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APPROVALS DATE <br />Appliances <br />It/etal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />It/isc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Vents <br />Rou h Ductwork <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Toilet Room i Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />'4'q <br />&1--(Rou h Mech. <br />Final Test <br />fiW'Y,,'r.'n\i,W _U,'t ra/, <br />//Zary''./ol,r/r,f fu l?L rt,u lltbn *t// ?lo?'Zffialz- ,,t>Z- tlkoJt <br />12 <br />\,, c)z-x,4^ <br />owNER llull-D9t I)Fil,cARATr()N <br />I [rchy Jlirn nndcr rn0lry (n F-rjry rhnl I rm cx.mpr rinn ih. (innra.t)s' LNnt l]'q irtr rhr |olkisirr3 rci\on lsc.70:11.5 <br />Bn\inr\\ trBl ltor'.\\i,r(,xlc): nJ-CiryorCoo l{hi.hrcqnncsnltirnin,.onNnrl-!llc!.i'npovc.dcnn,li\hJtrcpxtrny' <br />nru.ntrc. |xia ro !r N{rtrcc, rko rcquncs rhc qplicrtrr l.r {Eh t^-rnrir rr filc r \ilitd {d.hc rhtr hcor shc N li.ctr\cd'nursu ,?. <br />k, rhc I(,vtnn ot !h( Cofi(ttr'r Li.cnsud liw (Chrnrcr'J, CoNncncin! wilh ?(xI) ol l)iriri .r ofrhc tlu\i r$ rtrd <br />uflli.rnr ti,r r n rnrir $hlcds rhc rlnlicnnr ni r.ivilpctrrlryofnor nucrh i firc hundrcdd lhis (55(X)) <br />l. {s 6wnfi of rh. FoFny. m ny .n{,loycs *ih wsg.s !s rhcn $b odt)cnrarhn. will do rhc *{rtr arn dE slralw is ml <br />inlcd.d or ofi.Ed for $lc (S€.7O[4. Blsimss .nd Phfcsions Codc Th. CotrEcrol s LiccM t:s docs .ol apFly to an osncr of <br />$c p6Fny *ho builds or impmrcs th.Mn. $d wtF dms $ch mi( hinscll o. her.lfor lhmuEh hk or h.t own employsr, <br />prolidcd thaBuch imrmwEot @ mr hre,icd oroflbrcd ro, eh. lt ho*cM. tlr l{ildin8 or in{mtr issldviminoncF <br />ofmnFLrio.. rnc OwM BuitLr *iI hlr ltE lMrk{ ofFDvin8 tt r nc or n drd mr hild or ia!,Dk [E poFtry for tlE purp.s of <br />-1. <br />r o*nc. of rhc It( 6 cx.lurivcl, conrm.rinS wnh li.cncd .onlrEkrF lo oflnrud rh. E6l$ (Scc. 7044. susim$ <br />ail PrDfNion codcr Th. Contmlor's Lic€nsc L3w does ml lpply to an ow&r of tmp.ny wts huilds or imtmrcs thcrcon. <br />afld pho m.rrmls for such pDirls with a Conr6cro(\) liccnrd |'uxurnl b rhc C.ntrelols Lic.nsc bw). <br />I hcrcD.r urdcr Scclion . B. & Pc.lorrhisrctsn <br />WORXTIiS' COMPFNSATIoN <br />DEIIdMIIq! <br />I tcrcby afliirn undcr rEnohy ot Dcrj!ry onc of lhc folloqi.s dcclaalionsi <br />-l <br />har dd Dill tuinhi. a Cenifrdr. ofconcfl !o 46. Mrkdl conFnglion, !s ptovided fdr b, serion 3700 ofih. <br />L{btr tuc. for rhc lcrfoMcc of thc rdt tor *hich rhc p6nl ir L$ucal. <br />_l hlrc &d will @i.t,io wort6 comp€nsatiotr i.sunrcc, !s Equned by 1700 of rhc l,hor C.d., for lh. of <br />lh. Mrt for whkh iht p.rmn is issEd. My vorkc6' mtrqEns{lior i.s!d@ cdhr {t Flky nnmh.r m <br />_l ceniiyrhar ir rhcFrl'ornrsnccorrhc wdrk tur whichrhis prnni is nsu.d.l sholl not cmlloyanytlcnon insnyntrm, <br />s dc ro tr.o'R subl..l b rhc m*.r{ ompcnsdiotr ltrws ot Cilifomi!. and asrcc rhar if I shouH h$om subjd lo ttE <br />worksa d,ollcn€rbn povirions of Scdion l?m oI thc titnr Codc, , shall. fonhwirh omply *nh rh6s povisions.. <br />WARNING: Fdilur. ro snrc ql'kctr oryEnslion .ovcmec is unhstuL and shau subiri M .oployr lo siminrl lf,Mllix and <br />.ivil n.cs up ro of hundEd rhou$,t dollds ($l0o.m0). in .ddilhn lo lh. coir of c6m0cnqtion, d.mgcs {s pmvid.d for tlrc<;- lz;( <br />lllrlLI&IIIg! <br />t-z 381" bg <br />,,,, og /+/ r P lnno Cn-- s h"cliu-- .ln - <br />I hcEb, lrtrn uid.r pcndry of ldjury rnar <br />htuc{ (se. 3097. ci!. c,). <br />t a conshction lcndirBrscncy lor rhc l.dnrdn.. ofrhc mrk for shth rht rmril is <br />i r.ELIIANIJI&CL,IBAIDN <br />I,r{hyaflihnundcr Dcnilrtolp.rjurrotrc oilhc,ollowin8dc.hmriotrs: <br />D.rmnirhn PcnnirlAsb$ros Norili.rri{nr Fedczl Rc$larion\ (Tirlc J0. Pnn6) <br />Rcqxtcd lrtrcr or N.rifi 0rlin <br />lhard,L.cniry rhd rhc hdrtul rc8uhriors Esaftli,rg trsh.slos r.nnval !r nornntli.ablc ro rhi\ !hj.rl. <br />is cotrccl t oar( ro comply *irh llCn!rnd counry <br />roprcscnldilcs oflhk Cily Md Counryh c.rcr uB'nrhc <br />MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />I <br />COMMENTS <br />Hood <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL <br />Etc. <br />l\ilicy Numhlr <br />- <br />lrptcs <br />- <br />Ihcahyrfinn!!Jcrocnnlryofp.'jrrythnrI$J tr dcrln'lirnrrolChrprdr)(conrnrncingtrilhSccri{nr7UI))olDivi\ n:1 <br />ol rh. Lulms\rnd Pn'icssiors Cod.. dxr y liccr\c i\ h tullf{ftan' crft.r <br />,mFny fo. iNpeclior pulpo*s <br />o, Yivt "".,oe/r+f r9 <br />tD/stG.