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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE OWNFJR t}UILD'R DEI,CARATION <br />I lrrchy arfirn uhd.r r.nrlry.r p.rjury rhd I er.x.i!Jr rmn rhc ConracbF' Liccnsc tjq ror thc followins rcav'n lscc7oll5 <br />Busincs nnd Pnrlcssnrn $de) Any City or Counry whi.h r.qunc( a D.r. l lo con(ruct. rllcr. inlltrovc. rhmlish r ml'nn uny <br />srruclurc. [iorb ils n$ance. !l$ lcqun$ rhc orplicNl rbr such lo nb s sign d ddcncir rhar tr or shc h li.cnscd <br />b rh. pmvisions.fltE Contmclols Ljccnscd tnw (Cho[cr 9. (.omnrcrcnrs $nh S.crii,n 7U)O ot Di!i\n,d 3 .r rhc Busincs and <br />PnfcsionsCodc)orthlrhcorshci\cr.mprrhcEaronandrhebrshlorrh.rlklcd.x.mpnun.AnyviohiionoiScclhnT0ll5byany <br />.F! ror.l)lrnnr subjcckrhc rpfliconl lo r.ivilpcn,llrornor nrrc lh!n rivc hu rcddollaN(S5G)) <br />_1. !\ o$ncr ofrhc IrorErrr. i, nly cnDl.rti\ wirh wsars ar rh.t v'lc onll.ildiotr, willdo llf wort and rhc srmrurc i\ mr <br />iflctoldl .r oltcrcd tur $lc (sa ](I{4, ausincss and Pn,tu$iohs C.d.: Th. Comadols Li.cnsc tiv docs nor.ppl] xr !no$n.r ol <br />rhc tmFny whd buildr or nntmir( lhcmtr. dehodessn.hw('*hnnsclforhcrcllorrnrouenhhorherow"cmthy.c\. <br />prcridcd rhor snch inrnmwrnb mn, i.rc Horoflcmdforeh ll hos e\q rhe huikiii8 or inlpmkmd h $kl wthir onc Jenr <br />olonq,htun. rh. owncr Buillcr *illhrrc lhc budcn of nmvin8 thot hc or shc dil mr hild or itrW{M rh. pmr.nt ror rtr Nqn* nr <br />/\l <br />![:1. ^ "*mr .r rhc r"n{d ) . om c r.lun \ cly c nrd.rins qirh liccn*d cofiscft,^ r. onnru.r lh. 0mj.{r (Sc. 701,{. Bu\incs <br />ond Pn,B\nnC.dc Th.Cvtr[rcroisIic.nscLawdmsnor0!tlyrortrownsofpropcnywhol,uildsori'nfn,vcsrhcrco, <br />trnd*irhaConrrlclo(r)licenrdplrsurnlrorhccontrt,\Li.cns.Lrw). <br />'qllt <br />1/?el\,u,.*X <br />I hcicby arfi nn uid.r r.nrlryof |f, lhc lnll,,s <br />I hrv. a'xl lill @inrlin a Ccnilrtrrc of Conknt ro S.laln\ur. tur $ork s'conp.nsdiol as lllorded in byS.crion.]7(XJotIhr <br />Lrbor c()dc, f{r rhc lcrlormrme oarhc soik f(, which rhc pcrmir is irsucLl <br />I hivc rtrd willnuint.i. trorkcrs conr,)ensarion iBufltr.c.,s lr.qun d hyS$lion:17(x)ofrhc tiborCdlc, r(n rhcrdlornmnccor <br />rhc sork tu whi.h lhis pciinir G hsen. My workctr cotrrFns,l ion NurflNc c0rier a Flicy nunrher !rc: <br />Erpnr\ <br />9IYI.rn'ryrhir rh. F_rr,,rnuncc nrrhc worl n{ whrch rhi. pcrmir is issuc{.I shrlltror cmploy rny p.r{,i in any nrtrmr <br />s s ro bcc.m suhrlTl lo rhc *oltcr' .onf.nsar ion llas ot Calii(tuia. snil r!r.. rhd if I shruld tRom $hjNt to rhe <br />work$ onrpcnsarion nn'visn,nr.1S*ri.n.1700orrhc Irhor Corlc,I shrll. ianhwirh conrply wirh rhos F)vhions.. <br />Wr\RNIN(;: Fiilurc t) *urc workc( .otrrpctrsr'i.n.oucr,!c ir unhsful. d sh{ll {uhjccr !'r c$pkrycr n, L,i'ninrl pcMhics trtrd <br />.ivil fircs uf n) urc hundr.d rhotrsrnd dollnh (Slm.m0). iI co{ ol .omDctrsuri,,L dr nE s rs |nov cd ftr lhc';:;:::q?friuc <br /> ptlimnl:L <br />IhcrcbyatnDundcr |xnrhyolt rjurylh lam liensd undcr provhinnoiChrpic!9(co'nnE,kin8 wirhsc.rinr 70tr0) oll) <br />oi r[d llu\n.\r rnd Pflnisitnr (in]r. r d v l'.cn{ \ nlrl 1o'(rLlclr.(r <br />IANSItr!]IUANIENI2ING.dCDNI;I <br />Ihcdhyrftilnu cr p.nalry.fl.rlury rhnl (h.c h a.on{ruc(htr lcndii-p o8ctry tor rhc pc.i.lmncc orrh. s.'l f(r shi.h rhN linnn i( <br />issucd (Scc.ll)9?. Civ. C.) <br />d-tlUli lNlIli0dBAIloI <br />I lf,rhyr,lnn,unJ.' ncDriryottr.rjrr"onc of rhc,nlL){n,g J..hrrri,nr\: <br />D.N,lirirr I,Lrnrir{ A(*!o\ Norili. ri( !.,l.rrlRcgtrLxli'{"r6r <br />l(rtrirc(l I rlrrof <br />Al.oril!rlin rh.icddrxlrstrlni{,.grfthr!r\tf,d.\$rlJr i.rxmrtrhlcn,rhi!D.n.1 <br />o'ditutrcr\ dxl Srrrc ln*\ rcldnen) htr <br />rho\c rf,0ri.n.i Boneny l)r i'rspccri(n, <br />Apllic,nl or Asrnl Sisnxturc::< <br />P.m,ilec nxnP r prlnr ): X- <br />irtrirl(iiutrrIr,r kr trtr) r rl-_ <br />.?1z/zat <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER 4lpltis }r'uts?vtt e> <br />Transformers I U I <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Bool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Rough <br />Service lVleter a <br />FINAL dzitn\ryIrt4rJF€.fi9> <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />+ <br />ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Meter Release <br />ll)Plf*n 6A-/ <br />lr <br />I <br />---T_-----