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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECOHD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILDER DELCARATTON <br />I hcrcby nffirm undcr pcnalr, of I'crjlry rhur I d cxchfl tu,n rhd c.ntd.tom Lkcnt ti* fo, rh. r{'lldwing r.a$n 1scc.70l l .5 <br />Bu\inc$ aia Ptulcasion a)d.): Any ciiy or C.unly *hich rcquncs o pcrnril b conrltucr. nlrf, inlpk'vc, dcmlhh or rcn,t rn, <br />flcrurc, prir lo irs isudmc. nko rcquircs lhc ryplicunr lor slch ricrnnr b fi|.0 n8trcd slorcmnt thlllEorshc n licct\ <br />ro rhc Dnvthos ol rhc C.nt,.ror's Licctrs.d bw (Ch,pt.r ,, Conrmcrcins wirh Secrion 7m0 or Divhion J olthc Businu$ rtrd <br />Prnfcrqions Cod.) .r rhar h.oishc is cxcmp[hcrcfrom Md rhc hosn for rhc lllcscdernr nrn. AnyviolariotrofscclionTn]l 5 hi rny <br />spflicunr lor a !.rmn subjcclsrbc lppliclnrroacivilrEnrhrorn rmn rh,n fivc hundr.n dollltrs ($500) <br />1 .3 owrrr .r rtu pn,pcrty. or nry cmploy.cs *irh wlscr !s I hcir $h dmp.ns.rion, sill do rhc wort $d itE ntum is n.r <br />irtctrdcn o.oltcrcd for sL lSLi 7(144. Busi[c$ rtrd Pmfcssions colc: Thc Conrracroir l-kcny tiw docs nor ordy ro atr o$ncr of <br />rhcl)n,ttny *tuJ hdilds .r irrprorcs rrrmn. and who dm\ skh tr. hnnt.lforhcscll'o'rhmulhhisorlEr.wncmPloyccs. <br />provid.d rhlr such impmwn. s d mr irlcndcd or oAtEd nn strlc. ll ho{cver, rh. huildirg or iqmKntnl h sl] lirhin ono y.d <br />of.onlFhrnnr, ihc olncr Buikr willtnrc rhc l,lrdcn ol pmvins lhal hc or \hc did mt boild or iilrrort lhc PmPcny fd rhc puqss of <br />I.asosnci.rrhctmFdy..nrcxclusivclyconlraclinr*ilhli.cnsedconka.n)^b.on\lrucrrhcpNjccl(Sc.71lr4,Bu\iR$ <br />rnd Etrl6si,n Gdc: Thc Cont&roi s l-ic.ns. Lrwdocs noi $f lykJ ol pn,pcnlwh(' hdildr or nnfrovcs rhcrc.r <br />rnd who .onrhcrs rDr ru.h Imjcds qnh . conln ro(s) liccR.d pur\uinr h rhc com.t,\ Licctr* uwr. <br />latrr cxc ,Il undcr Sccr <br />TABII8IITOUIENIAIII}N <br />IIECI.ATAUAN <br />I hcrchyrlTn uiirr olrhc ftlhuin8 dccl.rarion\ <br />-l <br />huve ud*illmainrrn, C.nitlcar. orCotrscnrto Scll-ltrsu,c lor "ukc^ ..nv.hsrn'n,.s tmvidc{lrorb,Sccrnn:1700ordc <br />Ubor Codc. for rh. ncrtomme otrhc work ror *hich rh. n$nrir is issucd <br />I hrvc andwillnriolrin workcN compcnsorion insumncc- as rcquircd hy Sc.rn,n 1700 of rhc &bor Codc, fo. rh. P(formrk! of <br />rho *rk li1 trht'h rha p.mnr r\ trsum. M) worlcF' comtcniarii.n in.u' ..mrr Jftl Fl(y numbn rc <br />c"",. ' )\<*\<- ?.-r...r..c\c\\21 \S + <br />I ccdirrrhd in rhc lcrlarnmnccorlhc sort lor whichthh pcirnil G hsu.d.l \hru not.mrloy,ny p.non in anynunncr <br />{o s lo l$om suhid lo rhc wo.tcn co,.pcn\ bi l,ws or crlironria. and nercdh4t ir! should h-con{ subjd t,lhc <br />workcs'compcnsalionpiovhionsolScclionlT00otrhcl-trhnG)dc,lshnll.fof,hqithcomply*ilhrho{pDlitnr( <br />WAnNIN(; rrilurc n) rcurc s.rkcrl .onrFtrsrri r o\ctulc is utrhtiul. r \lrll \ub]..r ai c llnoltr ro crinrinrl FBlrlc! rnd <br />ciril finc\ u! hunddl rhousrtrd dollr\ (SlLx).UX)), ir !(ldilion h rhc (^r ol ronlBNrtiotr. dimgcs r\ pnrvnhd nr rhc <br />sccrionlgT6 orrhc Llx, Gxr.. ir crcsrDl{6.\'.5 n Aao .,."- <r-lcl\S <r.d.(-1l <br />DECI,AXAIION <br />t hcFbr rm.mhdcr pcnrh, ol pcriury fiar l.n li$ns.d und.r .,oision ofCtaflcr 9 (omdtidg {irh sdio. ?000) olDivhion l <br />of ltf, Busirc$ and Prcicsions Code. sxl my liccns h in tull ao,a aid elrdr. <br />(l) \1t -\ c\. <br />C!}IIBUIIIONIENIJING.trGEII]I <br />I lrcrcl,y ann'nundcr Fn'lry.rr.riu.ythd rhr. is. snsrtudion kndinS rscrcy for rh. pdr.rmnL! urihc vort aot shich lhis Frmh n <br />issucd rScc.3097- Civ. C.) <br />^ItLl!]INLlJllI <br />.BAuor <br />I lu!$yrin uftl$ I)cfrlry.l perjurr onc ol rh.lnlk)sinI dccirrrrion\ <br />Dc nilirtrr,Ic'nrirs A\h.!.( N.ri,i.arlon IiJcrrl Rcauhiid,! ( lillc l1). Irn6) <br />Rc(tuircd Lclrcr ol Norili{ri,n <br />l.cdiryrhrr rhc fc,lcrulrcguhrii)is r.Ei',lifg rsl{{os 'c rvalfu. f.rrt,fli.rblc 6rl,i\ fflIr( <br />ord frtrLrs rtrd Shlc trsrrcldin8 ion. ald hcrhy adhrik r.Fcscmllivc! oflhh Ciry and Counryro.nrd ur.nrlE <br />rtn,vc nrorioncd pnrlfny <br />Appti€nl or A[.nl SiAm <br />K_\q$4 <br />'E'Q. iE <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Lite Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solf it Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Bouoh) <br />[/eter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service NIeter <br />FINAL c " 2L-/9 J/rh-1,,cvr) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Communicalions Cable <br />Air Conditioners <br />\-=-- <br />Irnd..! Addtrs\: <br />-