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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNTTR BUtI,DER DEI-CARATION <br />I h*chy rmrm undcr pc.oll! ol rrj!ry ih, I an, rmnr rhc Cotrt.croF Licen* l,rs nr rhc ft,ln,wirrB icnsn {Scc 70ll 5 <br />Busircss rftl Profc$ion Cndc): Aiy Ciry or Counry which rcqun s 0 [Ermir lo on{ruci. tr|rfi, nrymvc, dcm'lish ,tr rcP'n r'y <br />srrucrurc, piux, irr i$u4.d. o rcqnncs lhcaPplicnnt tor such ncnnir ro lilcasigncd nnl.nt lhalheorshc i\ li..nscd N(nmr <br />to rh. ptuvhions of lhc Conrrocrq \ Liccnsed l-aw (Ch prcr 9. CunrmcEin! wilh Secrn,i 7(lxl of Divi\ion .1 or rhc Busine* rid <br />Prnt$ion! Cod.) .r thar trorshc tcxcryt lhcrcliorrtrdlhc bo\i\ turrhc allcg.d crcmrrio. Any violsrionolSc.rbnT0ll5 bynry <br /> for.t rmir bjedslh. Ttlicrnr to tcieilrcnrlryofnor nbt rhin fivc hu.drcddolltu\ ($50t)) <br />L i\ owmr or rhc Iolcny. or my cm,,loyccs wirh wascs rhct {,lc .omFnsdion, rill do lhc w(n k drl rtr (fr1urc i! nor <br />intcMol or oflcrcd tur slc {Sa 7044, Busines\ nn'l Prorcssions Codc: 1 tu l-iccfk l ls des nol opplr ro an ownd of <br />rhe pFncdy who btilds or imnrov.s thcistr. and who (lms su$ 'ork hinr.ll or hcisclfor rhouAh hn o. htr owncntPloyccs. <br />provid.d rhdr such impmvcmnl\ arc m, iirc lsl d otlircd for $lc lt hoBcEr. riE h{iuinS or inr8rcnrnr is s'ld q iihin .It <br />ofconlpbrhn, rh. Osftr Buikls *illtflvc lh. hurd.n.l prcrins rtlt hc or dt dil mt boil] or irrttovc rhc PmFny ior th. put[nt ot <br />I..sowncrolrhcpropcrly-"mcxclurivclyco.tscringwirhli.cnscdmnlrrr'Fn'on{ddrh.Frojc.l(Scc ?lx'l Btr5itus <br />aid Pmlc\\ion Cudcr Thc Conrrrctor's Liccnse Llw docs norryply t, nn owncr offropcnywho brildr.r imrrovcs rhcrcon- <br />lnd *ho.ontErsforsuchptulcchwnh,ctIlth.ttr(s)licctrscdpusu n b rhc cd{i,.rors Lacnsc L!w) <br />Dii^id.d lnr hr_ s(r. l7lx)olrln' <br />trlhr Con.. ktrrlr NrfonMn.c ol <br />/' <br />I hcrch) rl,nnr undc' pcnJlry ',rpcrjdry'.ic <br />' DticltBAuax <br />of thc LlbwlH! dcchrdri(iN: <br />-l <br />hrv.n qillmainrainrCcniturrcorconsc0lr' sclr.lnsurc for sorlcr'comp.ns nr. rs <br />htrtr C.dc.lbrlhc lrcrfornEnccol'lh. *ttrk for whichrh. fr rir is issucd. <br />,l hrvcrnd *ill mnn rin w.rkrs' cnnDc.s.lion rnrumrcc. is tcqut d fiySccrion l70Ool rhc <br />rhc qo lor uhici lhh Frmir i\ i$ucJ. My workcr{ .onfctrsatn'n iNuru..c crnicr tukl Flicy n <br />Icrnifyrhrrnrrhc|{rLnrnDccoirhcsorkn)rwhichrhi\p.mirisn{Nl,Irhalln.rcmpl,)yanyFcho. rnyn nrcr <br />s mrobccom sut'jcd hft so'koJ.onrlcnsnri(,r hqs or Calilbrnir. uRlaStucrlrr il I shoulJ h.conE rhicd b rl'c <br />$orkcn conrl,cn\arionpn)!i\ioi*orScctiuD 37mofllt trborCodc,l rhrll. lnnhsnh.oD y Birh rhosc Provi\nnN <br />WARNING: Frlurc ro {.urc worlrcrl <br />rivil linc\ uf t,.n hundrcd rhouslnd <br />comNnxorin covcra8 n lnh*rul. d slull suhjccr atr cnDby.i t, nimiul pcmllic\ rnd <br />doll \isl )-fiX)). jn 3ddirnni ru rh..on oi.orltn\rrn,f,, da.';:::'i1l[ru17 <br />I hcrcl,y ailtnr !ql( pcnalry ul p.rjury thal I anr lietr*al und€r prcvirion or Chlrrd 9 lco nmnc i,rs *irh SFr i,n 7flx)) ol Dilision I <br />ol rhc Busircss and Prcfesn,B Codc, arn my liccn\. is in lill for.r aRl cllsr <br />(:oNSTNUCT!oN I TNDING AC9N(]Y <br />I hcrchydfirnrunds p.nalryotp.rjuryfial lhcrc isrconsrru.liotr bndinsrr. !lorrhPcrto.motrccorrhe*orknrwhi.hthkJEnnilt(sucdlsc. l0)7. Civ. (: ) <br />Lndcr's Addrcsi <br />- <br />AIILISANLDEII.ABAIION <br />I [nby dtirnr undcr pctralry.rrcrjury otrc olrhc folkrtrirS dcclflrtions: <br />Dcnrlirion Pc nirrAsbcsros Norificlrion Fcd*ul R.ruh'nJns arith 40, Pn 6) <br />R.quncd ktt.r of Norifi c!,t n /,,- <br />l.cflrlirhrllhcledcrulrcsulari.n\R!rd'nsa\If,(o\rcntr.lrr.rrqrdicrhlcx,rhi\pn)iccr <br />orlimn.c\ n Srrrc I rssruLrii! ro btrrld,D. n lrcrch)_ nrho't.'.1 ymdCourryt, ctrrcr uBr rhr <br />^,rlPQtS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER /o-/ -/8 J)- [.nr+-w ) <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solfit Rouqh <br />Ceilinos (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />[/eter Release <br />Rough <br />FINAL /04-/g J"/"JrtGr' <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />DATE <br />Communications Cable <br />Service l\ileter <br />il$vc nrfliurL'd J'loNny lbr <br />--------r------