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pool <br />engineering <br />-_ inc.j <br />POOL ENGINEERING INC. <br />Location: Santa Ana, CA,92707-2824 <br />Job# 13-2502 <br />By: R. McPherson <br />Date: 12/2/2013 <br />PROJECT DATA: <br />Proiect Location: <br />1918 Orange Ave <br />Santa Ana, CA,92707-2824 <br />Existing Residence: <br />Roof Area:1675 fe <br />Upper Floor Area:N/A <br />Lower Floor Area:N/A <br />Number of Stories: 1 <br />Site Properties: <br />Latitude: 33.723 <br />Longitude: -117.87 <br />SS = 1.471 (g) 0.2s Spectral Response Acceleration <br />Sl = 0.518 (g) 1.Os Spectral Response Acceleration <br />Site CIass: D (ASCE 7-05, Section 11.4.2) <br />Fa = 1.00 Site Coefficient (ASCE 7-05, Table 11.4-1) <br />FV = 1.50 Site Coefficient (ASCE 7-05, Table 11.4-2) <br />SDS = 0.9807 Short Period Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter (ASCE 7-05, Eqn. 11.4-3) <br />Sol = 0.5180 ls Period Design Spectral Acceleration Parameter (ASCE 7-05, Eqn. 11.4-4) <br />Wind Speed = 100 mph (basic wind speed) <br />Exposure Category: C <br />Product Information: <br />Manufacturer: SUNPOWER <br />Model: SPR-327-NE <br />Weight: - 2.84 p.s.f. (including mounting system) <br />Installed Area: 316.01 f? <br />Design Criteria: <br />%2 C.B.C 2010 €/8 C. 2-e l 3 <br />ASCE 7-05 <br />Design Methodologv: <br />Per the exception in Section 3403.4 of the C.B *100.) 2-e Is <br />"Any existing loteral load-carrying structurat element whose demand-capacity rotio with the addition considered is no more than 10 percent greater than <br />its demand-capacity ratio with the addition ignored shall be permitted to remain unaltered" <br />This calculation will verify whether or not the increased loads imposed by the addition, will result in an increase of 10% or less of a demand in <br />the existing structure. If ithe demand increase is within 10% of the original demand-capacity ratio, no retrofitshall be required. <br />12/2/2013 4:22 PM <br />\\peanasv2\Pool\Projects\2013\2502-13 Solar Panel - Residential\13-2502 SOLAR PANEL CALCS TO HOUSE.xlsx <br />Page 7 of 13 <br />©Pool Engineering, Inc. 2013 <br />-1.-./.-