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BUILDING. INSPECTOR HECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS 0\vNIiIi nt ll,l)llR DIal-('l\R,\ I ()N <br />I hcrchy sltnn undcr pcnllry (,f |irjlry lha! I 0n cxcmPr {mm rh. Cont!.ron Li.chc tjs lor rhc f.lli,wiflE tcrbn (S'c 70ll5 <br />llusincs lnd ltot sion Codt) Ary Ci'y or Cou.ry whth rcqunc{ r p.nnir b onsrtucr, ahcr. nnl)n!c- dcfrolisl 'r ENn mv <br />srtucrure, prior ro ns nsuotrcc- llro rcquircs rhc rytlicanr lor slch Frnrir b fiLr signcd {a'. rd rhd hcorsh. n liensd p!^unl <br />ro rh. provhion\ olrh.\ Li.enrd lie (Ch+rcr g Connncmin! wih Scction ?000 oi Divilion I olrhc susincs rnd <br />Prclision\ Codc) or rhnr hc or she n cxenfr rh.tcrtufl,nd rhc blsis iitr rhc trlhgcd cxcnurion Anv violariotrol SdrbnT0:ll5 hv mv <br />arpli.d n, a ll.rnir subj(ls lhc rtpli.n.r ro a.ivilFnonyornor ntrclhrtr li{c hlnd ldollds(S5, <br />-l- <br />a! osncr otrhc pbFny. or my cnil'loles wirh wigcs os rhcn 3nc con{xNition. rill do rhc so.t and ltr srdm is n'r <br />inr.'vl .rnrT.rcd nr $h lsdc.Tltll. Busincs und ltofc*i{'nt Codc TlE Coturcrols t-iccnsc h* does nor.nDlv lo an oqi$of <br />rhc pmpcny wh. buikls or iqroks rtrm.. { wh. rlms such *.* hnnscll or heMlf or rhr.ugh hk or her o{n cmi'Lvcc\. <br />1rn,t"a rta *.t inPnrvcEtrls N tror i' .filcJ.r oficNl f( qb lt htwcwr.llE huildi'tg oi iIr{rFrcnrnr is $ld wthinorc vtu <br />;r.onpLriol $c O*re, BuiHd will h.rc rhc ho,&n ot F,vins rhd h. or sh€ dil tror huikl or inlpmlc tlE lmFnv lot lhc puqD$ oi <br />l.isowtrcrolrhcnrutdry,r rcxclusivclyconta.ri'r!!irh)i..trsdconlrrdo^roconsrrucrrlEpftrjc.r(SN 7044. Bn\i"c( <br />und l\.li$b.Codc ThcCont6ctn s Li.unsc tjw docs nolaFPlykr atrowncr olnroPcnyNho huilds.r n prcvcsrhcrcon. <br />,M qho c. riclr for st.h pm}rls wilh a Contld{tr(s) li.ctrs.d t'lruor b rh. Conk0cl.r\ Li.{nsc tjw) <br />I nncxcmor uidcr se.rn,n-. B & P.c. forlht rc*o <br />Dsler, <br />woRxrRs colii'FNsarl(lN <br />I2ECLA.BdIIA! <br />I hcrchynlfifl,tndcrrtDrkyofrriryoncoirhcn LwinS Jcclirrlions: <br />-lhavcandwilluinrainaCcnificare.rCons..rk,sclf'nsurclirwork.^compcnsarione\F,vidcdforbvSd(ionl?IDo{rh'uh.r Codc. lor rh. rcrromncc ofthc wo,k lor shkh rhe Fmit k ksucd <br />I havc !.d will monrlain co,nPctrsarion in\urak., ds rcquncd by Sccrirn]TO0 ofrhc Lrbdr Cod..lorlhc prrfirmNn"'f <br />rh.wor*lorwhicnlhispcnnnisisscd.Myworlcts.ump.nsalioninsuEncc ricr and polic, nlnbcr ft: <br />Chro I'na o SL{ c( /}y <br />.AtJu u.,o lll HaR4 <br />-l.edilr <br />rhrr h lhc pcriorronc. orrh. vork for *hich lhis peilnir i\ issucd- I shull ior cmPlov rnv F-t$n i.,nv rldnrcr <br />$ s Io trrom subr.rr b rh. $orisi conrncnsar io. ltrss of clliforni!- lad a8N rh,l il I should hecom suhFl ro th' <br />rukcs' ompcnsart,i pneisions ol Sccrion ITOO of rhc trtatr Codc. I shrll. fo.lhwiih con9ly wirh rlss frovni{']ns <br />WARNING: F,ilurc ro sure sork *'.onwnsolion coveraEc ir u.hwtul. n \hill subFcl atr cmPlov.i ro di iml Pcn'ki.s Md <br />cnrl lincs up ro oft hutrdrcd rhou. J dulle! (Slto,u-y) in addiriotr Io rhe cos or.onlFn$lion du'hlcs 0s lnrirha rr rh' <br />sc(ri.r nroi,r rhc btq codc. mh'^r ,rdrqmy.lls __--- ---=<"') <br />*", Ql1L111x noo,$/ < -'&-"=:' <br />_.. u(E$I};DllrNr3aglr8 <br />DECI,Af,AIAN <br />I hcrcby .lltm u ndcr t.lalrr .l t rjury lhal I ur li(o*d undn lrovisi.n ol chrnl$ 9 (comntrci'rs wirh Sccl iu 7000) or Division ll <br />oi rhc susincss d Plofcsio.sCodc. md my liccnsc t i'r rlllldN md cficcr <br />4 I <br />*r" ,CLl 14Le <br />CONSTRIJCI'IIIN I FNDIN(; ACFN(]Y <br />I h.ruhyrfln undcr pcnlhyofPrjxrylhd rhcEnu con{rucrion lcndin8 rscnc, fttr lhc rcrl'ornumc ofrhcwork for shih thi\ Nrmil Ls <br />nsucd (Scc 1097, Civ. c.). <br />I. J"r . NIT <br />- <br />Lrr.'(,',. \,rt,.., __ <br />APPI ICANT DNCLAIIATI{ IN <br />I hcrby aflid und.r pcnlh y ol p.riury orc of lhc rbllowins d*kntions <br />Dcnmlilnrn Pcnllnr Asb.slos Notificarion F.dcnl Rcgulations ('Iirlc40 PmlO <br />_Rcquir.d brtcr olNolifi calion <br />-lccnilyrhlr <br />lhclcderdnSll ions Eso'ding astrnosrcmvalarc nor +Ili.lblc l{' lhhlhFr' <br />-l <br />ccnilyrhd I rcld lhn ftli.arion md narc rh rhc !}x,v. inrornd ion h.onc.r' l 4N lo conplv *irh all Cirv and Couniv <br />odnDtuBsndslarc t ws Elarin! ro bxilding conslructio.. md h.dby nutho,i4 Eprc*nrariv.s ofthh Cnv dnd Counlr lo cnrcr trt" rhc <br />,*-:,-:..,-:;"u*'"81 <br />p"trr** ".,;n , W D#|11 Sheclr o," <br />*,., q//4/ii <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulalion <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulatron/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext.[nt. LaiD tdelt$T,, <br />^N\-utY-g <br />,) <br />Brown Coat U t\v <br />[/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL r2l24ltfr :I\-r.7t--yt r"l,dz> )urCertif icate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Flemarks, Etc.