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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECOBD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.OWNER BUTLDEN DEI,CARATION <br />I hcreby allrn rndcr ,.nrlly or pcrjury rh l d .x.npr rhm rhc contr,.lrc LEcnsc t w for lhe lollowins Ea$n (sc.7o:rl t <br />ausincss ad Proic$ion Codc) An, City or Counly which rcqutcs { Irmii r. con{d.r, nlrc, idprov.. d.m,nh ot rcFrn lny <br />srtucrurc. prior ro its n{anc.. aho rcqutcrrhc amlicur f(n skn p.rnir ro fiL. riSn{ $ar.mnr lhol lEor shc n liersed l,urtu8nr <br />ro rh. pmrisions ol th. Contrcrols Liccnsd L,w (Chnllls 9. Commencins sirh Scclion 7(x)O 6, Divki.n I orrh. Busincss.nrl <br />Prolcsions Codc)orrhll lrcorshe h cicnul rh.rcfromlnd rhc bash ior rhc lllcsc{ crcnflidn ?\., viohtionofSetion?0115 b} rny <br /> iora pcmir rubr€cc rhc arpli.anr ro acivilpenrlryolnor nncihrn fivc hundod dollas {$500) <br />-1. <br />ns owncrofrh. DroFny. (nnryc rtt'yccs rvilh *.Scs .i lhcir v'lc comp. {rnn,. willJo rh.\ k.rdrhcnnrrurci\ n.r <br />inlcndLn orofitrcn fu slc lS( 7ltr.r. B!\irf,s\ 0nd I'n,fcs\ion\ Cod.:'l h. (i)nttrtr \ Li.cisc l-aw docs nol alply ro rn o*mr of <br />rhc ptuFny who bnilds or inlttrolrs rhcto\,n.*hinrscllorhcrcllorrhrourhhhorhcro{n.nfk,ycc\. <br />provided rhsr uch impmvc'mnk ,m nn inknd.d or oflbrcd tor \rk ll hotrchr. rh- i^rildiu or in{no\rmnl is s,kl s'irhin onc ,tr <br />of.omplction. tl[ owrcr auilds will hrrc lhc hurdcn of rrovins rh hroshcaid nor hoi or irfn,c rhc prepcny iorrhcl)urlnEol <br />-1. <br />ns owtrcr or rlE fm|[ny, inr rxcrusivc ly conrrocriry wirh licctrrcd conrru.n,n lo con{rucr rhc F,j..r (scc 7t44 8nnrc$ <br />anl ftofislbn Codrr Tlr. Cotrrdcror's l-i.cns. t-rw do.s n.r q)/, to trn owncr olproncnywho huilds or nnlolc\ rhcrcon. <br />lnd $ho coor,arh lor such pojccr\ wnh a Contracrorl, lten*d prrsud h Ihr C.nt r.r'sLi.etreljw) <br />-l <br />am cicnlpr undcr Ssln) <br />tll]BKli&5lAUfEN$AlION <br />IIECI.AAAI]ON <br />I hcrchy aflim un.lcr rcnllly ol JErjury om olrhc r'ollouins dcchruin,n! <br />-l <br />halc snd will nuinrain 0 Ccn ifurc or Con*nr t, SelH nu'c r'or workc(' c.mFnsar ion. os Frcvtcd ior hySccrion:17( otrh. <br />L.bor Codc, iot rhc ncdonutuc of lhc work for wfiicn rh. pennil k n\ucd <br />lhxlc n d sill ui'trri'i .oupctrn nnr iDsuraif,c..( rcquircd 37(x)olrhc lnborCodc. nrrhc p.nnnnxm..r <br />rh. qork for qhich rhis Firnir is ilsud. M!$!.i\ ri insurrtrcc crrid rndFnicynuflrhcr arc: <br />Ir{,licrNun,hcr ErDrc\ <br />--l <br />ccdifythar inlhc pcraorNncc otrh. $o aor *hich rhi\ Pcrnir i\ i\srcJ. I rhrll nor umpk,y rny F.rsotr nr rny mrn.r <br />v, Nk tr.nft subirr hrhd warkrn .onrrcnsartun ldws or crliromil a |3elhal ill should h(ro'm {h,cd rorhr <br />uorlcn'comp.nsdn,ntovnion{ofSstir:l?0OofrhcLaborCodc.lsh.ll.n'nnwirn.onr y wirh rhos lr.vhions <br />WARNINC: [lilurc ro scurc $orkcn <br />(nil finc\ uI h ryr hundrcd rh"u\ond <br />srlhn x,^ of'',}fi fod. lnkr(,"," 4L'-!Ll) <br />!n cnvlo'€r ro diminrl Fnrhf,\ ud <br />tnr. drnr8es is prov cd lu lh. <br />I hcrby arnrn undcr lc dry.I!.rrury lhd l,m*l uMcr pnrvision or Clu|]lcr 9 (commminE wi'h S(rion 7(xJ0)olDrisi$ l <br />oi rhc Busincs od Pnn'csionsCodc, drd myli.cns is i'r tull f.r.c lctlccr <br />( <br />lolsmueuoNr[lDllcaa[Nr.I <br />Ihcrcbyifii,rntrndcrpcn{llyollErjurrrh lhcrc h rconsrruclhn hndingascky forrhc ptrf*nrdkc olrhcwotk ior*hichrhi\ pcnnir ir <br />irsu.d (Sc. 1097, Civ. C.) <br />I ccniiyrhar rtu tcdc rll rcSu lar io n s EgardinE osbcsros nor qrplicrhlc n' rhisl,ntcr./ <br />-l <br />ccnifythar I larc rcsd rhkupplicarion !d \rar9,61rnc !b.rc flnii,r '\.om.r l rg(t k,.o Dl! <br />;'li"H*"- <br />.dinrncc\ nlSiire l:rw\ rchring r, huinting cn6rrudion. rnd hyxurh.r 7c rcprc\.nrrrrr\ ol rhr\ C-[) <br />rtn\c ntrnrioncd prcr'crty Im nr <br />ADplicnnt or AEenl SiAnrlufr <br />a <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouoh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Fouoh) <br />It/eler Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service I\,4eter /1 <br />FINAL /t/tvl/ -M1-4-/I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc r< <br />COMMENTS <br />APpI ICANT DFCLAR-{TION <br />I herhy alIm xnd.r p.n,lry.rtcrjury on. orrhc f.llowin8 ddclmlions: <br />Dcnrclirion Pcrinils Aslrnos Norillc,rion Fcd.rrlRcEularions ('Iirlc 40. Pda, <br />R.qui6d trncr of Noriff, ,rior <br />r <br />--------T------ <br />I <br />F <br />I