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COMMENTS <br />4r <br />Buildin Sewer <br />lnterce tori Clarifier <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under Iloor <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />0'-(t,rffWater Pi tn <br />Gas Pi rn <br />TOP OUT <br />Roof Drain <br />Waste & Vent <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary SeweriCap <br />Back Flow Device <br />U-trRouh Plumbin <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />FINAL <br />Meter Release <br />Final Gas Test <br />4,1t./,; , nth,,t.,n,.,]- r.,*t-,1"-,/,ea)l',., Jro*t a.*/U,rahA <br />' ii )- o, i* i, .{c-t, 2 ln,, t tol^,! ril alu - -/,,--,.- d*4\Hrtz- <br />,lr r,/t t,rn;firklT /h#;f*;Z,, f-7-oI2 <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCATATION <br />I hmhy iffm unds pendry or F.iury thd I @ cx.trrpr fmm thc Contrelos Litn* ljw for lh. followir8 r.&$n (S.t.70.1!.5 <br />Blsiicss snd Prcfcsion Codc): Any Cny or Coln|y which Equies r lEmir lo 6.srrucr. rlr{. imprev., rhmlbh rlJ Epair any <br />$ru.t@, Itribr ro irs hsurrce. al$ Equies fic amlher lor such Fmi ro fih a s'ei.d !t!te@l lhal tp or snc ir lic.nsd plMa ' . <br />ro rhc prcvisio.s oa tlE C,nrmrols LiccnFd L!* (Chlprc 9. Conftming enh S{Ihn 7l0O of Divilion 3 of lh. and <br />Pbacsiofls Codc) or ltar lr tr dE ir ei.nlol rh.Efrom rId thc b.ris for rlt .lkgcd .xcauion. Aryviob6nofS.dhn?03,.5byany <br />apd'crfl for ! ,cmn ilbjNr. tlf, lpplic. ro ! .ivil ocNly of rcr mc tun iivc hundFd dollin (t5m). <br />.--1.$own.rolr[cpr)pcny.nrnrlcDrnk)yccssilh$trrc\n\rlEirsolc.onr i\!itr)n. $'lldo dt tru* drh.{nrhnisml <br />rh.I()jrdy rr()hrld(\rlN(rn.!,nlqhod'E{{r.htrukhmsclirrhcr{llorlh'ouAhhi\ [nyccr, <br />tmlid.dihsrruchi'nnntrcnr srrnrri'cidcdorollceallnr!'L1r,lrN.\cr.ih(huiurrSo!nv(r,xlEnri\$lllsirhnronc\rr <br />olc.nlPtrion, rh. Osncr Auiur $ill lNr rh. hrrdcn ofpn,r'ng rhrt h..r nr id nor htrild o.irnpn,\. rht Imtdytu' rlf,lfurrx,{ol <br />-1, <br />as ow*r oi rnc pmlJ.rry. m cr.hsivcly conrracrin8 with liccnscd contscroii ro onnrud *E Dmi*l (S(. 7044. Busms <br />ad EoftrsihCodciThc Cofiacroas Li.cns. Law docs.or applyro a6own.r ofpmp.rly eho huilds or imrowi lhden. <br />md who .onimk lor Mh l,mtrrs *nh ! Conkro(t liccn$d puGunr ro rllc Contradols Liensc t s). <br />lme!.m undcserb. . B. & P.C.forrhnEsn. <br />IVORKEIS' COMPENSAI'TON <br />DECI/AAIIO! <br />I hcrcb, a,firm und6 Fnahy of pdjury oE of lhc lolLwing dmldaionq <br />-l <br />h.v. and *ill @iniain o Cenifrltc of Comnr ro Scla lnsnrc for *or*cm oqf,netir,n, eq thvid.d lor by sdrion 3700 oa llE <br />Libdr Code. for rhc rEfolr1@e ol h. h.t fo, ahich UE p6nir & hsBd. <br />,l hlvc snd will minroin workcft comFnsrrion insurlre. !s rcquircd by Stl ion l'700 ol rhc libor C.d., lor thc p.rfommc of <br />llE work for which lhis p.mi is L$kn. My *ork6 coq,cnstioi in$rftc cekr ald !6li.y nunl*. m: <br />_l ccrtiry rhar in rhc pcrrormnrr oirhc work ftr which lhk pernrn is issucd. I sholl not cryrloy any pcron in any mnner <br />v, os to ttsm subirr !o rhc wo*.R mmFcnsorion hqs ol C.lifomi.. and osEc rh,t ir I shuld subF.l lo llf, <br />mrtcs omp.nslioo pmvisions ol Sdior lT00 of lhc LalEr tuc. l shlll. fonhwnh.dn{,ly wnh lh,e pmishns. <br />WARNIN(;: ,:rilurc b s.-^ue workcn cotr,p.trur l. {nd shall subJc.l 0n cmnlo}cr lo siniial FeX.3 ojd <br />rhc cosr ofcomrcnstioi. damgcs ns lmtidcd fo, thccivil linc\ !t ro .nc hrndrcd rhous'nd dorlrs <br />.r8 -""' g^^ L-' ,-t4 l <br />I hcruby amrn undcr p.ndry ol rerjury ,D liansn und.r tovisnrn ol Ch0ptcr 9 (ommncirs wirh Sdion 7m0r ofDivision l <br />ol rhc llu\inc$ lnd PRntsbns Codc. dil rylic.n\. i\ i.ltlltu.c rndcl,icr. <br />t3 C_3 88t"1{-6,Fr"ltic-tr;tct/ t*9 <br />I hcrchy ofirnr unds rnalryorp.rjury rh <br />i\\ucd (Scc.1097. Civ C ). <br />ir{ con{ dbn kndin! rectry lor lh. pcrformncc ofthc work n,rshi.hrhis lrnrir is <br />AITI.I(ITNLDECIJ&IiTIAIi <br />I h.rc$y,Rnfl uMcr !$0llt ol Frjury onc ol lh.,nlhq ire {!(lararion\: <br />Dcnlrirtun Pcnnirs A{ Nor ili.d ion F.dcralRctuhtions (TirL 40. Prn6) <br />Rcquncd hlrcr or Mnifi calinl <br />Essdinx ast csros rmvd arc not lppliclbLro rhn nmrccr <br />n n sarc rhnr rhc rh,k inronndn n.onNr I.srerocomplywirhlllCiryandCounr, <br />ing corM.rion. \rd rctEs.nrdrilcs ofrlis City and uron rtr <br />""**--7,6,,,9a m Et,- <br />/?tq v <br />PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />-71 <br />a <br />APPROVALS <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />e\ <br />Water Service <br />{ <br />DATE J rD/SrG. <br />i-i-