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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS <br />Sile-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Salety /Low Vollaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER lozl-tg 4*nn ,nz) <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino /o.Zfa6 Zezl S*G l4"JL d'&L <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />It/eter Release D2q-/9 Zz-'t <br />Rouqh tD-il-t 9 ('-zaa <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL /z-34 B z7c2-)a,- A.-J <br />Notes Remarks, Etc.,/Z <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcehy atftrm u.d.r p.nrlry of p.lury lhir I dn cicfrpr fnrF rhc conracrtra Li.coc bw lor rnc follo{inE rco$n (S( ?0:ll J <br />Busincss atrd Proltssiotr Codel Atry City or C.unly shich rcqutcs a Fm i ro on(tu.r, nlr6, inprov.. d. nlish or Eton rtry <br />xrtudur. prior ro ns hsuune. aho rcqun.r rtu lrDlic! lu ru.h rE ni ro nh r siBkd rlllcmnl lhll h. or shc is li.enscd poro r <br />h rhc F)visionc of tlx Co relor's Liccnscd Las (Chanlcr 9. Coarmncins wirh Scclioo ?Un of Divi*i6n I ofrhc Ausin.s nnd <br />Pmra$ions Codc) or thlr hc or shc h cxcmfl rhc,ctrom and rh. ha\h n, rhc aucscd cx.ip'nrn. Any vnnrlion ofSccliotr 7011.5 hy lny <br />aprlicanr fu !rEmn $bjccc rh. atpli.m( b r.ivilpcmllyornor d,rrh.n nvc hundrcd dollaB (5500). <br />-1. <br />N owncr ofthc lr(,lEny. or ary cnDloyes wilh B0scs !s thcn st compctrsrion, will d. rhc wor* alld rhc $nmm k mt <br />inr. "ld.rolTcbdforslc(s*.T044.BusircssandPr.f.rsion.CodcrTh.contnctolsLiccnscLowdocsnorlpplyromo*Erofrh. pmrEny wk htrilds or inrpmres thercn. d who dms such wo hinsclforhcNclr.rrhFrshhhorhcrown.n,hyccs. <br />providcd rhar such im!.ormoh e mr iored.i oroftrcn fo! $k lt- ho*cvd. rhc hiildinBor impmrnE k sld wilhin onc )ear <br />ol (nvhlion. rlE owEr auilcr Bill narc rnc hudo of pmviq rhlt hc nr sh. dA !d build or irymvc l]rc pDrEiy ror rh. purln$ or <br />q( <br />^,,**' ",* n-n"nr, -rc(lui\clr.orracrnA s h{d cnnrrccrn" tn en.lrud r hc Fn { (\.. 7o4:l. Bu(m\ <br />lod Eofssion Codc:'Ihc Conrrocrors l-iccnsc Llq dms nol ll,ply ro on o*ncr ofrtup.ny *ho builds or imrovcs thcrcon, <br />rnd who.o.rfl.krorsuchpma{tswirhaConrndon9lic.nsd!,u6uunrtorheContracrolsLiccnselj{) <br />I amcxcmpr undcr Scclio <br />Orer <br />!l)4(E&l-ra!lfrNsA.rloN <br />DICLABTIION <br />t hcrchy nftnn:und.r nMrhy of perjury onc olrhc follo{irg dccla.rrions: <br />-l <br />hlvc und sillrMinrrinaCcnificarcofConsetrrro Sclf lnsurc lor {orksi .onFnsarn,n. ,s po,idcd forbtScctiotrlT0ooirh. <br />bt, cod.. tu th. lcrfonmncc oI lhc rort tor which lhc p.nnil n is$cd. <br />-l <br />harc rtu will minlain *nrker' ompcnsarn,n in\!r!ncc. ns rcqltcd b, sc.rbn r7o0 ol Dc bbor abdc. fd thc p.rfomtud of <br />rhc work rbrwnichlhk ncmit is i$kd Mysorkcn conrp.nsalt)n io\rx'ft.adi.t md poli.y Nnh.r uc <br />-l <br />ccniiyrh.l nr lhcrcrlormonccollnc wort for shichlhn pcnnir is h\ucd,I shrll.or cnrfloyony,)cmn in.nynunncr <br />w, el ro N+om $hid b rh. wrnk.n .smFnqrhn liw{ or Cnlitomm, nn,! a!rcc rhlr if I should h{com slhjar k, rhc <br />srrkes' $nfcnsariotr pn,visi.* of Sc.r ion l?00 of rhc bl.r c{tlc. I sh.ll. lonhwith comtly wilh lhos prolnionr <br />llARNlN(;: rzirui. ro s.urc workc,! conrDcn\aliotr .ovcasc is utrhwril. dd slrll \ubr.r M cnDlo)u ro ainrinal lcnalrics lnd <br />.ivil fi..s up kr oft hundrcd rhoustrd dollire (SILD.UJ0) <br />SNtion 1076.r$c Lrtsr C.dc. intcrci ond altomy s ies. <br />in ldrlili0n n, rhc co( ol drtrr'gcs as nrovidcd fo! lhc <br />IIECLAAA.IIO! <br />I hcEb, affim !.dcr p.tulryorFrjury lhar I ffi liccDsd und& tmvisiotr ot Chaltcr 9 (onmicing sirh sdirn 700oJ ofDivision 3 <br />ol rhc Busirc$ .nd Pmfcsions Cndc- atn my licenr h in tull forc and caart <br />-o-(e <br />CANiIBI]SIONIEIUNAACEI.CI <br />I hcEby nfllr und.r Fnrny oi pcrjury dll lhft is a conslru€lion lcndinB ogcrcy f.r rhc pcrlormnc. ol lhe work for *hich lhn Fmn is <br />hsucd (Scc. 3017, Civ. C ). <br />AXSLIqANL.PECI,ASAIION <br />I hstt, !,im lndcr lcnllryorFrjuryonc or th. rolbwing dcclmrions: <br />Dcmlirio. Pcrnih'Asl,csror Norifrarion Fcderal Rc8ularion\ (Tirlc 40. Pd6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />t.rrcr of NolifElhn <br />I.cdifyrh.r rhc fL{cril lc3uhrions rc8ffdin8 rsh.nos rcnnul nrc nor spplicahlctu rhis l)n*.r <br />l.cdiliih|l I h.!c rcid rhh otpl <br />nrdinonccs s.d Sldc Lrss relarirBk, <br />i\.oftd. I aem roconllywith.ll Cirylnd Counr, <br />r.rr.rc.rdivcs olrhis ciryaM c.unryro cnrs rnon riF <br />ntrlc rcnrio.cdfmpcnylor <br />Appllonl or SIBmtuF ,",,, 9'9 -'d <br />"",", f-4- '9 <br />tt