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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />WaterUnder lloor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping l7<-1 *|0 ,Lufi)I Jo aM aA, <br />Rool Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOLiSPA <br />P-trapi Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />w{aRough Plumbing 1\u \g <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL t,4is,,ryf .(os e7 \ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OWNOR BT'II.DER DT:I,CARATIoN <br />I hcrrhyait,u .r p.ulrt (,1p.rjury rhrr I rdrnlpr frnr rhc Co l-rctrrc t-rw fd rhc li'll.sin8 r.ison rsc.7()ll5 <br />Inr\irr\s oxl l,roltl\i( Coi.l Any Cir) or Counry trhi.h rLalui'c\ n J).nnir ro ..nNrucr. 0lrcr. iNnil)vc. d.lnolish or r.nrn rny <br />\rru.xrc. lrior ro irr nsuMcc. aho rcquts rhc lplli.rnr hr nBh Frnrir b filcr si8ncd dnrcrmnr rhn hcor sh. is liccn\cd pu$lrnr <br />ro ihc p(,!isi,n,\ of rhc Contrrcttr\ Li.r.{d Lis lch prcr 9, Comfu .nr! airh Srction 70d} ol Divrrnr I ol lhc Burincs and <br />rrnli.!.r tu ! rcnir suhjccrsrh. ln,rlicinrhJci!ilj,.n!llyoln.ln}rcrhJnii!cId ]r.Jdoll r\(S5Ix)) <br />-l- <br />ri osncr ol rhc nmFnt. o! my cmpkrrce{ eith wrAcs !\ rh& snc conrp.n\dbn. will &' rrr wod ad rlE ndm n nor <br />idd Ld orolldrcd li,relc(S( 7lx.l, Bu\in.s rnd Prof.\sio6 Cnlc:'I hc Conba.ror'\$ LawdoBio! rrDlyrootro*ncrof <br />rhc tmttny Eho h{ilds or iirgrorcr lhcE n. aM aho d.cs skh work hims.ll or hcrsll o! rhmu8h his or hcr o*n chploter, <br />pn,vi,lrd lhnr such irpmlc.E s m nor ir cnd.( or oflt,o, for $lc. l( howcrq. rtr trildins or irymvcntnl h sotl *irhii o.. r!4 <br />ofc.ry1lclion.lhc Owrcr Buik[r will&E rhc ltrRlcnoff.lnr8 rhlrh.or shc d nor hnkl o. r{'ovc rhc ln,Fny fo lE IUtF sor <br />-1. <br />s ovn.r 6f rhc rer.ny, n.r.lusiwly conimcring wnh liens.d oniadoN lo 6nslruc1 tlE ImjEl (SN. ?O44. Blsincss <br />rn hDr6sin Codc: Th. Conlrerols Liccnsc Law docs nor spply ro ,n o*ns or po,Eny who build! o imFovcc rhc..on. <br />rnd sho srtEcri tor su.h por.ct *iih a Co @rodr) liccnsn nu*@r to llE (bnrelor's Uccn* r,w) <br />-l <br />mcxemr lRld SFrion <br />I h.icbyrnir rndcrl,cnrlryof pcriry.n..frhcft,llotri.gdcchmri,'n\: <br />-l <br />halr! *illnrli iitrrCcnifi.lrcotcoo\cnrloSclflnsurcn,$ortch.u,p.n{snon,dnmvidcdlorbys(Ii(}n37([ollhc <br />l-ahn (tdc. turltE l,crfornmncc o I I hc f,ork nn *hich ttu t).nnn h hsucd. <br />_l hdc .nd will nainrain wo*.6 ompc.slrion insudrce, nr Equic{ by Sdio. lrm of lh. t4bor Codc, tor lhc lcrtomtuc of <br />rhc qo* for *hkh rhis !.mi is isned My eorkcB &ep€rsrhn inslrec @hr &d Flhy Nmber m: <br />-l <br />ccnily lhal nr rhc r.rformne oflhc wort for which lhis Frmi{ k hsmd. I snol nol cmplny an, pcsoo i. dny nmfti <br />$ rs ro'ic \!hj.d ro rhc w6&dr .onpcnsarinn hsr of Calitoni{ and lgrc rh,r il I sh.uld beom subjcr lo ttE <br />workcn comf.nsrrion Ilhn Cod..I shllL ionhwirhcomply *th lho* pmvisions.. <br />WARNINC: Failuc ro *u,. w6rkc* conF.erion .ovcmsc i3 lnbwnrl rnd shall subjer rn cnplor€r ro aininll lf,stix and <br />(i!il ln!c\ op b oDc hu rcd rhou\rid dollnr\ (S i'r lJiron ni rh..on ri .omFnerion, dansg.s.s p.orard for lh. <br />I ncreby dtum !ndc, Fnany of F+ry lhol ,'mvniotr ol Chrflq 9 (commcncins sirh Sccr ioi <br />of thr Arsi'rcs 3trd Prcfcs\bn\Cod.. tull\. i\ in follntr(dlclla.r <br />(:oNS'IRtJ(:TI(IN I.I:NI)IN(i A(iENCY <br />IhcEbyafftmundcrpcnrlryolFrjurylha'lhcrci!a.on{rucri. lcndinsilency lnrrh.rtrlannri..orrhc *orl lbr shi.hrhhrdnir is <br />i$ucd (S.. l0)7, Cir C ). <br />AIIUCdIII-I|EIL ArrUQN <br />I lrtr$ynlllnnund$ Fnrlry ultrrury onc ol rhc nilkNin! dLrlnrdi(ntrl <br />Donniliri{r l'.qn \ \h.{o\ Norilllxri{r lidl.r l Rrgrhri(nN frii[ +{), Prn6) <br />R.qunc{l L.(r. ol Nor'lnrri(n' <br />fcdcrol rcSulotions ESordinB as&sros rcmval lrc mt rydtlblc ro rhn p,oFcr. <br />Md thh arplicurion lnd srarc rhar rhc aulvc innmdion iscorc.'. I asrd r..o'nrly wnh r0 Cnyand Counly <br />ldi.scon(rucrion. d ncEbylurr$rizc rct snr ivcc or rhir ciry md Cotrnry ro cnlcr ulx'n lh( <br />,,,",\-{"-iLS -a-D <br />PLUMBING-INSPECTOB RECORD <br />UffiErt <br />I <br />s.rli(nr r,?a or nr l.xhrcrtrl. o1.r.nrnd <br />Drle: <br />k dd'rN.m <br />- <br />ladcr.. Addls: <br />-