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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOB BECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNEX BUII,DER DELCANATION <br />I herchy altiln under pcnalry of n rjury lhat I m cxcmDl fmn thc ConlrmloR Lians L!* for ll* folloahg ta$n (S.r.7011 .5 <br />B$incqs .,i Phf.sion Codc): Any Cir! or Counry *nich rquncs o lcm ro @nnrucr !lro. inpovc, &mliln or E air lny <br />srrufurc, prht io irs hsu!tuc. ,l$ rquirci rhc !tu,licanr tor s!.h Frnat ro fi|. a si8ncd slaLmnl lhll lE or shc is liarsd n!6uer <br />b rh. pDvisions of tlE Conlretois Liccnsd ti! (Chlptcr 9. Comfttui.s wilh sccrion 7(xn ofDivision I oflhc Busincs and <br />Pofcssions Codc) or rhd hc or ih. h excnrpr theEfrom Md $. b6ii for lh. slkgcd crmplior. AnyvhlarionofSdiio.TO.ll.5bya., <br />lFpli.anr for o Fnnir rubrcck rhe spplicqnr to. civil p.nllryofml mrc ths fivc h!.{tr.d dolladi ($500) <br />-1, <br />!s owM of rhc ptnFny, or my .mplorrcs *irh w.!cs !s rhcir sL srnpcnsl ion. will do ltr wolt &d rh. itrlm n ml <br />intdricd .r o,f.En 6r slc lse.?o44, Busircss ond Profcssions Cod.: Tlc ConrfiMk Liccns tiw d@s ml ooDly lo an .wer or <br />rtc pFFn, slo hildr or inpmE rh.m...,i who dc h M,t himrclfor lE.slfor rhreu8hhk or h.r oRtrctr{,loyes, <br />providcd lhci su.n iq'mmnis N nol i c'id.n or oilctn for s!. la, hosE. tE btrildirg or inporctufl k sld wnhin om yer <br />oa @mplcrbl! $e OoM AtriUd wi[ haw $. bui.n ofpfl,vin8 tl[l lE or etc did rcl build or i,i0o4 dE t,DIEIy for llE prlDs of <br />-1. <br />asowmrof rlE lmp€ny. dcxcllsivclyco Bcring wnh lie.scd cont!.loN lo mnsltucl llrc tmjecl (S<.7044. Blsins\ <br />,nd hlltscion Codc: Thc Confulols Liccnsc ljw docs ml $,,1y lo M ow.s of t roFny who brild, or inprovcs ficrcon. <br />and who onlEck for $.t rojeds *irh r Conffido(9 licciscd Nr!!. x, rh. Conta.lols Lianrc L{w). <br />I 0n .x.npr undc. Salion- A & P.C for lhis taion <br />D.t.:- o,Er: <br />lo8trEl!:caMENSAfION <br />DESAAAIION <br />I hcrch, !fiirn uMcr p<n"lly of Frjury om ofllE following dccllElioNl <br />-lhivc <br />nlwillui'linnCcnili.arcoiCon\cdroSclllNurclbl{orksr.omltnrinnr.,\pn,vidcdlarbySc.liiinl?00ollhc <br />Uho, Codc. tu rlrc lql'onuEc olrhc wdrk for $lrich rhd p.rmir ( i\\u. <br />j/f,/i;c drl will <br />'ndinkin <br />wo,kcrl conrp.n\rr ion in\ur!trcc- i\ rcquircd hy srrnnr ]7m or rhc trhor Codc. Inr I hc ,rlimuntc .r <br />ir i\su.\r Myworkcrs. collrl) i\rii,,i nNnn.c.ani$ Md,oli.y.un lc, rrc:C <br />-l <br />ccnify rhrr ir lhc p.rtor@nft or *qork lor which fiis p.rmir is nsucd,I shallnor cmployrn, p.r$n inany m0nrcr <br />s N b subj.{ lo ric mrtsr .omncn\al ion laws ol Calif(ni!. and 08tc rhar if I should tf,.om slbjcd to rhc <br />wo crl conpcnsllion p$vision\ of S6rion 1700 of lhc tltor Codc. I dull, ronhsnh 6ry y whh ihos Imvhions.. <br />WARNINC: Frilu.c ro slrc *ork s'€rpcnsorio. .ors,B. is unhwtul. lnd shrll sobjd !n ctrqtloFr to dimiid p.MhLs cnd <br />civil fincs up lo orc hundod lhouslld dolles (Sll$.000). in lddnion to lhc cosl of compcnsalion. damg.J ar,ovid.d r.r rh. <br />ii.,.! rn xrknRr'\ l.d' <br />,7 <br />LICINIEIIII]NIAACI9R <br />I,}EII.ABAUAN <br />I h.nhy rflnd und$ p.nnlry of p.rjury th0t I om lienEn u.dcr pmvhion ol Chlprci 9 (co rtun.,n! rirh SR_lion ?mO) of Divi\tD l <br />of rhc Businc$nnd Pmfcsionr Cod.. xi* i\ i. aull nftt a,rl c,Iuct. <br />ZO <br />AITLI{;INLDIILAEAIIIIN <br />I tIdrynmmr d.r Fnrh! of tf,ljurt orc ofrhc r'olbwin8 dcclnrolnrN <br />Dcnnii(nr PcnnirsAshcsros Norifi$riod Ftdsrl RrEuhrio.s lTnlc $, Pnd6) <br />Rcquncd Ixn$nl Noiifi.di,rn <br />-l <br />.crli! rhat dc fcdcra| egolor ions mgdding .shno\ rc@rnl e nor .mlic lc tolhh lroirl <br />-l <br />ccnify llEr I hlv€ rcd rtis lpplkario. aid 3btc ftrr dE ow irfomrion is cmel. I lgE <br />odn.Ml.nd srsr. kws EhlinB ro bu,l4ing conmdion. lrd h.Ehy lulhorit rcpEendrhs o <br />rbov. pbFdy ror ir.e"oe,Ea*. <br />rocomply snh ru ciry.nd counly <br />Aplli.lntorAs. Sisnlruer_.< <br />E <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />l\llisc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL <br />"lr4t4-T <br />)*.'a^4 D) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc ut <br />Other Za) <br />(:d.tur E <br />CoNS'TRT'(] I(IN I TNI)IN(i ACENCI <br />I hcrh, ifinm und.r Fiilryoipclorylh rh.rc h a cotrsrrlcl ion h(lins lscncy frtr rhr lcdontuftr ol rhc wort lbi $ hich rhn Ilcdir it <br />hucd (Scc 1097. Civ C ) <br /> Ncm: <br />- <br />tl <br />II