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ELECTRICAL.! NSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILDER DET{NRATION <br />I hqeby aflinn undo penalty of pcjury lhat I m excmpt ftom the ContractoB' Licerc Law for thc following re@n (Se.7011.5 <br />Busines md Profcsion Codc): Any City or County which requirs a permit to costrucl, altc, improvc. dmolish or repair any <br />struclurq prior to its isumce. alm rcquirc the applicul for such pef,nit to lilc a signed stalmot lhd he or shc is licmscd pmuffit <br />to thc provisions of the Contractor's Liccnsed law (Chaptq 9. Commcncing with Setion 7000 of Division 3 of thc Busins ad <br />Prcfsions Codc) or that he or she is cxcmpt thaefrom ud thc basis for thc allcgcd exmption. Any violation of Scuion 7031.5 by any <br />applicantforapcmitsubjCtsthc applicmttoacivilpcnaltyofnotmorethefivehun&cddollus(S500). <br />_1. as owner of the property. or tny employees with wages as their sole cornpensation. willdo the work and the structure is not <br />interrded or offered for sale (Sec.7044. Business and hofessions Code: The Contractor's License larv does not apply to an owner of <br />the property who builds or improves thermn. and who does such $'od( himself or herself or through his or her own employees. <br />provided that such irn;novanents are not intended or offerod for sale. ll. how'evcr. the building or improvement is sold within one )rear <br />of cornplaion. the Orvner Builder will have the h.rden of proving tha he or she did not build or improve the propoty for the purpose of <br />sale). <br />___1. as owner of the property. arn exclusively contracting rvith licensed contractors to conslruct the project (Sec. 7M4. Business <br />and Profi:ssion Code: f'he Contractor's License Lau' does not apply to an owner of property rvho builds or improves thereon. <br />and rvho contracts for such projects rvith a Contracto(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License [arv). <br />_l arn exempt under Section_ . U. & P.C. for this reason. <br />Dnte: Owner:u'tx <br />D!:( l,ARA'TION <br />the follorr ing dcclarations:I hereby affrrm under penalty of perjury one of <br />-l <br />havc ard will miotain a Ccnificatc of Co|lmt to Self-lNure for workss' compwtion. r prcvidcd for by S6tion 3700 of thc <br />Labor Codc for the pcfonnmcc ofthc work for which thc pqmit is issued. <br />Sauc and *itl naintain workm' compcmation imurancq 6 rcquircd by Sction 37OO of thc Lrbor Codc. for thc pqfomuce of' thc wor* for which this p6nit is iscd. My workm' compcr, aion imuroic cmiq ud polky numbo ac ' A <br />l^u(zP cr n C-Q C-- <br />-Expires, <br />+ /r /a o .Policy Number:+t\ E <br />_l ccrti$ that in the pcrforrnance of the rvork for r+'hich this pennit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner <br />so as to becorne subject to the workers' compensation lan's of California. and agree that if I should become subject to the <br />rvorkers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall. forthrvith cornply with those provisions.. <br />WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlarvful. and shall subject an enrployer to crirninal penalties and <br />civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100.000). in addition to the cost of compensation. damages as provided for the <br />Scction -3076 of the Labor Code. interest and attorney's fecs. <br />Dnte: I \I Otl lr\'\- I <br />DECLARATION <br />I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provision of Chapter 9 (commencing rvith Section 7000) of Division 3 <br />of the Business and Professions Code. and my license is in full force and effect. <br />License Ctass, C /t O <br />oete:1/aolS \ contrecror: <br />&a-YSt \;- <br />T T <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDTNG AGENCY <br />I hrcby affm undr pcnalty of pcdury thst th@ is a construction knding agacy for the pqfomilc€ of the work fur which this prmit b <br />issucd (Se. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />bnd6's Nme: <br />Lender's Address: <br />APPLICANT DECLARATION <br />I ho*y affinn under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: <br />Demolition Perrnits-Asbestos Notification Federal Regulations (Title 40. Pan6) <br />_Required Lrtter of Notification <br />_l cstify that thc fcderalregulations rcguding cbctos rmoval ae not applicable to this prcj€t. <br />-l <br />cqrify that I havc rad this application ild slatc that thc abovc infomaion is coqcct. I agre ro complywith all Cityand County <br />ordinancc ud Statc Law rclaing to building consruaion. ud haeby authorizc rcprMtativc of this City md County to ots upon thc <br />abol'e rnentioned property for <br />Applicurt or Agenl <br />I'ernrilee nnme (print): <br />pats [ ) <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire AIarm I Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding I Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinss (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />ServiceMeter /^ /I <br />FINAL <br />Etc. <br />f)n'7 '>^a F,