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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL Z-?4-ll -'r%W <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNER BUII,DER DEL('ARATION <br />I hqct, .ffm uid6 F.!.1t, of Fjurt rh,r I @ aan9l tlE lh. Conlr..roE Lic..e trw,orrhc follosr't rd3.(**70ll5 <br />BciDd rn Profshn Cod.): tuy Cny or C(dy qt'th Equic . Fnr b odtud, .nd. irFolc ddmlah or rgrn ey <br />nnrt6.. Fo ro ir. i!le., !16 GqqiE rlE @ltd lor B[ Fnir h 6L r ]i8r.d flaEn rhi lE or dE a lid!.d liritr <br />ro th. FviioB ol th. Conlrrtoa! l-ien!!d lr* ((tqll6 9. Comftans vnh Sdion 1J00 of Divilion .l of lh. BuiB ud <br />PrrfsioB co&) or th.r lE dr slE ir (dpt lhd.tom &d th. bda for lh. !lL?.d d6Fion. Any violdion of Sdt6n 701 I 5 by a, <br />.r'plkd lor . Fbn $BcB ll'. .pplic.,n lo r civil of mr m.. lha lir. hun tcd &lld ($m) <br />-1. <br />s olrG of $. Fop6ty. or my oplo,6 $ith srs6 B eL omFMion. *ill & tlE slrt ud llE 3nIl6 i! @r <br />intdrLd oro,I6.d aor sL (SE.?044. auiB Dd PtofdioB (.odcr ]lEConmcr6r'! Lttu t wdo6nor@pl,oEowoa <br />rh. FoFry *r! h d q mFnt6 tlEqn &n wh drE $n *!rt or lEslf n rhmulh fin n lE otrr atrploy6. <br />FoyiH lhd u.h EF!\qlEacd nEn ddofruld tn $l ll ho*G.ltEhr drBor ir+t,rEd gbLlrihhtr ,d <br />.fonplrhtr {E o'vr6 Builta wiu fi.E dr h!dd' ofp.ovi,B thi lr c JE dA ml hlB or iEFtw th. FoFry b. tlr F4o- ol <br />l. B osE of rlE FrFry. s co.nslins snh ltoE d coilr-r6 !o 6niru.r tlE Fij.( (s* ?(}1,1. 8GuB <br />.,il Ptbftniod Co&: TIB ( onlr.croa r Lic6* lrw .106 mr @ly 'o <br />e own6 of FoFry who bo'ld! or inpovd lhq6.. <br />lnd who contnctJ rtr ruch Fojdi wnh . CoflEdo(, lt6u.d r,@@n ro rhc Coiirclr's Lic@ llw). <br />-l <br />d .mpr urxl6 Sdion- <br />lr.t.: On&r: <br />woRKrRs, coMPixrsA rroir <br />DECIJAdIO! <br />I .mm o.dd Frt, olFjur' om oarlE folb*in8 dalr.hc <br />I havc rrl willroinhi.. C61ific6t.of CoMr ro S.lalBli. for *ortda.ont n{ron. a Fov'd.d for b, sRlio.1700 ofrh. <br />l,nlr for rh. FfM. of lh. *sll for $t'i.h rh. pcmir it is.d <br />I h.rc.nd will wodG!' .onFEdirn iBiJ!t.. s rcquiEd by s.<iio. r7m oath. ktrr Co&. aor llE Ffoffi. of <br />rhc $o for which rhr Fnn i! isrcd My qorl6r' @mF!nio. icuu.c.rrit arl Flk,.unb.r e. <br />_Erpn6:_ <br />_l.diarthx ir rlr Ffoirim..trh. worl fd snkh tht Fnn ie iscl I s&ll mt ftpby uy Fen in dy olrE <br />n atob<or$bdtorlEw d otrpdr..l&: of Cllfoma !d lsrrhi 'f I.rbuu b..oft !t!.( <br />'o'lEsoit6' comrqE lion FortioB ofsdon ]TOO of lhc Ldor ( odq l Cdl, fonh*hn onplt wnh rh.r prevllirB.. <br />ITARNING llilu. k, sd. $!rt6 .omFdi.n N\'a+. n unh$6r1. .rd 3h.ll sbrct e oi'phlq lo ffinn !a.lE &d <br />cN ab6 rp ro oN hun&.n inougd &lLB ( <br />sGridd 1076 ofrh. Llbd ('odq inr6d .rd lnrEy ! ac. <br />h r$nion ro rlE cor oa rn- d&us6 a prbdi.d tu rrE <br />I l'ehv rtlnr trn,ld lrrlr\ flt{ u'1 ll r I dn h(n{rl i( nrrid e ((o rMinx * h S6lri 7000) of Dirnk n l <br />of thc O6ind ud Pn l6ioN Co&, !r'd my l(G 6 in tuU lore En dl<r <br />[-te/aa6 41>7r/"-"rf+'{(- <br />I .ltm un<k Fr[y of Fiury !h! dE! !. codnudbn <br />isu.d (sr 1097. cir c) <br />tor rhc Ffotrucc or lhc *.rr hr $tth rhir tsmi n <br />AIIII(AULDECIJAAIIA! <br />I Hy .nim undd !.ndlt y of Eriu.y on. ol lfi€ follo*ina d(lril ions <br />lxmoliri.n PonnlArb6br Noria.dion F.d.r.l R+llsrioft { I nl. ,40, Pd6) <br />R.q!nal lilsof Ndrakdbn <br />- I cqr rty rh, th. f.d6!l rcsuhrnrB E8rdina Nh6ror roo\ !l dr rur qll,lf,abl. r. rhB projd <br />I cdiili rh.r I hrvc rcr, rh! rpplid 6n dn 3r,rc th! th. .t$. infotutn B rnd lrtralo complr snh r[ ( n] &d ( ounrr <br />o.d@nc6 md sr6rc Las clr'i.s ro b{rldi.g codtudion. di h@by rurhoru.tr6 ollhi. ( il! dd (i,unlyro drd u[i,n rh. <br />,rl.rc mcnrr,n.J nn,pcn\ r:r 'ff <br />lpplid,tm,trdtshD'*. X <br />t\mn.* naa* tprinnt Lt;v Oti*5 <br />Sub-Panels <br />rfzr/t