<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />L ight Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Lile Salety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communicalions Cable
<br />Buildinq
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Groundinq i UFER
<br />Translormers
<br />Torqueinq
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />*^--ebFINALplulnla '?.q)
<br />Notes Remarks, Etc ut
<br />I hcrcby.ftrn und$ r.nNky of pcrjury rhd I a cx.mfl rtunr rhc contmr.s Li.cnsc tje f.r rhc rollowins rcaen (Sc'7031.5
<br />Busine$ ml Proiesion Codc): Any City or Counly which rcqutcs n lcrmir lo conslrud. allcr, imrrovc. dcfr,li\h or Ep,t any
<br />srrucrurc. pdor lo ns hsuance- .l$ rcqunes rhc amlkonl fo. such rmir ro file r siErd srircm rhai lt ., rh. is li.cn{d pusuur
<br />ro rhc phvkbns orthc c.nlra.tor's Licctrs.d Ltrw (Chryrcr 9, Cohmcn.nrg wilh Sccrion ?(xxj of Division 3 ollhc Businc$ and
<br />Pmlcsions Codc) or rh.r hcorrhc n cxcnlllr rhcrclrom md rhc tEsG forrhcallcr.{cxcmprion. Any viollrion.fse(ion70.]1.5 hy any
<br />aflli.rnr rora p.rn rsubl.ckrhc.rpli.anrr,a.ivilp.naXrofn.r'norcrh fi vc huMrcd doll$s (S51XJ).
<br />I. ns ovn$ of rhc trcl).dy. or .ry cnlroyNr virh qrEos * rhcir vrd .omp.trrrtiotr. w,I do thc wo* !trd rhc slBluL- is iol
<br />inrdrdLn or orlcred ttr sh (S(.7(l14. Busincss and ltonsions Codcr Thc (bnr.dor's Li.cnsc Ll$ drcs nollpply x' nn own.ror
<br />rhc p@Icny * l'o huill\ or inDrolc\ rhcron- and who dms such srk himlcll or hc^cli or lhrou8h llh .r ttrr own cmtk,y..\.
<br />[ovidcd rhar ru.h inlpn^r'ftnrs d nn inrc]xlsi or ofibrcd lor $h li h)tr?rr. rlr hikiins or inrpm*n.nr h e)kl wirhin n r )r.tr
<br />otcomp[rn,!, dr Owoc, Builrs will hrvc rhc bnrdcn oa[ovirE nlll hc or shc did nn hild or i'npn,vc rhc phlcny for ihc puif,{.r
<br />I. as owtrn or rh. pn,p.d y, rr cxclusivcly .o.h.rin8 wirh li.cn*d .onhn roN ro connrud rtr l)mjd (56 704,1. Bu.inc\\
<br />aDd Pn,f$si,n Codc: 'rhc Cotrr.lcrois l-icctr\c Lrw do$ norlpply ro on own.r ol pripcny !h() huild\ or nnpiolcs rhcr.on.
<br />and vh..ofua.rrforsu.hrmjdNwlhrc..lri.ronnliccn*dfrBu.nrr.rh.CoMdoisLicctrstiwr.
<br />lr cxcnrnr und.rsccridr .B &lC turrh(rcr{rl
<br />Ihlr (hn$
<br />wonr<ltts, ionttols,ttrol
<br />I hUChyrrTtrundrr FtrrlryolncrEryonc.t rhc hlkNi,r8 Jr.tIrfon\
<br />Ihrrcrnd*illouirri'irCcnificrrcofCon{nrroScllltr\uretrsorkcr'conrlrisrriorarfn,ldodnrhySc.riotrlr00.lihc
<br />trhor Codc. iu rhc pcrlornrmc orrhc *o* for trhich thc l].nni is n\ucd
<br />I lrrc rnd will nui .in sort.rr .onlrnsarion nrsurum.. N ruqun d by S&r ion 3r0o .l the tit or Codc. lhr I hc p[rforroncr or
<br />rnc *ork for shich rhisrcrnrir is nsucn. My workcr-conp.mdn iNuramc cofliq i.drnicy nu.nhcr uc:
<br />-l
<br />ccnily rhtrl in lhc pcn'onnarcc oirhe {ork for *hich lhh rcnnir is i\\ucd. I \hrll nor cnrpk,y trny p.^on n' my nrMncr
<br />v,Nroh.$n*subj.crlorlrwo.scomrrn\dionlnw\orcrlir.rnia.,.dngm.rhdiflshuldlEco,rcsuh]ltrrolhc
<br />Norkds.ompcn\di.npmvisionsorScchtrlT(x)orrh.tnbrCod..lshjll,rodhwilhconrdysilhrhostrorhions
<br />WARNINC: Flilurc to sccurc sorlds corlnctrsat nrc n trn[rwlnl. 0trd shrll \uhjc.l xD cnrnl{i}fr t,.ri'nin l rmhi$ md
<br />civil 6trc{ up t, otrc hund,cd lhouso sl olconrllcn\rln,n. d!ntr[c\ ts tRrviil.il for rhc
<br />S..lnr.1076olrl). t.rlrn Codc. ir c
<br />,.,", 1v11 AL
<br />I horchy rlltDu .r r.nal\ or|xrjtrry I undcr In,vi\i,n, ofChrprcr I (cnnntutun,! qirh
<br />3 Ct tt an-* n,.*. "1 ?7+S-b
<br />/ t\ /t6
<br />I h.rchyillnru cr Fnilryoltf,rjury rh{rrhcrc i\tr con{flarir lcrJir8 ng.ncy lnr rh. 0.ni)rnlmc of rh. qork lar whi.h ihis Nnnir i\
<br />issucd (Sc..:l(I)7.Civ. C )
<br />Afrtl(aNfDlilj a8a:It!)n
<br />Ittruh, trilnnundcr p.n!hy ofp.rjur, onc olrhc follo*ing dcclurrriinN
<br />l)cmlilioo P.mits Asb€{os Norificarn,n Fedcml Rc-!ul0lion\ (rilk 4l}- l,!nr)
<br />Rqtrtcd lxner.f N.rifi ca1i,n
<br />or r.movnl ro nol .p,,liabL lo lhis pmjd.
<br />hc alnvc inrormarion n corer I rsrd tr mopl, Rnh all Cny and counry
<br />rdhcrch],ruih(tricrrnrc\c nriv.\.frhnCirtmd(\{nrtrocrrcrupotrrh.
<br />,,,.17111 tB
<br />VYtla.fi\:v\
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Service l\/eter
<br />ol lhc llLFi'rc\r,rd Ptrr!\si.n\ Codc. xl nry liccn\c k i.li,llri)..c rndclncr