuryrhll I am liccn{dunder p'ovi\i,)nolChatrcr9(c.nnmncin8 $il|SNri ?(XXl)olDirision.l <br />ol rhe Businc$ !n{l Pn,ldsnr$ Codc. u trry licctr\c is ir lull li'rdc atxl.ttrr <br />LiccEc Cb!s: Liemc Nur$cr: <br />coNs'l it-lc fl(|N I IfNITING (:t'NcY <br />I htrhy alirn undcr Fmlty of pcrru.y rhar rhqc is n conidcrt,n hndin! !!oty for rhc tulonruncc olrhc sork ntr which rhir ,)c inil is <br />issucd(sa :l(l97_ civ c ) <br />AITIJCA I,I2T!:LABAIION <br />I tlnhy lonD unncr p:niht or lxrjur, otu or rh. rall,)*nr8 dNhrdridF <br />l).nnnirion lcnnils A\h.nos Norifi.rrion Fcdcnl R$uhrions (l'illc.10- Prrr6) <br />Rstun d lxrrcr.f Noiilicrrion <br />I cdily rhar rtE fcncr! I rcgu hr io.s rcsudiis !\trsros rcmolal & nn lpdi.ablc ro lhis prorccl <br />I en ify rh.r I lEvc Esd rhn q'plicolion and stltc rhd rhc alnr intrm'io. is rmer. I cEE lo co'n ,ly wilh dll Cny and C.unr! <br />odi.arcr a.d Sr!r. t!$ Elarine ro buildi.S r ud hc.cby NIktrizc rcprc\cniurivd olrhk Ciryand Counryk, c.tcr uton the <br />,t$v. ftmion.rt ,r.Fny f.r ins!.cl <br />ryt -"*'7(?/erc <br />I <br />Other <br />Meter Release <br />::qW{:ff:")i= <br />I <br />I <br />I