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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECOHD <br />COMMENTSDATEID/SIG.APPHOVALS <br />Site-Work <br />Under round <br />Pole Bases <br />S as, Pool Fountains <br />S NS monument <br />Life Saf /Low Volta <br />Fire Alarm / Dam ers <br />Communications Cable <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondin / Groundin / UFER <br />Transformers <br />To ueln <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Boof T E ut menl <br />Facto Wired Unit <br />Walls Conduil <br />Walls Rou h <br />Ceilin Hard & Soffit Rou hS <br />Ceilin T-Bar Ros h <br />lvleter Release <br />Rou h <br />Service l/eler <br />FINAL <br />OWNEN BU!LDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby afUrn undcr pcntrlty of perjnry rhtr I 0n.x.ry,r froh rhc ConlmcloE Liccn* Li* fot rh. rollowins ramn (S" 7011 5 <br />Busincs ,tut Pmfcssion Cde): any Cily or Counr, shkh rcqunc\ ! Fnir ro onslrud. altcr' nnpole denslish nr rcPn anv <br />{flcturc. priorlo irs issunncc. {lso rcquircs rh., lor suc! Fnnil to filc a \irtrcd ndcmar lhar h'or shc ir liccnscd rurs'nl <br />lo rhc rovhions of rhe Contrtdd s Lkcn*d Il{ (ChapM 9. Conmc(in8 with 7filo of Divhion I ol lhc Busin'$ d'd <br />Pmlcssions Codc) or rhnl hc or shc h ciempr rh.rlnom and rh. haris lot lhe BllcscJ cr.mPtion An, vidlnlionofs6riJnT03l5 bv onv <br />apllicanr for aFrnir subj(ls rh. utplic!.t ro acivillcnaltyornot mrclhoi nvc hundrcd.lollds (Sstu). <br />-t. <br />,s owrcr ol lhc pr.Fny. or n1y cq,lo,t$ wilh w,8cs !s lhcir $L comlcn\at ion. will do rwtrk lxl lhc $udm is mt <br />;rM&l .r offs€d rm salc rss.?044. Busincs atrd Pn'fcstnr Codc Th. Conlr rois Liccnsc I iw d@s not lpllv b an owlEr ol <br />rhc pn,rE ry *ln t{ilds or inpmq lbc@n. dld vho des sxh Bor} hif,sclfor hcr.lfo. rhough hh or hcr owncnPlny'cs' <br />prn"ia.a ri,r .,"r' iDpdcmnh m nor inlcnlcd or olTmd ror sslc ll h,scw. lh. hoildinS or in{,lNrtrl i* sold wnhin one ,tr <br />; comflclh., rhc O*mt Buildcr will hzk rtr burdcn of pnvin! rh,r tE or shc dil sr build or inw'k rhc pmlEq r'r dE IDrrRr of <br />l. rs o*n.r ol rhc lot'cny- am erctusn cly conl.rcring wnh li.cnscd conrracttrs ro d,nnrud rh. Pn*ct ( S( 7044 Btr'imsi <br />md PirrLxsbnCo{lcihtcotrr0crofsLiccnscl-awdocsnoroPplytoanowncrofPrt,r.avwhobuildsorimPtovcsrhcrd'n' <br />0nd who co hds for such pmj.cG wirh a Conhclo(r)\L{ punuanr u rhc Conlracroi\ Liccn( tjs) <br />-l <br />!mexcn9r undcr Sdi(_.8 &PC fnrhisr.i$r <br />ita8trEIILlaIIlIXSAIQN <br />DECLABAIII)! <br />I hcrcby,lfi rrundcr ll.nalryortEriuryonc.lihc rdlowi.S dcch.r'ion\ <br />-th.!eatdwillmsinrain!ccnificsicolconsentlos.lflnsulclor*orkc^.cofPcisllion.asPmvidcdf(*bysNtion]17{x)ofthcbnor Codc, for lh. Idaormmc or !h. wort lor whth llE p6nil h issu.t <br />-l <br />hav. ,rl will mai rin sortcs cotr{Enssrion ibsuENc, as rcquiBd by Sd ion l70o ot thc L!ho' Code. lor lhe p'trormmc oi <br />rh. *ork for whi.h rhh Frmil is isnrcd My wo*cs' .omlcosalbo insurmc can r ut Plkv nunb'r m: <br />Poli.yNumhcr:- <br />-Erptcs4I ccnify rlrar in rhc pctl'onnircc.frhc work l'or *hi.h rhi\ p.Irnir is issucd. I shall nor cryloy atr, Pciso' in aiy lnMncr <br />$ ,s k, tr(rR shjccr ro rhc s.rkcn'.ompcnsar i{ ldss olcalil'orni!. r l iEnclhal irI\hould tr.onE \rhjcd rolhc <br />sorlcr( coNfctrsil ion povistuns ol Sdn,n .l7O() uf rh. tjtxtr (:odc. I shrll fl)nhNilI co'nlly qith rhosc F)visions <br />WARNINC rrilulc lo {tue $o.kcrl.omFn\nrion.ovcmec i\ unltrwlirl..nd shsll suhj.(r trn empk'ycr io si'ninll p'Mlrts rnd <br />.ivil ll cs rp k, om hurlrcd rh.u\trnd d.llrr\ ($l X)O). ir rddirn nr rhc co{ .l ronncn\rrirnr. dxrm8cs r\ P(rvidcd fLtr rhc <br />SNrion 30?6 ofrhc Lrbor C!d.. inleE{ dd,lr <br />DIII.IIBAIION <br />I hercby zffirn uMcr lcnllryottrrjury rhar I am\.{ undcr Provi\ion .r chaplq 9l.ommncins {irh S*rion ?dx)) orDirkio' '1 <br />.i rhc Busincs,nd Pnntsions Cdd.. nM,ny liccnse is in rull lnre andcffrd _,, <br />Licens.Clasrr- <br />l.).t.: <br />cONs'I RU(:T()N LI"NDIN(: AcllNcl <br />lhcdhyalltmucrFnallylp.rju.ylhallhdch!.on(DclionlcndnlS!!cn.ylorlhc!.onBnccollhcsortld*hichlhhle.nlilis <br />issucd (Sa lO9?. Civ C ). <br />landcfs Na.E, <br />- <br />ATTLTCANfDECI.ASAIIQN <br />I hcNty afid undcr oI lhc rollo{in! dNlrntionr <br />Dc!fr,liriotr Pennils Ash.nos Nolificarion FedcnlRegul0ln,ni (-l irlcd0, Prn6, <br />R$utrcd Lcnq nr r*i'norDn <br />-l <br />ccniayrhar rhc rl{c ral rcgular ions ESordins lsttsros rcmvalarc nor llplicrblc lo rhh F)jcc1 <br />-l <br />cc,lily fiar I havc @d rhn applictl ion ,nd (atc lhai rh. tbow inforror ion i4.oret llsre to c'nPlv with'll cnvand Colnry <br />-odinlnccs;nd srilc kss reldid io buildins conslru.ri r. ,ld hcrobv sorlbrtc rcPrc$nl&riv.s oflhn Cnv{od Counlv lo cnrcr upon lh' <br />atnrvc mnrn,ncd pfl,r.d, tu n <br />Afl,li.anl or AEent SilEln <br />z/ ) <br />Liqht Standards <br />Buildinq <br />7/L.//4 SI\€( <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />trndcr'r AJ,l,cs <br />-- <br />D.l.: <br />=