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PLUMBING.INSPECTOB RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS oWNER BUII,DER DELCARA'f ION <br />! hcrchy ailnm und.r p€mlly oI Eriu.y rhd I m crcmpr runr rh. Conllrk,r t-iccnsc tiw rff rlt lnllowi,rs rc on (Scc?Oll5 <br />hninc$ and Pronrsion C{ .): Ah, Ciry or Cuu , Rhtrh r.iuncs o pcrmir n, ..nitu.r. .hcr. in{m'c. d.mli\h or rcpat tuy <br />tocrur.. pri{, b irs i*uM.c. nl$ requncs thc qrplictr0r lnr strch |*ir n tu fih r siBDcd sutcnrcnr rhar hcor \hc t liccn{d pursu{trr <br />ro rh! pnr'i\ions ot rhc\*d hw (Chn0rd 9. CoatmcminE {irh Sd.ri(m 7Ux) ol Divkn,n :] otrhc Bo\nt.rlrnd <br />Iloli\\i',ns Codc)ur rh.t hcorshc tcxcnrpr lhcrcliomund lhcbI\i\ fdrhc tll.gcdcxcrnPtion Anr!idrrioiofSc.ti)tr70ll5byrny <br />,ptlrrnr ronpcrnrir nrh,.cs rhc rrplicao( ro !civilpctulryortur nDtcrhrtr litc hundrqlilollr\ (S5(x)r <br />-1. <br />as o{er of rhc rrbtEny, or n, envrloyer wilh *!ss ns thcn mk @npctrq&L will do llE uGt atd rhc snd@ ic rcr <br />iflcded or ofl.Ed for sh (Sc.?044. Blsinc$ and PtDfcssions Cidcr Thc C.ntEclols Li@nE kw d@s nor npply to an owm! of <br />lh. nmrEny *ho hrilds or irobrs lrEmn, sd who dG Mt sd{ tiNlf 6t hcsll or thsu8h his or hcr orn c'nployccs. <br />lmvid.d rhal such in{mwds @ hr hrdd.d or olr.En fd ilc. ll lsvffi. llE blildi.g d iqrnrcEd h $ld $ilhin orc yct <br />of@rlpbli.r. rlE Owft. Bujldc wil havc llf, hodcn ol[oving lh,l hc o, she did nol build or iq'mrc thc pqfty fo. $. pu4rs oa <br />-1. <br />os owr of thc rropeny, o$ivcly onlnclins th liensn io sniru.r llE Pm,..l (S(.7Ot4. Bus.cs <br />@d Fd6sir codcr Tlrc Coflrmlor's LiccoE L.w docs mr qtply ro e owncr of ProFny *ln builds or imptoKs lhcmn. <br />and who ootrulr lor soch lhjek {ilh s Cof,rRto(9 lic.ns.d 0!6unl to lhe ConlMro, s Lienr kw} <br />-l <br />dmcxcnfl !nd.. sedio4_.- B. & P.c. for this @s, <br />Dol.:- orkr: <br />1408f,Ef,t:coMfrNtArx.l! <br />DECI.AIATO! <br />I hscby .fiirm lndcrycnslry of !.rury orc 6l rhc lollowine delmliois: <br />Ihr!crdwillnni 0intrCcnilic!rcotConicrrk'Sclflnsxrc r sorkcri.onDcnslri(trr. rt Ir.vnhd ior hySccri.n.]7(x)otrhc <br />l:,htr C(xlc, br rhc pcrrorntrmc o I lhe rut lor $hich rhc pcmir i\ nrucd <br />-l <br />h!rc md will @inllin woltcs conpcNrlion insoDftc. &. rcgli .d by Selion 37m of lht L{b6, Code , lor ih. pcrforme of <br /> t nscn. My * @mpctreii.n incuramc .ricr .,n poky fllnbs d: <br />-l.cnity <br />rhdr i6 th. pcrforflurcc oflhc vork lo. *hi:h rhi$ lcrn k ksu.d.l shrll rcl cmploy any pcMn in an, monmr <br />$ !s ro subirr ro rtr *o*c6 codtEosarion l0ws or Californi( rnd ose lhtr ifl srsuld sbirr lo llt <br />*ortqs' sqrcnsrion ,nvisioos or Sdrion 1700 ai lhc tihor Codc. I rutl. torlh{irh mq,ly *nh lhos pmvnion. <br />WARNINGT Frilurc to surc w( en'codpcnsdrion .ovdaec is unlnqful. and shlll slbjer u. cnDlorcr nr aimiul lEdlrks dnd <br />in sddniotr to rlE cosr ol.onpc.snlion. &mBcs as <br />Ihcrcbyrfir.rututcrpcnnhyottrcrjurythirI!'nliccnvdtndcrnn)visn.rClrfrcr9(.onrtncingsirhs..1itrrtxl(,ofl)i\i\iotr.l <br />.l rlt trnsinc$ rnl lhru\\ioi\ (td.. drd my li.cnr is in lullhrccudctltrr <br />- <br />Corlnclor: <br />CONEIAUqBI,NIEIDINCAGINCI <br />I hcEby alnrm undc. lcnrlry 6r p.rjury lhar rh.rc is . snsldction lcndin8 lsci.y ror rhc Frtbrnuncc oi thc wo.k Lr whi.h lhk i\ <br />isuedlScc .i097. Civ. C.) <br />landca\ Natu: <br />- <br />AI&,ICAITLDDIIAXAIIA! <br />I M,y nliian undcr [tnalry or n rjxry onc ol rh. ftn hwinS dcclsrrion\: <br />Dc'nolirionPrirnih.AslicsrosNorincurionF.d.El RcEUhrnrn\(TirL l0. PM6) <br />Rcqxncd blrcr ol Nolifrnrit <br />-l <br />eni, rnd rhc fcdcdl Eglhribni E8{rlinE 6be slo. EmEt rc rcl q,Ilkabk lo $k lmiIl <br />fuxtI havc 6!d rhh applicoiion sd slat. lh.l rhc ahvc inlorndion ir coret. I !8rc lo mryiy snh .U Cny lnd Co! y <br />are LNr El,rilB ro building conslrucliotr. en hcrcby ofrhis Ciryand Counrl lo c.t.r upon <br />!t !c mnr ioncd ,rep.ny lor insperion <br />,\ppllco or A, Sicmlur:AYNVT <br />UNDER GHOUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underlloor <br />Buildino Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarilier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipino <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Rool Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Bough Plumbinq qt +lt 27 Rl?n+* <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL l- r?- rs J),-(/;rg <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Final Gas Test <br />r.\ \-u. <br />**:Wa?'.tqq,';;:,. <br />-------T------ <br />-------T------ <br />r-----f----- <br />=