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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS ()t\NuR Bl ILDTR D|LC,\R\ll(rN <br />I lEEby .fiirm undcr pcnslly of lEriury llEl I m.rcnpl fmh lh. C.nrracioB' Lt.nF L3w aor tlE follo*irg Ea$o (Se,7bll.5 <br />Aosincss und Profesion Codc): An, Ciry or Counry qhth rcqlires ! F mn ro .onsro.L !lr(. ioprovc, d.mlnn or rcp.n .ny . <br />srklEc. Drhl ro irs issue.. rho Equncs lh. lbr ruch lEmit to lih a si8ncd slalcm lhal lr or sh€ h lkcn*d pu^uel <br />to thc pmvni.ns of rn€ Cont6toas Lhcnsd Llw (ChapE 9, Comtuncin! wirh Sc.tio6 7000 ol oivision 3 oflt. Ausincss and <br />Pelcsitunr Cod.) or rhar l* or shc i. ex.npt ihcrcrron and iE b6.k fo, ih. dl.gld cxcn lion. Any vi,hlioi ofSelion ?0.'l,5 by ony <br />0pplica for a p.mir subj.{ls lh. ry,rliclnl to a civil ,En.ny of mr mrc lh!tr fivc hund6d douai (t500), <br />-1. <br />&r owr otrlE nreltny, d n, cmploJcs }nh M8$ er rh.t sk @mFtrqlion. wi do ll! wort.d tlx cnf,le is tul <br />i.krdcd o. o$crcd for eh (Se.7044, BNimss .rn PrcfBsio6 Codc Thc Co ,!clo s Li.cn5 L{w d..s Dl ,}pl, 16 osncr of <br />ths,ftI,eny alF hr ds or in!,hrs rhc@tr dd sh. dc Mh ell hio*lr or h.rsc,a or rhmugh his or hs own.mpLyccs, <br />providdl rhrt sMh impmsmnls @ ml inic.dcd r ofi.Ed lor lf, homrcr.lhc toilding or inipmwd h sld vilhin onc tEr <br />of.ouplcrion. tu O*ner BliLLr will hrvc dE hlihn of prcvirg lhll lE d rhe did rcl boild or inpbw {E l,Dpciy ror dt puPo* of <br />-1. <br />!s o*n.r of rh€ pmFny. .m crclusircly conrstinS wirh lia.kd onlretou ro con(rud rhe rmifl (S(. 7(x4, Burift$ <br />rnd Pr.ltsi{ Codcr Thc CorkNro. s Lkcnse llw dms nor apply lo on o*ncr of FroFny wto builds or imprcEs lhcr€oo, <br />lnd who o mcrsfor slchllmi(ls *irh 3 Conhcro(9liarsn lusuanr ro rh. Co r..lois LiceM tjw), <br />l oncxcmlr undcr Scctio a &PC lirrhhrcrv'n. <br />IIOBTEf,SIAMIENSAIII}! <br />DECI.ABAIION <br />I hcrcby trflirm und.r Fnally ol pcriury onc of lhc folhvinS d(1,-dions: <br />llvculqillmrinr3innC.nifi. .ofC.nsc hSclfln$ronrworkcr\..oDrpctrsdion.rslnovnlcdturtySccrion.]7( olrhd <br />lrtxn Fnormtrncc.frhc w.rk n $hichrhcprfl ir is isucd <br />trn*""t"'rr'n"n.,n".rk.n\rnncn\,,n'n.uirncc.rsrcquircd6ySccrii,n.lTtX)oarhcLJhorCod..LrrhcpcrlonnaNcoi <br />thc wrk nn wlichthr Fcnnil is nsud Myworkcn .onrpcn\rrnr insurln c.nrtr mrl loliynumlB dc <br />Stert+ G'v..! <br />Qzrl35 3 \ -)Stzb /lt, <br />I ccnitr rhar i, ihc p.rr.mncc oflh. wor[ for which rhis pcirnir is issucd.l sholl onl cmploy anyF.ion in any m.n.r <br />e as ro lrom subJ€r ro rh. eo*dl onlEnerion kws .l Calilodia, ,!d dgec lhrt if I slruld beom subiLrl lo llE <br />ertc6' o'npcnsrion provision! of Sftiio. 1700 or rhc kbor Codc, I .h,U. ronhwnh mmply wilh ll[E pmvishns.. <br />WAf,NING: Fdturc l. su. work r' snp.nsarion sv.mgc is unl,wtuL Md sholl subitl o ery'loyd lo aiminal Fmlrix and <br />.ivil fin.s up ro oe hundrrl lhousnd dollm ($loo,OqJ), in addirion io lhc cosl of co,pcnsslior, datu8ci .s l,tovtdcd to, $e <br />s..ri.n 1076 olrhe tllbr C6dc, iorcrcs end arbmy s l$s. <br />LICEUTEDJONIAACIUB <br />u&qlaaa.rlt!! <br />I hcrcby atltm undcr pcnalry of pc.jury rhar I d ti.cnrrr rndcr F)!i\ion orchlprd 9tcorImminB qirh Scclion 7()(x)) oaDivision.l <br />oi lhc BusiEs lnd Pmltsions Codc. ud myliccnsc h ir lull forlt I cltirr <br />)o I f?.?t <br />call.iml!:1laNuilDllilirl(ilrNl;I <br />I hcrcby iinn uDacr pcNlryol pcrjury lhri rhcc h r condrucrion knJin! +cn.y tur rhc lcrfuxurrc olrhc wor[ Lr whi.ll rlrn Frinir i\ <br />issucd (Sc..3{}.)7. Civ. C.) <br />atfucrNlDlictAxrua! <br />Ilmhyfin!u dq prnally oipcrju'yoic ofrhc iall,,ain! dcchrnrior\: <br />Dcnrlirtri Pcnnir+Ash.n.s No'i6crtion lrcderulRc,rtrhrirtrr\ (lnlc (). Pr i) <br />-Rcquncd <br />l.cuer ot Nolificari(n' <br />_l ccnity lhrr rhc fcdcrllr.srhrionr (80din! rb.{o\ rcnx,vJ n ior rfdi.!$lc lo rhis,,oicr <br />At ""niiy,hn, t tu,".oa,li\ rpplicnlion ard shre ihd rhc ahorc inrorrorion b.!n{'ly wir[ rllCirylnd Coutrl, <br />o nHkcs rtr,l srdc Lnws EldinE ro buiklins conrru.r io nd ncrcby aurktrizu r.t,.{nrarivcs (,l rhh Chy nnd counrt ro cntcr up rhc <br />rhovc nrntiotrcd ln,pcny for insnccl i( <br />'n <br />purnts <br /> .r Agctrr Sien,uic <br />Atl";tlc. <br />Appliances <br />t\Ietal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />lVlisc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room i Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Ducl <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinqs <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech.</!l/ls ,w atEdfll <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 9B '/tl 5-;* <br />^tE*t< <br />K <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />*", D /(o /13 <br />,,,", 5rlo // E .*",.,.. <br />trnd.r'r Nrm: <br />- <br />6/lo//6 <br />t---f--[-----f------ <br />tl <br />t---+---