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SolarMount Unirac Code-Compliant Installation Manual :FUNIRAC <br />Table 7. ASCE 7 ASD Load Combinations <br />Description Variable ,Downforce Case / M Downforce Case 2 Downforce Case 3 upt,8 units <br />Dead Load D 1.0 x <br />Snow Load S 1.0 x + <br />Design Wind Load Pnet <br />Total Design Load P <br />1.0 X 1.0 X 0.6 x psf <br />0.75 x + psf <br />1.0 x +0.75 x +1.0 x - psf <br />psf <br />Note: Table to be filled out or attached for evaluation. <br />Step 2: Determine the Distributed Load on the rait <br />w CPU) <br />Determine the Distributed Load, w (plf).by multiplying the <br />module length, B (ft), by the Total Design Load, P (psD and <br />dividing by two. Use the maximum absolute value of the three <br />downforce cases and the Uplift Case. We assume each module <br />is supported by two rails. <br />w = PB/2 <br />w = Distributed Load (pounds per linear foot, pif) <br />B = Module Length Perpendicular to Rails (ft) <br />P = Total Design Pressure (pounds per square foot, psf) <br />Table 8. L-Foot SolarMount Series Rail Span <br />SM - SolarMount HD - SolarMount Heavy Duty <br />Step 3: Determine Rail Span/L-Foot Spacing <br />Using the distributed load w, from Part II, Step 2, look up the <br />allowable spans, L, for each Unirac rail type, SolarMount (SM) <br />and SolarMount Heavy Duty (HD). <br />The L-Foot SolarMount Series Rail Span Table uses a single <br />L-foot connection to the roof, wall or stand-off. Please refer to <br />the Part III for more installation information. <br />Span Dbuibuted Load (pounds/linear foot) <br />m) 20 25 30 40 50 60 80 I 00 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 <br />2 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM <br />2.5 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM <br />3 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM <br />3.5 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM <br />4 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM <br />4.5 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM <br />5 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM <br />5.5 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM HD <br />SM <br />SM <br />SM <br />SM <br />SM <br />HD <br />HD <br />HD <br />SM SM SM <br />HD HD HD <br />HD HD HD <br />22_1 <br />SM SM SM SM <br />SM SM SM SM <br />SM SM HD HD <br />SM HD HD HD <br />HD HD HD HD <br />Il--·-E--1HDHD <br />HD <br />0 <br />6 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM HD HD <br />6.5 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM HD HD <br />7 SM SM SM SM SM SM HD HD <br />7.5 SM SM SM SM SM SM HD HD <br />8 SM SM SM SM SM SM HD HD <br />8.5 SM SM SM SM SM 1 HD HD <br />9 SM SM SM SM HD HD HD <br />9.5 SM SM SM SM HD HD HD <br />I 0 SM SM SM AD HD HD HD <br />10.5 SM SM SM HD HD HD <br />11 SM SM HD HD HD HD <br />11.5 SM HD HD HD HD HD <br />I2 SM HD HD HD HD HD <br />Page <br />11