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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.COtI/IMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARAIION <br />I h.rchy dlfrrn uhdfi pcMlry 6f pdjlry rhal I M .rorlpr fDn rlt C.nrdon' Li.cns lts aor lh..following Rosn (56.7011.5 <br />Busimss 0ri Profcssion Codel: Any Cily or Counly shi.h EqniEs a Fnil lo onsttucl, !ltd. itr{,mvc. dcmti{h nr Eptr oy <br />sttucrw. prhI ro its nsuan*, dho Equncs $d lirplicanr for such pcmn ro filc , sis*d arcmnt rhtr la or rht ii lk.n$d pumdl <br />'o <br />lhc rrcvisions of0E Conlrelor's Liccnsd Lrw lchdpt.r 9, Comncncnrg wiln S.dion 7000 of Divhion I oflh. Bu.incss und <br />Pmfcssions Cod.) or tur lE or slE is crcd{,r rlErcfom ard llE tqsir for llr alkBcd cictrprion. Any vioLrion of Sc.rhn 7011.5 bFny <br />apnlica aofu I'crm subjcctr thc ro ..ivil ncnalry ol mr mE rhln nrc hu,ldEn dous ($50o). <br />-1. <br />as owmr of lhc ,,orcny. or ft, ctqrloyes wilh *ag.s !s lhcn wh compcisorion, will do lhc worl dd itE slid@ ir ml <br />inlciiH or ofcEd ,6r eh (s6 7u4. Bu.i*$ ua PE csr,o8 C6d.: Th. C.ntdtr 3 Lt.nF trw dEs ml a|,P,y lo an oDtur of <br />lh. FoDcny win toilds or iq,mh llEmn, atd uho &Es sh qrk hin$lf or hmlr ot lhsu8h hh or h.r,k yes. <br />lmvidcd rh{ tu.h idpokmdr m mt inrcndcrl or otrcr.d r.r ek. ll hoscE th. h{ildinS or irl{,mrcB h sold within oic,* <br />ofcomplctior ltE Owm! Buildr wil naa ttt budc. of tmving rnd tror sh. dil er l ld or in{hE rhc pmFny for tlE puqDsof <br />-1. <br />a owmr ol rhc pq,cnr. an cx.lusi{cly .onmcling wnh li.cncd .ofira.lo* ro o.srNd llE pmjel (Sc. 7044, Ewimis <br />and Eof6rbn Co<ic: Thc Conrrurol s Licctrsc L{w docs nor apply k, 0n ovnd of pepcn, wno builds or inprovcs th.r.on. <br />lid who o,'r6di {o, su.h ,mi.h with r Q,nreto(s) lk ned pun@r b th. Conr$lols Li.rr* L3w). <br />Irnrucnrprrndrr S(rri{nr . tl & PC lnrrh,s rcxnin <br />D"l. (r*n.r' <br />llontrE&tr!)MrilsAfla! <br />ltEctAIAMN <br />I hcEby llliflh n"dcr pcMlty of p.rjury om oflhc folbwnr[ delrlln,*] <br />-I <br />h,v. .t*l will milrai! a Ccniaarr. of Conent ro ScltlNurc for m.t6 sn{rnsaIoo. &q lbviH tot by Snrion 1700 of rhc <br />lrbo, Cod.. for lhe,qfomEc ol th. *ork f wnhh $e 06nn i! ir.ucd. <br />X* -o *u, *tot..rk n comrnsdion insmrcc. s rcquir.t by s€crion 3700 orrhc kbor co&. ror rlE Frro'llEtr. of <br />lh. wort lor *hich rhis Fm ir iin cd My wo*6 @ryrnsllii,n iMuM. .dir lrn poticy numts e: <br />a <br />I ccnily rhrr irrhc pcrfomun.c of rh. *ork Lr shi.h rhisFiinir ir issucd.I drallmr <br />e as lo bcconE subrsl lo lhc aok6l comlcnsarion lawsofcaliforni!. ddage$ ial rnouU <br />*ortcB.ooD.nsllionpmvhionsofs$tionlT00of$ct tor Codc.l shrll. fonh{irh corply wnn thoe pm*ions <br />WARNINGI F0ilur. !, s..urc workcs omp.nsdiotr covc.aSc is u.l whl. rlld shlll uhlcct on cmpLr. lo dninal Fmkics and' <br />civil l,nci ut ro onc hundrcd lhouslnd dolla^ (Sl0OJ[0r. in.ddnion ro lhc.osl of comri.n$tion. d!'usci ar provid.d rr, rhc <br />:^:,^ i/2Tfr**.H::,. [ %-..-.....- <br />L('FNS}DCONTR ('T(}R \IrEgdrallo! <br />I h.rcby,ffifln !ndc. Fo0hrofpcrju.y thal I om lienscd undcr FovisionolChnplcr 9 ($m'rcncins wirh Sc.lioo TUxr) olDieision 3 <br />of rh. Busi'rc\r md Pbf.\lion\ Codc. lrd ny liccns is h tull ide d cilccr <br />cz c-3G v55G <br />raxcrxuclrcNI[dDllcacllll <br />I hcEby alitrm under Ftulry of l,crjlr, rhar rhce i3 a co$rDcrion hnding {scNy for rhc Frforromc of LE krk for shich fin tEnn k <br />ksucn (Sc. 1097. Civ. C.). <br />Appliances <br />lVletal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />ItIisc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinos <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL (-{v tr/r?/il-,fuz)*'?r'tu-- <br />Nqtes, Remarks, Etc. <br />ftft) p\ru\r+ uaro N-palc C,r,W L\-1,,2."-\ . t/e-.t -x <br />"-r.r* te <br />A.PILICANI.DDII/AA.IIO! <br />I trr'6y a0jm under Fndlr, otle juryotrc oirhc ti,llowi.C dNlorbns: <br />ocrmlnion P.rnirrAsb.ios Norin arion fcdctuI Rcgnl,rions (Titlc 40, P,n6) <br />-Rotutld <br />tf, lt$of N{rification <br />-l <br />.cniry th0l lhc fcdcral rcsuhln,ns rcFrnins {slEslos rcnnv.l urc nor apDlnlnb ro lnis pn,j$r <br />l.cniiyrhdIhrvcrcnd$ir+plic.rionu srobrhalrhc!h,r itrhandion hcotrccr ,a8rsrocomply*irnollCiryDndC.un'y <br />ordiotrnccs lnd Srlle ties rUrins b huikliig conrrrudiin, and hcrchy uunoriT. rq*.{nrdircs ofrhn Cny ond Countyh cnrd utnn rlE <br />lt$vcmnriotr.dFoFnt ra, m.r(l":I5rl,5 / / <br />Amhc,n,.'A'cn,s,Endru,c +'t- ",,. 7ft1/18 <br />PrnnNJrFd, /Za-? 7-,+U-"-ra> /