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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Lile Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />'thtrtz.r ),,.Bonding / Grounding / UFER 4tula A 6) <br />Translormers ir I ut <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Sollit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Rough <br />Service lVleter llru(\.1;'\ <br />FINAL 41n'ltp(ft'W"tr{t9 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />g\ <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCAT{AIION <br />I hcrchy Nrtrfl lndcr p.trdlry of Frjury rnd I m crcryr fmnr rh. Conr,acroG l,icci+ bs tr ih. r.llu*ir8 rca{'n (Se(.1r11.5 <br />uusinc$ and Profcssn,fl Codc): An, Ciry or Counry shich rcqoirca d l.mir b onnrucr. nlrcr. mproE. dc.hhh nr tnun r', <br />smdurc. Fi, k, irr issuancc. akor.quios rhc trppli.anr nr su.h ro filcn si8tred nrcrrcnt lhtrr hcorshc h\.d ,unuml <br />r. rhc prolisions ol tlm ConrEcrols Li.ensd Llw (Choprcr 9. Co rmcmi.E *irh S..ri.n 7(xD or Division .l oI lhc Busincss and <br />Pm{c$iotrsCodc)orlhrlhcor\hcncrc'nprrhcrcfromandlhcbusistinlltnlkgcdcxcnll,n,n.AnyliohtiotrofSsrion?0.ll5brdy <br />lPrlicsnraorrF,nirsubjuckrh.,trtlicinlro0civilFnalryornormrc'hrtrfivchundred'lollos($50o) <br />_1. N owmr of rhe ,,mrEny. or my rmrlortcr wnh wrgc\ as rhcn {,k L\,mFnsarion, will & Itr wolt ond ltf, nulm n n r <br />inrcrd.{ or oficred tn eh (SN 7044. Buiin rs and Pr.r.s\i.ns Codc: tuc Conoclois l,tcnsc Law docs @r .rply ro 0n osrcr oI <br />rh. pmFiy wh, hxilds or in{,mvcs rhcmn. and *ho d€s {uh *ork himscllor hcrulf or rhoush his or hcr owncmplo}ce\. <br />proridcd rhar su.h i'nporn-nh m nor ir d lcd or ofltdl f(n slc. ll lniwcrrr. rh truihiry or irl{Drmnt h skl wirlrin onc )eu <br />oico ltllclic,D. lhc owncr Buildq eill hrt rhe burdco ol provins $!r h. or \hc did Rn b{ikl .r inpnN! lhc pn'pcny t,r ihc NrFM or <br />l, r\ o*ner ol rhc !$pcd y. dm .klu\ .onhrrinp qirh c.nrfi)n lo onsrrucl lhc In,F.r (S( 7IX-1, Btrnrc$ <br />i*l PioLsb. Codc Th.CotrrEcloisLi.cnsc Law (lcs mr anrlyr, Dno*ncr ofpion nywho huilds or iDnrovc\ lhcrcon. <br />ind who cotrrrrcr( fu such s sirh , A,nrr.t( \) lic.n*d nuNrnr ro thc Conr$lois l.ien* liw) <br />ry:^zi <br />OEq,ANAII,IN <br />I kr.hy !fllntrund.r p.nalry or pcrjury onc olthc lollowing dftlarations <br />I and * ill mirtrin a Cenifrarc oa Con* ro Sclf l nsuc tn $lftcrs co.lrns0rion,0s tmvidedtorbysdrion1700olrhc <br />htrtr codr. rr rhc rcrrorm,ncc olthc work rbr which rhc pcirnil is nsrd <br />rhc work fffwhichrhi\ n.nnn is i$ucd. M! *orkd{.otrrlE s[ion ir{trrnc. crEicr ]nd lx'li.y dt.rh( ttl <br />Icc'lilylhdnrhc|{norinrnceolthc*ortftr$ii(hrhi\pcnnni\n\d.d.Isltallnorcl1,oytnyDcr!onirrnyn nncr <br />{i r\h h.(mr {hicd i,rhcwork.* coD|fn\dn lr$ofcnLih r. rndr8r.c lhrl itl sla)tr](l hconf, {bjccl hrhe <br />*nkcrs conf.n\xri,n,fn)vi\io sofS.cri( l7(X)ullhc Lrhtr(inl..l irll.lonh$ilh.onlnly wnhiN)!c frlNiotrs. <br />$ARNIN(; lj:'ilurc r0 {.trrc <br />rnil liN\ ul, r, oN h0iJrcd I <br />S..ri,)n.l07a olrlI l:'htr (ii].. <br />(o'kc^'.o rlf,r\nri(,r.o\crngc <br />h,ru J,i,,r . i(riy'rr,r. <br />tr crc{. r,l. ttr u'/ lre' <br />Vr1fr,,,1",> <br />i\ unhwtul. alt shlll suhr-ir m c'np k,ys ro aimin.l ,rcNlrbs and <br />d.mecs as tmtucd tor rhc <br />1- zz <br />tn:(r\R\lx)\ <br />I hcnbt,filnn uM.r lcn.hyoip.rjur) ih.l I rr lien{n under 0o!hn,n orChapro 9 B,n.rncinS with Scclion 7l)($r oroivi\nnr l <br />or <br />'he <br />Busin6s and Pbrcrsiorr Codc. lnd nry li..nsc h i.6ill fore ru crlc.r <br />caxslnlJcuaNtENlIN{iaclNl:} <br />IhcEby0finnn cr Fnahyofperjury rhlr rhcrc n a condtucrion lcndina a8cft, fttr rhc pcraornumcc o{th. wo r.r shi.hlhis Fnnn is <br />ksrcd (ss :109?. civ c ) <br />AIILICANLDIiIjIAAA.III'N <br />IlIfttyarmnr d.rrrnrlryoltrrruryotrcollhclolhwnrsdcclaruln,ns: <br />DcnolirnrnPcrnik Asb.dos N.rin.arionlrcdcril RcAnl ion\(lirlc40,l'rn6r <br />Rcqui'cJ I.(crol Nor'li.nrFi <br />l.cnilylh lhc Jadcralrceultrrionsrcgadin! nshcnos lcnrorJl xrc ior rf|,li.$bl. rhG Prctccl <br />-lccnilyrhsl <br />I hrvc rcrd rhis applicrrion'rlnrrcrlrar rlr rh*r inhrn idrircotr(r I rgrr ro comply *irh rll Cily aml Counly <br />$dion.irdhcrchylurlstrizcrcprc{nrrrivcs(,lrhisCiry d Counry k, cnrcr dlx n rh. <br />rtrc nEtrrioncd nrorcny n,r <br />/\ or ,\,tenl Sit n <br />l/ <br />l\4eter Release <br />A & P( lnr rhr rci\on. <br />24 <br />l-il.-'. AJ'l' - { <br />Vto <br />I <br />tt