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SITE-WOHK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER I,)EI-CARATIoN <br />I hcrc$y afiirm undcr pcnslry ol r.rjury rhor I m eicmpr amo rh. contactoB Licc.{ ljw for lhc lollo*ins ftasn (Scc 70ll5 <br />Busincs lrd Pn,rr*ion Cdc): Any Ciry or Coudy which rcquncs . P.nnil ro condfl.r. ,hd. nryorq dcnrlisn ot EPan 6v <br />io.rxrc, Jrirr lo ils isurncc- aho,equir.s rhcapplicanr &tr b fihdsiSncd slolcarnr rhdr hcorshc h liccn{d rursu,nt <br />ro lhc pmvnions of rh, cotrlrocrols Liccnscd tas (Chaflcr 9. commcncinE wirh sc.tion ?ujo of Divi\ion I ol lh' Btrsincs 3nd <br />Pror.srions Codc) or rhar lEorshc kdcnpr rhcmrionrMdlhc hrsk rbt rhc alLgcd cxcnrllion Any lk,larion ol Sdt n ?01I t ht rnv <br />amli.anr for a pcrnril subjcck rhc qrtlictnt to ! civil Fnah, of nor nk th fivc hundrcd dolld3 (Ssur) <br />-1. <br />xs owncr orrh. prolrrly. or my cmrlqccx wnh ugcs t\ rlrt slc compcn\rrn r. will ddrhc rort ard rlt $Mrm is mr <br />i .idcJ oi oiIcrcd for sle (S6.?tur, Bnsiftis atrd Pmlcssions clxlc l hc C.nlradols t,iccn\c llw docs nor aPPlv b,no*krof <br />rhcpmrcny who huilds or imprcrcslhe@n. lnd sk) dds such *o* hinsellor hctrclfor rh$ugh hh or hcr o*n cnrplo)ecs. <br />pmvidedrharsNh imln,Knrnh nrc mr inrcndcd orollc'ul for sh ll howevc( rhc hnildi'rg or inDmvcNnr is gnd qilh n onc ru <br />ot conDklion. rhc Owncr Buiklct uill htrvc ltr hudc, of povin8 rhd h. r shc dA mt hikl or inlmvc rhc Pmtenv for rtr puqns ot <br />gl. as osncr ol ihc pmp.ny. 0,n ciclusivcly c.nt,.ring wirh li.cnscd conlracroB b .onsrucl lhc PrcJccr lS( r(M. llusims <br />anl Pl.fssi,n Codc: Thc Co.l.acror's Liccnsc Law does nor aPply x, oowncr oiProPcrrt uho builds or imPro!8 rhcrcon. <br />rnd *ho .o n'ch htr nr.h nroiccrs wirh r ( onhcbrl s) Ii.c sc Coita.rof s Liccn\c l.r\ <br />IA8KIIILIjAUPINIAIION <br />DECI.AXAII!}N <br />I hcrchyailirE Lndrr r..,hy olPcrJuryonc of rh. rollowi g d..lanrln,ns: <br />IhavcudvillruirrBinaCcnificalcolCotrscnlloSclllnsorcn,rw.rkcs'culPcnst,n,spovidcdforhvsccriotr-ufiiolrhc <br />bhtr Adq for rhc l)crfoiruncc of rh. work lorwhi.hlhencnnir ir h\!.d <br />-lhaKand*ill'nainriinworlcr'compcn\arioni.\ <br />equircdhySNrion1700ofrhcLltorG c ror lhc petlormncc.f <br />th. sorl ror *hich $is ,$mil is issucd My workcs conrlcnerion inslENc .amr rd lrltcy numbc' dc: <br />I .cnify rhlt in lhc pcrfortun.c ofrhc wotk lbr {ti.h rhi! r.rn,ir h rsuci- I shnll nor rmplov nnv pc6on in riy nrnnc! <br />v, b hcmm \tr6J.rr ro rhe wolten conll'.n$rion laqs ofc0lilnrni!- and artu th{ ilI sh,uld lf,com {hjcd lo rlE <br />korkcB cont nsrr npmvkionsofs rhr:l7mof rhcktnrCdc.I \hrll, ronhwirhonrPly wiih rh.t lmvisions <br />WARNINC: ljailurc b sxrc workcB'.onlcnsarion colcn'ac ir unhwlil. Md \hrll $ !n cmplo)[r io dimnEllcmhics ond <br />civil inrs up nr u c hutrdrcd lhou\rn(ldoll ^ (51rX),([X <br /> ofrhc lnhr(.dc. inicrc( rnd nfrfy'\ ltcs <br />f-t-t s <br />IIECIASEIIO! <br />I hcrcb, arfirnnM.r lrn0hy otrerjury rh,r I rn liensd undcr rolhion orChaPtcr 9 (comh-tuing with SNrion 7(n0) ofD*iqion I <br />of rhc Busincssaftl PmfcsiorsCode. ard mr li.cns. is in rullforcc mdcllccr <br />y' r"""" cr"* <br />-"*"-^l-g-r! <br />(IoNSTRUC'I'I(JN LFNNIN(i (iENCI <br />I hceby riltD undcr |rrrlrrorPdrjurylh rhereh3conrlrucri{,nlcidi.Sr8ctrcytnrh.l.lanrwf,cofllr*orkr(twhi.hrhi\Iicrnriri\ <br />i\su.d (sN 1097.crv. C ) <br />l.crtirvthd rhc lci.r lr.!ulations rcxffdirslshe{o\ rcnn)ulrr. nornPplicrhlu t,rhi\ rtulttr' <br />I.cnilyrhrr I h vc rcnd r[isrtplicrri(n,n0d ({rcr intoddbn i!.otr d l isrccn,c.nlplysirhrllCityrndCDU ty <br />oRlnrftcsiidsrarc tjws rcllrin8 rohildi !.( <br />rnNc trrniioncd,rn,pcny f(, iNpccrbn <br />ofrhh City,nd Counryro.nrd uron lhc <br />*,, Go''' <br />Set Backs , 0r./ <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns \nl'/.$rJY <br />Erection Pads vl"/ <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq {t'?AIE llcn ?^n*a,L. *t b>L <br />Shear Wall (0-r 118 Z.z:>Pll <t-J cr,-4rt*, <br />Framinq A . i--- lo ,,,,-..-.{r '\ <br />lnsu lation/Enerqy lu I c /o 1 ,ci4, <br />Drywall /o//L//r *?lo>t n <br />Ext./lnt. Lath D//;/*-67r4trn'/6) <br />Brown Coat r{ zf,i8 ,4c.4c <br />[/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL ./24-/B Gz 2) <br />Certif icate of Occu anc d>1 <br />Noles Remarks, Etc. <br />tt-a <br />4/16 e <br />BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />t,,licy Nunrbc' :-Eroncs: <br />Lcxdq . Irmc <br />AI?IICANTDIiIIAAA]ION <br />Ih. hy,rnn undcr pcnrlry oi p.rjury om olrhc hllowinc leclrriio0s: <br />D.molirn)n Pcrnrirs stEslos Noliticiion FtdcrnlRc8ulari.ns (lirlc.l0. Pin6) <br />Rcquircd tItrcr of Miilicihn <br />Applie,nl o.,\,tcnl Sixn lure