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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ()1{Nf R IIUII-DI'R DI:LCARA'TION <br />I hcrcby arit undcr Fnrlry or l).rjury ihd I m.xcnU lilnr lhc O,nkrcbn l-iccn{ Ijw ro. rhc ,olLsin! rcavnr (s..70.11 5 <br />Br\inc* aid Pn,f.$iotr Codc) Ary Cily or Counry uht[ rcquirc lf,rmn kr con{rud. lllcr. imP(,vc, dcnnrli(h ,tr Elsir in, <br />nrudurc. priorro ns issulncc- aho rcquie\ rh. ln such lEnnil lo filc ! \istrud nllciMr rh.r hc or sh. n lic..\cd IrtrAxrnr <br />b rhc F)virn N urrhr Contracrolr Liccnrd Low (Chupicr r)- Connnctunr! wirI Secrion 7Ux) oi Diri\ion ] orthc Busirr$ and <br />PnrlsionsCodc)orthol hcorsh. iscr.mpr rhcrclio and rhc bari! for thc allcscd c(cnPrbn Adyvn,hrnnrolscrtnt'10:rl5hydy <br />!pl)licanrn, r pcmir suhjcc(rhc lt)fli.anrrorcivilpcnalryolnornrrcrhanfivchundrdldollrs(3500) <br />l. is owNr .l Ihc pm|Eny, or my cnulolccs lirh wascs ar lhct vnc conPcNdirnr. $ ill do lh. solt u'rl rhc sdtrrE i! tror <br />ic,xhl orofilrcd lor $k (Sa 7olt. Brsit\said Pmics\i{'nsc( c: Ttu Contrctr's Liccnsc l iw do.s nor amly ro ,n owns or <br />rhcfmFny who huild\ or nrvlx*r\ rlrcr6|n. lnd who ne\ su(n mrl hi'n{lfor lB\clfor rhmueh hh ot hcr osn cmfhyccs. <br />p'1,vticd rhorruch nry(rcnf,hn m kn inrcnd.d oroffcrcd fn s0lc ll hoscq rhc buildir8 or i'npbtnEnl is sokl sirhi'r .trc ,ttrr <br />ol.oruhbn. ilEOwncr Builicr *ill hrvc rhc burdcn.rpft,!i',8 rhd h. or shc dil ft,1tloild or in{8nt rhc lf)ltny {ir rhc PUrIn{ Dl <br />-1. <br />!so*ncrotrhcnxrpory,$vclr.onrn.r rB wirh li.ctrsrd .od n, .oNru.r rhc roisr (Scc 7Or4, Bunncss <br />rl Pt fssi Codc Thc(1,ntmcktr s L.iccnsc l nw docs nor rlplyt) rtrowns olfropcrry*ho buiktsor nnrrovc\ rhcr.on- <br />and *ho conrrichtur s..hfmrcriwirha Co roch(I liccn*d ptrlunr !) rhc Conuicrn.s Liccnsc ltrtw) <br />I r r.xc t, trDdcr Sccl <br />Dar.: Ovner <br />woR(rRs' colllPFNsaT(lN <br />DECLABAIIAd <br />I hcrch, arfirn trndci Fnaxy.rFrjuryonc ollhc rbllouin8 dcclurarion\: <br />Ihnvcmd*illnDinrrin.CcnificllcofConscnrloSclflnslrctorsorkcr'.omPcns.liotr.!rFovnbdftrbys.ctionlT0Oo,rhc <br />Lahr Codc, l'or rh. p.rrornme or rhc aork for *hich lhc pcrmir h h$.d <br />I lrrr.nd willnrainrain *o.kcrr compeor ion insurrmc. a\ rcquitodhyScctio.lTl)OnfrhclahorCodc,lorrhcpcrfomumcof <br />rl[ *ork for which lhh Ernril is hstcd My workus .onD.isrln{tricr andF,licy iu'nbddc: <br />t-lo0 N{q. <br />0cot31vqD3 /0,/.,,/t* <br />I ccnify rh.r in thc p.rfonmncc oirlr *ork lbr which rhn pcrmir i\ tsucd.l drll trol cnrploy ony P.^on i. any nBtrncr <br />$ $ to bcqnm subjccl kr lic *o*r^ ir'n liws .l Caliloiflia. ind agB rlEr it I \hould bNonE suhr..l ro rhc <br />workcF conlPctr\aii.npft,vhionsolSccriotr3T0OofrhcLlhtrCoic.lsh l. fonh*irh .omtly wirh thoc pnvili.ns <br />W RNIN(;: Farlurc to {cu!c workcrs cor.pcn\arion cortErc n unLqtnl. aM sh.ll suhjccl !n cnrdoy& to Lri,ninul Pemlrics md <br />civil fii.s tp io.ic hnndnd Ihous.nd dollan lS|OO.0O0). ryodd!tr,tr r, rhr (u{ or\o rtf,trqrion. tlln rc. r<,,mvitlcd l(,r nE <br />:::",- <br />- i ;Ei ; - T::,,-T:..+,.{ffi J,,-. a, e t <br />D[gJl uoN <br />I hcEby rlfinn hdcr Fmxy ol Frltrrylh linlicc.scdu cr flovisi(r oi Clrrpi& 9 ( wiih Sccrbn 70(]0 of DNision 3 <br />of rhc Businc\s ud Prorcsion\Conc, and 'nyli.cns. h ir tull lbrcc ffil cilccr <br />AC /a/ <br />,,.,, s /22//tr o/ey a-ra C ty <br />II]NIIBI]SIONTENDIIG.AGI'III <br />I h.Eby atfirm undcr Fuhrorpojutyrh,t rhcrc ir t onsrudion lcndins uccn.y ror rh. pdinirercc olrhc sork td which rhis lfrmit is <br />issu.d (Sec l097,Ci!. C ) <br />A.ITIICAILD&CLAMIION <br />I trn$t Jfm u ndcr pcnrllyofpcrjury od ofrh.lolk,winB ddlnnii(,n\ <br />D. i,lirt PcnntsAsh.sros Notifierion Fcdcral R.Errlnrion\ (Tirle 4{}, Pd6) <br />Rcquncd Lcrrer oi Nolili.att n <br />I ccn'fyrhrr rhu Ldcral rcBUhri,)ns rcstelirg trshcios rcnDlrl rr. urimli.0blc ro,ht Irrl$r <br />l.cdiiythd Ihrverc lhhapplic i,,ndd (arc rhdrhc rtx,vr iironnnlotr is cotrccr lJsreio.o.flywirhlllCirylndCoh'y <br />ordiirnccs md Srd.h*\ rclrri.g <br />rtx,vc nrnlioncd pmpcny nn <br />,\pplicnnl or ,\Aenl SiAtrstu <br />Pemile mn€ (Drintl:/"lrr <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsu lation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />[/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Cefiif <br />/olu//8 e Yt4,17'14,,/,r,2- <br />Certilicate ol Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />FINAL <br />Lr.dc, r\rn.:- <br />--------r------