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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS oTVNF]R B(IIt,DTR DI:I,CARAlI()N <br />I hcicht rflt'n trklc, r^*nilry oll)clury rh l rcxc rl, lin rh. Ci! rrctm Liccn$ t-rs lnrrh. f{nb*in8 r.rvr (S( ?(,115 <br />stu.rurc. frio.n, ir\ nsurn c. o rcquncsrlt nmli.itrr tur nrh tf,nnirb iilc r (igrEd {itcnrrr rh heor shc i\ licrnrd puruanr <br />ro thc lovnnn$ ol rh ('ontrcrn s l-iccnscl lr* (Chaflcr ,. (rnnnrncins sih Sccrii'n Tlxx) or l)ivisnnl ] or rhc au{ c$ rnd <br />Foltssions(xlcrorrhrrhcorshc iscxcn,lllh.r.Iromaod rhc htr\i\ li,r lh.ilL8rdcx.hPri,nr Any\i,nrri( ofSc.ii( 70.ll5byrny <br />rfplicnnr fttr rprnnir \ohjl{\ rhc rmlnrnr rr dcivilpcndhyol n.r mrc rhJtr l rc huDdrcd tl lhr iS5lX)) <br />_I. I osmr .f th. pmFny. or ny coplor.s wirh *recs ai rhct slc .omFn$li,tr, *ill do rhc sdl od fi. nrelm i\ mr <br />inle lcd or oltcr.i for eh (Se.7ot4. BusiBs and Prcfcssions Codc TIE Cont acrols Lians tlw &rs er .ptly ro { ow*. of <br />thc l,orEny *ho hoilds or inproves rlEetr and ph. &B sh md( hi@lr or h.ftlfor ihmu8h hii or ncr own e mploy&3. <br />provided lhsl such intmEmnts @ mt hrord oro,terd for sk. lf. tnueq. thc b"ildin8 o, imI,lME i!$ldwithhorcFr <br />ormn{,lcrin tr olm$ Buil,.r * h,rc ltr bonlcn ofprcving rnd lE or shc dii mr tnild or iqhr Ur poFny lor $e F4sc of <br />-1. <br />N o*m! ol th. Fot'eny, an exclBirl, conlrrrins eirh licen*d co.rh.roR ro or*rcl lh. tmjd (Se 7044. BuiircN <br />0nd AbArxsion Codc Th. Co.lracror's Liccnsc tjw dcs nol 0pply to an o*n( of pmpcny sho buildr or impovd lhcrcon. <br />lnd who onrtucrs for ruch lojen wnh a CoiEelo(O ltetrsd puFunr io th. Conranols Liccnsc L5*). <br />-l <br />ancrcnr/ uld$ SNt <br />D.r.: ( <br />]IABrD&T:I:QIIIINSAIION <br />DIICI.AIAIION <br />I hcrchy,finmundcr pcnllty of pcrjury onc oflhe folbNins dcclmlions: <br />I lBv. anil will midtrin r ccnificnlc ol Consnr lo Scll lnsurc lttr NorkcA conrpcnsllion- !s pn,vidcd Lt by scclion l7tx) oi rhc <br />Labor Codc. for lhc p.rr..tun.. or rhc $dk aor Nhi.h rft p.rni t n\ucd. <br />-l <br />havc and willmainrain wortc* compcnsatirtr insurancc. as rcquircd by SNtion 3700 oflhe Lrbor Oode. rot ltr lEnoflMmc of <br />lhc wort lor shi.h lhn I'crnil is i\s.d. My qorlcs' .ompcnsarion inslmtuc ari.t dd Flacy nxmb.r a. <br />Policy Nun$.r:Jrni'c! <br />lccnifrlhd in rh. Frformmc of lhc wort for rhichlhis p.rmil k issucd.l shlU mr$n in,nynumt <br />$ asio bccom subjccl lo lhe Nnrtss coipcnsriotr hssofc.lifohi!. and !gm. rh"l irl shtrld sub)d lo ltr <br />*oltcK conqrcnstionrmvisions ofScclioo 1700 ofrhc L,l{r Codc.l sh!U. fonhwarhoot'ly enh lh.E Pmviriom.. <br />WARNIN(:: Irxihr k) vcurc wo .r{.rrtx srrion .o md shall subhcl !n cmflolcr ro dinirll Follics lnd <br />hc cosr ofcom!.nsarion. duuscs {s providcd tbr lhc.ivil lincs up t' onc hundrcd rhdusnnd dollare ($100 <br />s*rion 1076 d$c Lltd C.d.- <br />-", f\u\ra <br />DECIJBd.IIAN <br />I hcrhy iffifln undcr rcnrlly of pcrjury lhll I nn liccnst lndcr pmvhn'n ol Charr.r 9 l.onnhft in8 wirh scdhn 7fi)) olDivi\nrn l <br />of rhc Burincrsdnd Pmfcrsi.rr Cbdc. d nry licctrsc is tulllbRa cl'ltct. <br />ta <br />l()NliIAlJcLlo Llllillllcr\CE[(I <br />I hcrcby dltnrxnlcr N.olly.l Fouryrhrr lhcrc i\ r con{dclior Endin! +cicy for rhc F_rLrmrncc olrhc *ork t, Nh(h rhi\ p.rnir !\ <br />issucd rsc. :109?, Crr C ) <br />d.ttLlcAlfDl(.Ld.8i IUON <br />lhdEt'ylnnmrndcr p(nrlry oi p€rlury om orrhc lnlb*ing d€lrariors <br />Dcfr.lirn,n P.rinirs A\h.ios Nonfi.rrion I;c cr0l RcEuhiurs (Tirlc 10. Pan6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />Lcllcr ol No'incart,n <br />_l ccnify rhlr rhc fcdc rul r€s! bl ions rcs0rdins !$.{os <br />I.cdifyrhd I turvc rcd rhis rppltariu url ion n comcr.l srrc r. 6q)ly wirh all C <br />ordinarcs and sr.rc tlws ,chraog ro building ;urhori- rcprcsnlslivcs of lhis Cily <br />ah,!c runrioncJ pn,pcny ror instl.dnr <br />Applicrnr or &cnr Sisnul!rc r. <br />) <br />sl.) <br />Appliances <br />l/etal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouoh Ductwork <br />Ventr <br />To'b?Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grea,se Duct <br />Fi Dam er <br />Openings <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech./t//7/ /fr -2t ftut I <br />Final Test ',1 t'q -r( <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL llltt t/t{ ,-zz <br />Notes, Bemarks, Etc. 'l <br />1l <br />lnstallation