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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />WaterUnder floor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />"d.Ja.ATub/Shower Test I olnlaln ,/ <br />Rough Water Heater (,\ <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />tvlain Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Bough Plumbing 4q,?-tl 4^.,.n 4tE - <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL t0 hnAk(tv) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I <br />OWNER BUII,DI,]R DI]LCAIL(TbN <br />IhcrchyaltuNu cr Nnrhy {,i pcrjury rhar Ixmcxcmlr iomrhcContunni Liccn\c Ix* t{r rhc roln){ins 'cr\nr ls..r0rl5 <br />Rusi'rc$ a Pdisiu Gxlc) Any Cirt or Cotnr, which rcquiBs r Fnnir k' rotrnfl.r. rlrcr. inilnr_c. dcnrli\h or L-.Eri rny ' <br />{'c. lrrntr k' [\ i\suJn.c, nk. r.qunc{rhd q]pli.rtrr fin \och pchirh lilc r ngncd {d.nnr rhirh- or shc ir liccnscd nlrlurnr <br />Piol.\\i,n,\ Codc)orrhrr hc.r shc '\crc r rhcrclnn r.(lrh.lx\i\ t rrh.trlklcdcrcnDrio. An! vi(,lirionolsccrionlrrll5hy 'i) ' <br />rflli. r nn i Nnnn srhjcch rhc rDnlic.nrr) a.ivrrNDrky.l mr nrfclh.n iivc hundrcd nolhr (S5{xl) <br />-1. <br />r ownd of rhe prop.ny. or ny .nlPloyas wi$ v!8.s a llEn sb comFns.lion. wil do tlE s6t !,n dt sElite i, ml <br />hrendcd or of,cEd fd slc (56.7044. Busiftss ed Plofcssioru Codcr Thc Conr...rol6 Liens Llw <to.s not tPply ro u ownm ol <br />rhe who buil& or in$ro6 dEEn, lid who &B sh turl himcltor hcMlf o.lkDugn hh dlE own coploy&s. <br />povidcd rh sch idre\a@n @ mr hlqxH oroIIcnd for slc. lf. lbEE dE hildi.g o inprorcrnl ii eld wirhii oE ]Es <br />ofo'rnhrion. tlE OwM Buillr will haw ft hrilq of t'olin8 lhlr lE tr rlE di.l mr ttuild or i,tFor 0E I,oIEty for lhc purDos of <br />L rs oser or rhc Iln,p(ny,*ivcly.ontradioe wi'h licc!\cd c6nf&M* ro.oneru.' thc poicl lse. ?044. Busirc$ <br />lnd Eofssion Codcr Thc Contaclors Licrnsc Loq docs nol.pplt b ano*nc! of proDcny qho huildr o! nrprovcr rhcrcon, <br />dnd qho.o.rl,crirorru.hpmlrkwirhacl,ntn.rods)li.cnrcdrurunnrrorhccontacrorsLic..sctiw) <br />-l <br />m exemfl und.r Seri6n- B, & P.C. forthii M!on, <br />uoaf,E8:rcoMtENsaro! <br />DECI.AMIIAN <br />I hcrcby afftrm !odc. tEoilry of psjury oie of lh. fol&,wi.8 ddlir{dorr: <br />-l <br />h8w dd eill @inr{i. t Clnifi$lcof Cons io SclllNurc lor {ort6 compcnslion. as pmvid€d for 6y Sedon :1700 of lhc <br />t$or Codc. for lhc Frfollrj,@ ol th. eo* lor shich rh. pcml ir ksucd. <br />-l <br />h!rc lnd will minlain wortcN comFcnsation insur,trcc. trs rcquircd by Sdion l'700 ot lhc tjhor Codc. ror lh. poro.rrec ol <br />work for slich thir lrmil comp.ns ion i.surrmc qtricr !d poli.y numhd m'bls'tr <br />c 50l(q ?)/-Zo't 7 <br />I NniS rhd nr $. Nlformnc. oflhc wort lor whi:h rhk ncrnri ir GsBd, I shrll nol c.rtloy nnt n $on in any <br />so ro subjNt ro thc $orks compcnsrion lass olCllifomi!. lnd l8mc rhai i,I should hc.otu suhj..i h rh. <br />work* mmrEosari.n n,ovisbnr orsr.rion lT0o ofrlE ljlnr Codc.l shnll. fodhsilh comply wirh 'h.* provkions. <br />WARNING: l]oilurc lo *c!o eo c^ onDcn{rion corcEsc ir lnla*tul, ud shnll .ubixr e cnplotr. ro diminol FMlriu lnd <br />.i!il fincs up to om hundrcd rhou$nd dolle (tl0o.lDo). in lddnion ro thc cosr of.onpcnslion, dmgcs as lrovidcd for rhc <br />CnL inrcr.n and artrm <br />I]ECIdSAIIO! <br />I h.rchy llitnruhler Nnalryolri.rjlrr rhur I !n liccn{d u.dcr pr'!isi,,n or Ch|Prd 9 (omntmin8 wirh Scclion 7ux)) nfl)ivi\nnr l <br />oi rhc Busims u PNfcssn,ns ('odc. ,nd nry li.cnse is in rull lixcc nl cn(l. , <br />1L((ebiq <br />(I(INSTRTI(ITloN I FNDIN(: A(;liNCl <br />I hc,cb, nmnn uMcr JEnrlrror Frjury lhll thclc is a on{ruclntr lcndins rycnc, ror rit pcrlortui.c urrlt work lu shkhlnn pcrnrir n <br />issucd(S.c. 1097.Civ. C ). <br />ATII.ICANIDECI,IXAIIOII <br />I hor!, .nim undcr Fnally of Frjur, onc ol lhe folloeiry dcclEalions: <br />Demlilion Pc.mils-A,hcslos Nolifrcdion Fcdml RcBllulions (Tirl.,l0. P.n6) <br />-Rcqltcd <br />Lcxcrof Notitrca on <br />_l c.dify rhor rhc fcd.r,l rcgll ion. rc!&di.g r*b.{os mmval r. nor appli.lbh lo lhis Pmj$l. <br />I .cdify lhd I h,vc E{d ihis spplicltion dn $.r rhd rn sbov. informrhtr is corr.d I ag@ 16 c.dtly sirh all Cily .nd County <br />.rdirrn.c\ nnd Srrru Lrw\rldire r ildine consrrudion. ld hcEby 0uthorir rctrc*ntal <br />lbovc mnliomd pml'.ny ro. <br />Apptl$ni o. siamltr <br />%0/L\^/\r, <br />:':di;: <br />d,,TEI <br />APPROVALS DATE <br />Gas-Underlloor <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />L!n&.t AddBr-