<br />I hs.ty tlfm uEla Flhy of Fjury lha I @q@l, 6!m lh. Con|n.lm Uc.n! t e 6rlh.ftJlbwi,| ren (Sc70t,.5
<br />BurilB .i Protubn Cod.): Aly Ciry d Coidy ettn E+iE . FEi ro drdnrl. .!a. i'!FDtr. dd6h d rqri -y
<br />nnElEe FFr lo tu iltlre.. &. nrqli6 t epltat &rr Mh Fnn ro nk . rtn d nra6r $i hc or tE ir lic@d pt ret'
<br />ro rh. Fovirir6 ot 0E Co.E .lor'r LieM.d L* ((t4ia 9, CottlltErin3 trnh Sdbi TOOO of Diviio! 3 ol tic &aiE -d
<br />Prot6i,N Co&) d $r t d llE i! a.ofl lhadlo.'d r b-i hr dE.lkScd 6@Bi[ A!, vi,bi@ olsclbr 7Ol1., br.!,
<br />lprlioa for . Fnh rbrcr! rh. .rpli..rl lo ..ivil pa yof st trmrbs liv. hudr.d dollr. (ltoo).
<br />_1. r o\rE oalh. Ircpary, or my o110,6 win *.a6 a th.ir $L @EFFdiotL wiu & r!. @* dd 0E sl.n! i 6l
<br />inord.d (otu fE rL (Sc.rol,l. B{i6.d Prcb.irE Co& TL Corrr.dd . Li!* L&.rE dl Sl, lo n otG ol
<br />0E FlFry rtb biLl d ilFDr-rlE@ d wlD dG trt Kt nirdf or harlaor ll!D'l3n hir d !d om 6pbtt ..
<br />FDvi.Ld $d *t hq$ltla & Dr iiad.d dotu 6..1.Il ho*@.llE hiLlitra tr irF!@r i Eld dhn' d ]E
<br />oa.q4qi!! lhc orE &litt *iU h.Eo.hnbof Flr4dr lldLtld Dt h{ild riqwtt FtFq &.6.F F..of
<br />-1.aoleofrt
<br />FlFry. dd.hliv.ly@rtEir sitt ti.@.d@drEtdlro @trfiar rt Fni.d (S-. 7044. IrnE
<br />.rd &Dt-{ Co&: ltrc Conhdoar liB. trw doa mr Tpry ro r NG of FoFry eto hil& or iEFova lhaai.
<br />&d *tb 6nndr &. rd Fois *in. CoGEd(.) lild Ffla !o O. cdrn<rd.r lic t s}
<br />D.r. ormr ll,8lif,&rgtrf[]talar
<br />DI(l6A/rrIQ!
<br />I hs.h! rllirm unls F! r! olpqurr !k of rh. hllN\m3 d(hr.hnr
<br />-l
<br />h!v. rd will miDr.in . C.nia@r. oacoDgr ro S.lf-l.!@ aor mrtdt @ pa.rioi, B Fvidcd aor tys*rioi 1700ofrlE
<br />L.td Co& 6r tlE FfollE. ot $. r.rt fd *ii:n rlE F6i ir ir,.d
<br />_l h.t. Dd *ill otx.i. E 6' coop@dio. i6'ec ! Eqi.d by Sdbi 1700 of tL t t r Co& 6. ttc F&.!rec of
<br />t& wt 6. snth ti FDn ir i.r.d M, &qta @E9drbo iErc nir -d,olt, dDba G
<br />zd otl
<br />Ll(r:slrr,!)tlli!-rc-Bu}.lr!&\uu:
<br />I hdby !f,im undd pdrXy of Fjury thn I o lica..d uds tmatio. of ClI.Bs 9 (@@ci.g wnh Sclb! 7000) of Divirion l
<br />or rlE ociE tn PD&rd.'6 Coda .n E, [.c ir i tull bc .n crtul
<br />?_t c1A cto
<br />l(drl\ih(tr'rl'.r'nr n.rtnrl'.\o'Int\h'.hrhAt).'ti,r(^\'r(l.ln l nrrrn'f.r,r\l{'\t'n,n'\rrx r0
<br />Nrt6' ohFa.li.n Fovtiod ofseli.n 1700 of{E l,EE ('ode I ilull. fonh$nt onpl, shh lhor Fo!nbN..
<br />wAtNlNG F.itur ro at 6id' oEFIion ovEB. i u wtul. rd tldl slixr e dploF ro qini.d pa.l- -d
<br />civil fi,q o, ro oc b@.hd rl6!&d &llit (i100.0@), i! .ddni,n ro tlE .od of onEorioc d.ue6 . Foed.d fo, tlE
<br />sdn. 1076 6lrl'c lr[o. c.da imd rd
<br />L/t e/tl Iu,z-LLt'
<br />(qlsrBlrcnol(llllllolc[dr.a
<br />I hally .lI@ uxlq parly of Fiury rtd ttc n r @Ern6rbn ladrB .gcy er E F'tmc of rh. srt br d'in thii Fna ir
<br />iqd(56 1007, civ. C.).
<br />I h.rdy ed u& p6rly of Fjuy oE of ll.. bllosq &.Lrb6:
<br />Darotion P@ire^lhdor NorilicaD. r.&i.l R.slbrion, (ThL a0, Por6)
<br />-R.q!iEd
<br />Ldlr of l'lori6.rir
<br />I ca'li rhi rh. t dsJ ,tguldio6 ,t3rdinr ddr6 romr.l r. Nr tpdi(!U. ro rhi' FDj.tr
<br />rhd I tn. iad llir pplt:rioo nd ru. thr tII .tov. itrfotubtr ir cdret I {c ro otr'pb unh d Cn, .!d Co6r,
<br />ad $d. t,w Eki.a ro hrildi,C odMi'^ ,n ha.by.u.ioria E .sr.iv6 of $n Cny.d Coury ro drr
<br />'pon
<br />rlE
<br />Appliances
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace ,J-"/,64Atv*/r>-
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />lype ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Rough Mech.4rxlq €*w*/o>
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />th*hd Gf\of*I dL.--'
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />.hov. MriorEd FoFry lor
<br />Applicer r ASar SitEru.:
<br />P@iedE{Fb):J *., t/ Lel/ I
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />FINAL
<br />l,ri.r'r Ad&6 _
<br />t6r sUFl lo tlE w 6 orp@rbr Ls of cd!6mi rn +R rl! if I rhould bcod sqd io llE
<br />T+t+
<br />^/
<br />H
<br />r'+-
<br />a-L'/e