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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/lnsu lation <br />Roof Sheathin s <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing /0 - l0*/r X-\L{.10 <br />lnsu lation/Energy >3 <br />Drywall /o-(t-lY \'.w3t) <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />ncCertificate of Occu <br />OWNER BU!LDT]R DNI,CARATION <br />I hochy afnfln undcr linrlr, of pcrjory rh,r I an.rcopr lrod rh. Conr,.hn Liccnsc hw lor rhc lbllowi.E r.!n,n (s..?oll5 <br />Buiincss Md Prorcssion Codc)r Atry Ciry or Cou ry which rcquncs d tc.nrit lo mn(rud. allcr. inltlnrr. d.mlish or rcpri any <br />slrucluc- nritr ro ns issuancc. .lso rcquncs lnc anplicitrl lbr uch pcrnrir lo 6k r \iEncd flr.nrd rhrr h.or shc is liccnsed Dusun.. <br />to lhc phvisiotrs or'h. Contrrctor's Lic.trscd tj* (Chrprcr 9. Comnrcncins sirh Seclion ?Oo0 6f Dilisnrn I orrhc and <br />Pnfc$hns Codc, or th.r h.orslrc kcxcmfl thcrclrom ond thcMsis tor rhc allcsed cxcmprnin. Any vn,larionotsstion?0315 hy.ny <br />rytlicont lbra pcrnir suhjects lhe omlica ro acivill]cn!hlotnot more rhan lve hundr.dddll& ($51D). <br />-1. <br />6 osner ol rhc ltrorsnr- (, ny cnployes wir h $rsc\ as rhcn vn. cotrP.n\diotr. will do ltu wort and lhc (nrl@ i( tror <br />i{l or dlTcrd foi srlc (Se.7O44. Busincs and Prorc$idN Codq Thc O,nrradff \ l-iensc llw d..s n.r aml, to tn ownq of <br />rhc pmld, who huilds or nnf,rcws rh.a)n. turl wth dB snch wrk hi.Fcllor hcrell.r thmoCh his or h.r own.n[loyccs. <br />prortlcd rtxr sDch inll)mwmoh ac nor inrcnded or otltrcd lq ek ll l$w.vcr. rhc buikliu or inlpolcrrcnl h $ld *irhin .nc ]ur <br />oi.onpLtir. rh. owncr auil(rLi will hrvc lhc hrrdcn oil,ovin8 lh,t hc or shc Jil ml bild or in{,ov hc p$Fny for <br />'hc <br />I4trFJt.f <br />I.i\owNr.,rhcrop.ny,rucxcnxivclycontrNnrs${d..nrx.!r^'o.ondturrrhctbid(sc.7l!-1.|,u\ncs\ <br />x h.Ft\i)nCoJclhcCoikr.rtrsLicciscLrwdocsrorlrplyrortrow.doltn)|criyNhohuildsornnprovcsrltfco. <br />rnd *ho conr0.k foi such lrojcd\siih. ('onrndo( \ r li.cnsd purunr hrhcConkrtr\ Li.cnsc Li!). <br />-l <br />umexcnpr undcr Scclior-, B. & PC rd rhh r.dson <br />Datc Omer <br />lyABA!f,LljAM[EN$IIAN <br />DEUAAA]ION <br />I hcrchy allirn und.r p.nrlryol pcrjury o'm of rhc lhllowi'B c.lmrions <br />_l havc Md will nuinrai'i a C.niarnr. or C.n{.nr ro sclr l nsurc for sorksl comFns ion. $ Imvidcd ior bySdion:1700 or'hc <br />L.bor Codc. tbr lhe lcnnirurcc ollhc No lor which rhc h hsucd <br />_l hrE url willuu,inrriD \o!kc^ onilj.n\ari,'n i'r\urJtur, J\ rrqutcd bySr.ri l?00 .1 rh. lr6or Codc. itr rhc p.rformance or <br />rhc *ork torehich rhhlrLrnrir is irsucd Myworken compcr\ i'rsuRn.r.nrid dxl lolicy numb.r .rc: <br />l\,liry NtrD,nrr <br />-Exf <br />tr.s <br />I .cnrly rlrar in rh. ltrloinun.c,,ilhc sork br rhich rhi! t iinir is i\sDc.l. I shxll tror cmdo) r',t nLr{,n in rn, fh.trcr <br />$ rs b bccomc su$jdd n, rhc trorkdi c.nrpcns lio,laws orCrlir{riir. rtrd rgnc rhrr ill tlnruld lr.nrc nrhlNl n) rlr <br />$ork.r\ conrl,cNr(n)n pmvisn, ofSc.rion:17( otrhc t.rhtr Codc.I \hrll. tu(h\rith ..nrdy \ ilh rnor prni\i(n,! <br />WARNIN(;: F lurc kJ \ccurc workcr .ompctrs.ri eovcri8c i\ uf[$hl. rntl sh]ll {rhF.r , cndoycr ro.'i,nirl l)cntltt! J <br />(ivil nNs up tr' onc hunJrcd thousrd dollrs[])- in addnion ro rhc co\r of.otrlJrneri.i. drmScs trs proridcd for rhc <br />,Sq m l<" <br />L2r!! -8t!I,}1!$du,l.'prclisi.trofChipr$9(connmncirgkirhSccrion7000)ofDivisn l <br />ol rhc Busimsrud Pmra$ionsCodc. od nr) lEcnsc n in tullforcc ud clrc.r <br />B c-7 q fPTv b? <br />*,. e01r+/t{lrtav O^r,tr*trtu, I hz_ <br />I hcrcbra,ftnrundcr p.nrllyoipcrjuryl <br />issucd(ss ltr97,civ. c ) <br />consrru.rin Lndirx rAcmy lnrrltn rtunJunc. ofrlt *ork Ior \hi.hrhhFmril is <br />AII]TCANLDECI.A.BAUqX <br />I tmh, aninn undcr r.nally olpc,jury onc olrhc followins dal&lionsl <br />Dcm)lxion PciinirrAsb.ios Norific.rion Fcncial Rc8ul.rions (Tirlc 40, Pan6) <br />Rcquimd ktr$ of Notilicdrio. <br />-lc.nllyrhrrrhclidenlrcgulari{,Nro! <br />li'rg r\If,(o\ rrnntrrlr.c norrptiii.rhlc tJ rltir fbj..r <br />n n a,rl *dc <br />'hJt <br />rh. Jh,vc ir,onMriur is.oral.IrE e tocomr <br />buildiu con{rucrion. .nd hcrcbt iuihorizc rcprcsctrllrivcs olthir Ci <br />""-,,*,"-sf San- En <br />,€/tE hr <br />ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Forms/Steeli Holdowns <br />T-Bar <br />Flood Zone Certil. <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.z:..0 <br />t--+-- <br />f --T------