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DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding i Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Facto Wired Unit <br />rWallsRouh <br />Ceili hSHard & Soflit Rou <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />lvleler Release <br />L <br />I0 ? <br />?/a7p-a <br />0LRouh <br />Notes Remarks Etc <br />Service lt/eter <br />FINAL <br />OWNER BUILDER I'ELCARATION <br />I h.,cby dnn undcr Fnalry ol p.rjury lh.l I im cxcnpr fmm rhe Conta.roN Liccnsc t w for th. lolbwing rcas. (S.c 70ll 5 <br />Businc$ a.d Profcssidr Codc): Any Cny or Counry {hkh rcquncs r Flnil ro conslrucl. ah.r. inpnJvc, dctrDlhh or rclan lny <br />slrclurc- prhr to ils hsuaEc. aho ,cqrids rh. rpplicanr r.r such Fnnir lo lilc a sisNd {,! rhd hc or shc is liensd lrr{sr <br />kr thc ptuvhhns of rhe Conlructors Liccnsed L!* (Chaprcr 9. CommcrcinS wilh Sccrinn 7(D0 of Divhi.n I ol thc Busincs rnd <br />Poli$ions c{dc)or lhar tr or rh. is cxtmpr rhcrcriomMd rhc for lnc allcscd ck.mlrn n Anyvn nlionolSdionT0:ll5 hynny <br />amliclarr(rtrr.rn,irsrhrdrsrhcaprliconrloacivilpcnolryofmrmrcrh.nfiv.hundrcddoll0rs($500) <br />-1, <br />!s o*mroaficpo,tny, o.nrycmplot .s withw!8csas rhcn st c- ric.\arion. willdo fic wo* ond rlE srtulm n mr <br />i.rcdcd.roficrcdrttrelc(5(.?044,Businc$andProfc$ionsCotlclltCtnradoisLiccnschvd.trno({DryroanowBol <br />rhc pmp.ny -tb ttrilds or impn,rcs rhcm[.mlwho dor such *ork himrcllorhc^clfor rhoulh hh o! hct owncmPloy&s. <br />l,olidcd rhxrsu.h impmmntemr inrc cJ orollcrcd,or ek Ii h.wcvcr. rhc tuilding or irqdrcm issh wirhin,,nc <br />'srorcomplcrion. rhc OwNr Buiud will h.!c ltrc bunlcn ofnmvirs rhlt hc or sh. did Nr burd or inlmw rh€ PDItn, rd rrE [r4ns of <br />L r\orncrofrhcpn,ttrnv,\ivcll.onrrrclirg sirh li.rtr{d co r' a.t* r. L_o0{rucr rtl lrujc( ( St. 7t!'1. 3u!N\\ <br />arkl hilissi.n Codc llrcConlrmk, s\.1-rw docs norrlflrlo rf.*ncr.fl)()lcdysho huildsor imrrov.\ rhcrcon <br />r.i \ho conrrrcrlarsu.hfoj..lswiihr(inrDcktr(9liccn\cdrr^urnrk,rhc(inrrrroisl,\c1trtr) <br />I Jncrdnnruidfl s.!trotr .B &Pc r{rFtsrr-n <br />WoRt<l R-S' ( lt)Nl Pl'NSAI'I( lN <br />DLCLAXAII(]! <br />I hicby rffiflnnndcr |{nrlry otpcrjry oic.frhc f{rbsmE dccl.mrion\: <br />lhnvcdrlwillm.int0inaCcnificlrcolConscnrbS.lflnsrr.forsrlc^snnpcn{rnn,.aslmvidcdfnbyS(rion:lTlDofrh. <br />tihr Codc. tu rhc Fjriorino ncc ol I hc worl( Ior Nhichrhc p6'nir is hsu.d. <br />-lnarcnndNillmainlain*ork.^comrc.\rrionnrurinc.rsequircJ6ySsli,nr.l7ll0.rrh.hborCodc-torihdptrrornr^_corlhc work ior which lhisFrmir ir hscd. My*orkdj comI,cns0tnnr insu.lnce clricr,rd Flicy nun$ct uc: <br />Cer: <br />- <br />Iccriitilhllirlhcpcrfornunce{)irhcworkrd*hi.hthisrcnnirisi\\ucrl-I\hrllnorcPby.rrypcnonin!n,m,nmr <br />{ r lo bccom sobjd b rhc sork s conDcns{rion hws orcolirixnia dnd rgfrc rh.l ilI should lrs,r $bitlo rhc <br />wo*c* .onprN,r n povnn'nsofSsrion 3?01) oarhc If,txtr Codc.I \l[ll. fonh*irh ompl, $irh rk)* pir,risidF. <br />WARNING: r,ilur. () wurc Norkcn'comrcnsarion ovcDsc i\ unhstul, ut, shall \uhFl an e'nPk,ycr b dimiml PcMllic\ and <br />livil [,cs trt b oic htrndrcd rhou\rnd dollri\ (xX)). i', Uirn,i n) dr .o{ ol .of,Dcfsrri,)n. dr rgcs rs Povid.d for rhc <br />S.crioD.1076 otrhc li&tr Corlc. <br />*, o*/,+/E 34 ' zt,-' <br />!.l!!ri!!dUati <br />I hcrcby ommunder ncnllryolpcrjury ihor I n'n liccnsl undn lovkion ofChstrd 9 (conmcrcing wirh Seclion 7lxl0) olDivisiotr l <br />of lhc BusiRss and Prcfcssioas Codc, srd m, lkcn* is in full foN and clf(l <br />t-7 9?t,69 <br />Yg/r4l t9 <br />lh.'.h\ rlltnrkl.r trnrlrtol N,juO rhnr ru.rim hndi'rsr!.,ry nrrhc ttr.loiinrn.c olih.$.rk nn *hichrhi\ P.nnil i\ <br />isucd (Scc lO9?, Civ. C ) <br />w""^. <br />ATTIIIANI.DEII.ASANO! <br />I hsll)y o|mr und.r p.nally oi lErjury onc of lhc lollowin8 d(hrari..i: <br />Dcmnition Pcrnils A\bc{or N.rifi.rrion Fcd.rsl Rcrulllions (firlc4{. Pd6) <br />Rcqutdd l.n.r ol Noriicari,)n <br />I <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS <br />,A <br />+*a[s-{e€ncluit <br />Lfo-l0tl <br />lrlry hnqfr,a r.,fr t',, ln <-