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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WOBK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUIT-DIiR DELCARATION <br />I hcrchy rnirn under pcnalry ,)r n{rjury rh,t I !n cx{mpl imm inc ConlrucxrF Li.cns. Li* ror rhc iollosins reav,n (sc.70ll5 <br />Blsincss lnd PRrrc$ion CLdc): Any Cil, or Counly which rcautcs a |xrtuir k, (n$rrucl. 0llcr. inprclc. d.nrlh[ or rcIln rnv <br />{ncrurc. trin r. irs issud.c. sle rcquircs lh. upplicanl ror s!.hFnnir ro fib! signcd slalcnEnl rhar horihe hJienscd lusuanr <br />ro rhc ,rovnions nl rhc C.nrlcroas Liccnsed hR (Chrrtcr 9, C.mmcming *irh s..rion 7uxr.f Divnion:l of(hc Susincs rnd <br />Pmfcsiotrs Codc) nrIhlt hc or shc i\ ci.$pr rhcrcliod md rh. b3ris fo. thc 6llc3cd crcn{rio. A y viohrionolSccri.,oT0ll5 byan! <br />applictrnr lu a !.!nrir subj(hrh. Vllicotrr lo ocivill[Mllyotmrnffcrh,n fivc hundrcddollds (5500) <br />L !s osncr or thc lmlEny. .r nry cmpk,y.cs wirhwslcs * rhcir $lccoDPcn\dion- uilldo rb. work.nd <br />'lF <br />(ulm t n.r <br />inlcndcd o,oficicdfo!{lcISL{701.,1,Busirrcs0ndftonssionsCodc'lhcCo.t tr\ Li.ctrs L{q nm\ nor Jrdy lo ,n owncr ot <br />rhcrmldy who huilds or iq,mv6 rhccr. md qho d(B suh worl hinr.lfor h.rsclfor rhou8h ht or h.r o*ncmplovNs. <br />Iblid.d rhar skh inpmvcnEnls e nor inlcnd<l or ollcEd f{tr slc It ho$crcr lhc buikling or iryrcwnrnl is sld wirhin onc )ttr <br />olconlphrion.lhc Owncr Builiid *ill hvc rlI t Rlcn of pmling rhd heorsnc dii e, buiu Dt nq,oit lhc PDP.iy t rrh. PuqrEol <br />l. N ownrr or rhc ,r,t,M,. !Dcxclusivclyconrrlclin8 wirh licci*d .ontr{.i.n ro con{dcr rhc Ft,Jcd (Scc 7014. B!\io.s <br />nrt ltofsshnCodc:'t hc Conta.ttr \Li.cnsc tj* docs olnptlyloano*ncrorlnrncilywhohuildsorinrpovcsrh.rcon. <br />rnd who c.ntrt tur su.h prcFls sirh ! Colrrcxtr(\) liccn{d lo rhc ConrBc'ois Liccnsc rrw). <br />I rmcxcnpr rtrd.r Sc.l*".Q-t{-tY <br />I)!,:EI AR,\ IIIIN <br />I h.rcby rllirr un,lcr |tdrlryof|[rltrryonc ol rhc lollowirB dccl4xinnrs <br />Il[vc!dwill'nrinroirtrCcnificrrcolConsctrrbSclflnsurcntr\orkltsontPcnsrrbn.rpn,vidcdforhySccrn,n]7m.frhc <br />trt-r Co!.. ror rhc of rhc $olk ior which lh. pcrn,ir i\ i\\trcd <br />rhc $ori l(trwhich rhi\p.nnirir nsad MysorkcrJ co r$nerion irrstrrr..trri.r (l FltrJ_ nu Nhcr ar. <br />Poli.y Numb$:-Exp <br />Iccnilirhar nrIhc lcrrofln'ncc oi rhc *ork lbr whichIhi\ pcrnn ir i$ucd.l rhrlltror cnrPbysnyl.r\ inan,monncr <br />s as ro subjd lo lic hrkc .o'npcnsdion hws oac0lilbirrir. and trgruc ihrl if l should hetomc suhFd ro rh. <br />qorrcn co.rFns.lionpn ionsorscdn ]7morrhc bh, C'odc.l stsll. fonhwirh .onDly wirh thos pmvisions <br />WARNINC: Flilurc t scurc workcE ompcn ion.ovct{sc is nnhwrul. aM shall subicl an cmploy.. ro oi,ninnl Penohi.s mn <br />kr orc h!.dred thousand dolles lsl{xl.t{Ij). h addnnr" ro rh. cos ofcomPcnsli.n. da@8.s .s rrovidcd ir lhc <br />Sc.ror ll)76olrh.l rtttr Codc. nrurnnDd <br />DII!/!&!I.LD <br />I hr'.hj- rllnmu d.r trmlry.l|{r undcr f)vnior ol Chirrc!, (comnf,ncing wirh Sccliotr ?$10 ofDiehnt I <br />oi lhc llusincs\ rtrd P(,fcs\n,n\ (bdc. irrd myliccns is in aull ftn.. afrl rlrccl <br />-" 4-11- IY (.rhc,.r <br />STJ,IJAIJCI]ONTENDTdCIAENCI <br />I hcEby alnrnu.dcr rEnahyofp.rjoryrhat rhde is a connrucrion hndirs ascn.y io. rhc tElonmmc ollhc wor* for whth rhn I)e mir h <br />issucd(se 1097. civ. c ) <br />A.STLLCANLDECLAI{IION <br />I ho$y nfllrm u ftl$ pcnilly ofperjuryonc orrhc rollowirg dc.ld,rtuns <br />Dcm,lirion Pernns Ash.sos Notincarion fcnerul Rcsulationl (Tirl.4). PM6) <br />Rcqutcd htr.i ol NoIff,olbn <br />lcdcral rcgx trr io n s E8urd ing ostEslos rcnrolal arc nor lpplicrblc ro rhisl)loFl <br />lnncl. this rpllirri.i md nrr.rhdrhcahtrc i inndiur i\cotrccr IrSrNr.conrPly!ilhlllCirytridCouflly <br />r(. I r(\ i.IrinB k] hn,Ldi'rg (oDq,u.1(i. xtr ruthori.c rcprc(nhrircs olrhh Cnyond Counry kJ cnr$ u|rcnrlx <br />"-,._lu <br />lZ,nrl ^,", <br />q.-lt-lY <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf looriVenVl nsulation <br />Rool Sheathino <br />Shear Wall <br />Framino <br />lnsu lation/E ne rgy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coal <br />lvlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL I t-// - /9 t>CrV) <br />Certif icate ol Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.. // ^J/^ / ) >',-.-< <br />--- <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />/.atz <br />*",Q- tt--Lk <br />L,' "lr' . AJJ'i$ <br />- <br />----+---