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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNEA EUILDAT OST'ARATION <br />I hqr,.firb c.da ]aly of Fi6y d. | - q@F E@ tlE Cdrtard Li.qE L& lbrt fr,llosis l.i (s. Lll.J <br />A6ir{ Ed Pro&-i@ C6<,.): Aly City d Com, *.tab 6q!nq . FEi lo @dD4 .!6. .telilt q lq i -y <br />! Fior to ilr i!le.. abo Eflt6 rlE ?pli5r br sct FEn to 6lG r rrd lrll6Gr $r h. o..hc a lico!.d pur*rd <br />ro dE FoviriD of rb C@E-idt Liat d uw (Ct 6' 9. c@i!c lil Sctb. 7m0 ot oivilir! I of tlE &Bi6 -d <br />ftDft.io6Cod.)art lE B S. i .'aF th..r!E ri tt ti lor EdhEd aolobl AEy vbhb!ofs..rir ?01Lt by&y <br />rpptic&r ror . Fnn s,bj6l! lh. .Pplic@r lo . civil p6rli, of 6r mc tl'e fiv. hudr.d dolln (1500). <br />-1. <br />. ffi otlhl FFrr, d Dy dpbrd xtn rto 6 rlti -l 6npd.iE wO .b tlr 6t id ll! itEte i E <br />iflad.d or ofirld foi .L (Sc.7oaa. Buina Ed tro&6i68 Co& Th. Co,llr.rd t !i6. t& &6 ml 4dy lo d 016 of <br />rb.FoFry sho hib d nryo€ tl6E!. nd *ho d€ub F lielf or b-*lf or lhough hi! or lE oM dtpbyn .. <br />FoviLd{ld nsl iEot€6 c @r iiad ro&!d 6. rle lt hrd&g ( iryoqd ir dd *dtn c rrorslpl !.0s O*E &iEa w lrElltbdrofFdit$rt,$.didbitoldqiq.DrtdEFt?drlb.rlEFrporcof <br />-1. <br />. Nr otdr F!p.ry. oqddvd, conrdt3 ein Ico*d @d-l6lo.ddt.r tu Fi! (Se 7044, &!iE <br />{n ftlkir Cod.: TIE Cor ndd . Li.tu kw dod el .pply lo u omq of FoFly who build! or i6pt!€ rh@tr. <br />.nd *ho odrai! &( uh Foi.6r *in t, ltd.d Fmrr lo th. Coirndd r Lt@ t4) <br />I e.'@fl u!& S.dbn .l & P.C. rortnir E6o. <br />D.r.: orE <br />.E!85E85:CAUIIdSAIIQT <br />IIqIAEADO! <br />I hd.b, drm ui& pa.lry of Fiury oG oftlE folk wiry dal-rlio <br />-l <br />h.a d *ill oilr.n . Cqriftrc of Co-d to Sdt-ltEs b. Btd @opqldirl. ! FlviLil ft,r !y sdir 37o of th. <br />kbor cod.. for rtu Ffolfu.. of tt *dt for wticl thc FDn i is.d <br />I h.r.,td *ill uid.h rdt6 .orp.6rbn - q{i,.d by S<lion l?m of th. l,bor Cod., fot th. FfqnElotrn srl ao. whtt rhis Fmil b iuE] My wMrdi iButu. caia rn policy numbq e <br />_1 .!l!ry rir tr llt Fblloa. or E s vnth rhi. FEn n isrd- I rlrll nol .4by by F$n i! ey trllE <br />$ B ro h..or !!t irl lo rtE mrtd' 6nF ri.n Ls otcdifd'.. ad ryE rh. if I rnouu b<om dikl lo dt <br />' onpar.rion FovirioN orsdbn !700 otrh. Lrtor Co<|c I dlll tt.t,lwth @ndy wnh lbr Fovtl,o. <br />cMl fd6 up ro oE hundr.d 0!o!and &l <br />Sdih 10?6 ol th. L.tq (od., inarr @d <br />.lDa- a FoviLd tot lhc <br />lc:ldsED-cqtrISAclpa <br />!ECBaAUA! <br />I tcby dfi.o u!d6 F.Iy or Fiury tnr I m licd 't ld Frb, olcbara 9 (@@i.s wnn s!.ri.! 7000) of Dtbbi .) <br />of ft. BrdE it PEk-(E Co<!.. d Ey li@ i i tu[ r..E nd.fE r. <br />) <br />I llGlby .fim undE FrI, of Fiur! rhr tlE! i . @tn db. ladiDs !8acy tu th! Ffofu.. 6f rh. *dl ft!. vhEh tlti' FDh b <br />ir!!d (Se. 1097. Civ C.) <br />L.tnt r A.Ltr: <br />- <br />AIIIJCAtrI.IICIIAAII@ <br />I tdd,t .fta undd pary of Fiury oa of th. b[owiq dchioui <br />D@.lnbn P@il! tlorifrriE erl R.gulirbG CriL {O, Pal6) <br />-i.q!id <br />t.il6of I'icri6.ii, <br />-l <br />cdiry Or E kn6.l Eri,bbE rlarrli.8 !t sd @nl G 'El +ltru. |o rhi Foill <br />-l <br />cdiry rhn I h!v. rrd rhir .fplixlion &d nd. $d $. .bov. i.tonidio. ! .orE1 I .t a lo on?ty wnh ! Cil, ..d Couln, <br />o.diEB6 rd Sd. t $ drilts b t{ildi,s (Ferni!6 o f fiii Cnr !d County lo ans uFn llE <br />.toE Iar.nd p.DDqry <br />Applicet ot Asor si*nal _T*,)/1)/t_t++-- <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporalive Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />^Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer 3-zt-11 Y\4JU <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnslallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />/ <br />FINAL Y- Yo-/1 xJl+:y,l\-t <br />APPROVALS <br />Meter Release <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />".* 3y'2/ rr <br />4"*z:;