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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR HECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilin gs (Hard & Solf it Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />lvleter Release <br />Rough T'to/b 4z 1-i>fi)L*:7W1 <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNER BUILT}ER DEI,CARATION <br />I hcrchy rmrm utotcr Fnrky of Frrury rhar I m.x.mfl li1,o rhr c(nnrrtu' Li..n$ tiw f.r rh. followinS rcNon (Sc. ?0.11 5 <br />Busincs and Pmfe$ion Codci Any Ciry or Coun'y whi.h rcqutcs a Fnnn to con{Dcl. nll6. imnrolc. dcmlhh nr EIrn rny <br />ctu(, tri.rti irs is\uan.c. trl\. rquncs rhe ap icrnr f{tr such rEnni ro filea sirncd {arcftnr rh,r lE.r sh. is ltonql puisurnt <br />ro lhe lnvhions oa th. Cotrlrlcror's Liccn*d Lnw (Cnaplcr L Conmrn.in8 wilh Scclion ?ur) ol Divhion :l olrhc Busin.$ and <br />toorcs\nnN Codc)orrhlt ltor shc hcichpr rhcrcfroni lnd rh.hlsh fo, rhcrllc8qlcrcnurn,n. An, v{lf,rion .f Sdi Fn 70:l I J by.ny <br />opplrrir fom Fmrir \ubicr\ rh aptlica h a cilil pcnrhr of nor mE rha! filc hundrcd doll!6 {$5Oo). <br />-1. <br />as oqncr ol rh. lmtrny. o, ry cmployccs w h w.e.s a( rhcn $b .omlcns.rir{. will do lhc $!rk and ltr (nrlurc n mr <br />inretrhd or ofiscd fo. slc (Sa 7044- Ausirc$ and$iotrs aodc: Thc Conrraclols ,-tens l.i* dcs nor arpl, b ,n uwncr or <br />lh. D$Fjdy wk) builds or inryoEs OEErn. Md *h. d*s skh knl hims.ltor hcsclror rhmu8h hh or h.r of,ncmployccs. <br />ln)vidL\l rh3r \rch iDprolc'Enh dc nor lnrcndcd or ofi.rcJ r'or slc ll hrwcvc,, rtr hxilttrg or iq,rownrnr ir $ll w hin oN ]cd.f.oq'tri.n. ltE Ouncr Buikc. *ill lErc rhc h{rden of prcli.g lhd lE or .hc dil mr build or impmrc lhc Impsly lor rhc rlrFr ot <br />L a\o*ncrofihc prol}cnt, d)cxch\ircltconlrncrin8 wirh li..nsed conirmror\ ro cotr{tuc! rhc pn,l..r (SL\. 7(!l4. Buucs <br />rM h.l$sin Codc: Thc clnkidols Liccns. Lrs d.cs.ur upply h.n owmr olpro|xdy !h. builds or nnnrncs rhcrcon. <br />rnd who conrr0cr\ ior such rn Fts wir h ! Cotrlnrdo( s) lncrNcd Nr{uinr ro rhc On rucroi s l.iccns. tjs ) <br />I a .xcmPr unncr Sccli(nr-. B. & t'C thrthi\.ca{'n <br />}rcBKD&I3;AIISENTAIIQN <br />DIICLdIAUAN <br />I hcaby rfft rndcr Fnrlry oflf,rluryonc ofrhc r(rlowing dc.lnrdion\ <br />-l <br />hrvc nd rillNinrain a Cenincorc oiCons k,Sclf-lnsurclo!workqrco,nF{suri,n.usprovid.dnrbyscctn'ni7{Dolrhc <br />tibor Oodc. lbr thc ,.rformrEc of lhc qork for phi.h rhc lEnni is hsucd <br />lhrrc r rl willminrrin workcrs conrp.n\dnnr in\lrnncc. as 'qonrJ h!Sc.ii,rr 17(X,.frhc l;rh.r Cidc. io rh. pdlhrnMrccol <br />rhc woik turwhi.hrhis p.rfrir is ilsxci My work.( .unl).nsrr i,n, i'rsuhn.c.nri$a Flicy trutr$cr rc <br />-l <br />ccdily thd ln rnc tErloirrrmc olrh. wolk for {hi.h rhis ncnnir is nsled. I rhill not cmploy ony pcron in any ornmr <br />n Nloncqrmc $'l,jcd ro lhc rorken' co n{c nsal io n hs\ofCalil'ornia- rnd x8rce rhrlir I dblld hcoft {hj.d ro rhc <br />$orkcn compcnsilion pmvnion\ ofScction 3700olrhc L.tDr Cdc.I sh.ll.lonhLvirh mnnly Nirh rho{ pmvnion\ <br />civil fitrcs u0 tu onc hundrcd lhousnd dollan ($).()(lo), in diidr ro rhc c.{ (n .omp.nsrrion- dan$E.\ as pdvidcd for rh. <br />s..ri, 3lr76 olrhc I rhr(in[. i'ncr.n <br />I h.icht {lfinn un c, l.n,ht .r r.rjury rlu l ,b lienwl u i( t (,vi\bn or Ch,J'rc. 9 (GnnnE..nr8 wilh Serion ?dI)) ol Divhion .l <br />or ihc Businesnnd PnfcssionsCodc. and nryliccNc n in fulllnrcc ad cfiirl <br />66s t4e <br />ft <br />I hcahy nltunru cr F-.nrlryol lcrturyrhd I is u.nnslruction lcndin8 rrcncy aor rh. pcraornEnN olrhc work lbr whi.h rhh Frn n <br />issucd (S.r :ltD7. Civ. C.) <br />A.TIUCAXI,DECIAf,AIION <br />I h.nt y arm unde, r.nal y of pcrjury oe of rlE rollowins &{le!l ionsl <br />Ocmliriotr PcnDjts.Ashesros Norilicrrion Fcdcr.! RcBullrions (Tirlc40, PIn6) <br />-RequiEd <br />Lcllcrof Notincarion <br />*,"'fi'j:',.,1},:l <br />aguhrn,n\ rcEnding aslcstos rcmovd lrc nol umlic,hlc x, rhir pR, <br />k 0rpllcdionrrldnalcrhur rh. alr,v. inftrturbn is.onccr L&re Io conply wirh rll Ciry ond Counry <br />ring ro buildinS .ondrud ion. arld h.rchyrurhorir rcprcs lovclofrhisCiryoodCounryrocnrslrontlE <br />^pplic!nl <br />or Asdr sisn!lury <br />Pemi'Nmne,pri;LJ4 <br />-f!,yAlw <br />L.dci" Addrc*: <br />-