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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Unde round <br />Pole Bases <br />ht Standards <br />Pool FountainsSS <br />Si NS monument <br />Life Safet /Low Volta e <br />Fire Alarm / Dam ers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildin <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondin / Groundi / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Tor ueln <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof To ut entE <br />Facto Wired Unit <br />Conduit <br />Walls Rou h <br />Ceilin Hard & Soffit RouS h <br />Ceilin hST-Bar Rou <br />Meter Release <br />Bou h oE-- <br />Service Meler <br />1 <br />Notes, Remarks Etc <br />()rrNI,tR I u r r,rrE,l I )uLC^R/\TtoNI hLrchv amrm undd rctrlrrv or l*rjurv rtar r on .x.mpr ron rhc r-iccn{ L!* fttr lhc rorosir8 rcasn lscc.7o 1 r .5Busincs ,nd Profe$io. c.dc): Any Cny or CouDry shich rcqun ! I pcrnrir ro L$n$tucr. utrcr. nnprolc. &mnnh or tolan anysflcrx,c. rturto ir\ nsuamc. at$' rcqlir*rlr r(tr such pc,rnir tu fitr r \i8md nrc f,ii thar h. or sh. i\ liccnrd pu,suanr <br />n, rhc pmvisn,n! olrtr conkrcrors t,icctred Lrw (chaprcr 9. co'rnrftinr wirh sccrtun 7fiD oI Divhion l orrhc Bunncr\ and <br />Prca.siotrs cod.) or rhar lEor\he i5excmpr rhc.fronr d rhc ba* forrncilhe.d crcnDlbn nyriohriotrofsdri,nrT0:lt5hyan, <br />rppli.urfor.!.rrnir\ubj.clsrhc,Dpticrnlo,.ivilpcnrtryofnormorclhrnrivrhud,cddo[r,(S5(x). <br />-l.Fo*k,nrt\cIroFnt!'m)cntt.yc\w(htraec\a.rhctrokomrn{rFtr.rj.rdrrhctrollorldrthvMm*mritrr.nJdl ,{ nfrc*d rnr elc lse.tu44. Bu{m$ snd ftofcssions Coric: Thc Conrdois Liccns riw dEr not slT,ly ror.oqncr otrlt pm!.try wtD blilds oi inllFrcs thcNn. dd sn. dcs such wo hnnsctrorhcr{tforrhhuShti,",t",o";",'"pr.y..,. <br />fn,rided lhd snch imprournkmmr inrdrLd oroilerrl foi *ic. tf, hoscrcL ttE boiltins o, inptuhtu n$H,ihmoncFsofmnpblnr. rhe O*ncr Buildcr will h.rc rh. hodcn nfr.vins rh.l hc o, sh. did rct buik o; inl E rhc pmFty tor llr puqDe or <br />_1. a(ownc, nl rhc fmn n). a'r c(lunv.l, . ,,nlt n8 *irh Lccnscd c.iir& ro^ xr ron{ru., th. nFJcd rsc(.7({4, Bunnc..o' Pll,ri.\hnc,dc Thc cnnk(rr'( Liccnsc LowJuc\ mr lmlyh an owrcr o f rmp"dy *ho ;!ii{k or imr"^$ rh.rcoi,.nd who tor srch pn, wirh r c. mcbn s I tkdned plnunrt rrn Cr;ncxr\ rtcn* k*). <br />ttur", O <br />1Y()RKllRS COI\tI,LNS,\t l()N <br />I hcrchy rfirn utrdcr pcrrlryof <br />DI;(]LAILTTION <br />l-rb.r Ctulc. Lr rh. NLnnxn.c oirh. (ork f{tr wtrtch rhc F-,nri i! n{rc <br />rhc qorl litr uhi.h rhi\ !dnrir i\ Nsu.d Ntv{orkcF\dirr il$trrr...mE rnttnot.} trtr $rrrr. <br />-Expircs:--l <br />ccnifyrlEr ir thc l).rforoancc oflh. sork ior whi.hrhh Dc.nir is i\s!d_ I shtrl n.r cmpto]!trytrchon in uymunnc.s) u t, tr<nr srhrc.r t. rh. wollcF comFnsarion tows ofcatironia..nd l8toc ihrr i,I stu;U h."n" *tpo r,, r"*orkdr compcns,rbn Fovisions or Scclbn t70o of rhc Lrhtr Cirdc. I shall hnhwiih .oddy wirh rr,.* p,",*.. <br />WARNINGT Failurc ro *.urc workc6'.onr.nslti.n cnruurr n unhsrxl afti sh(ll subjer trn emplorcr ro cioiiatncnrtrics,nd <br />Rddilidr b rhr c.\l ofcompcrsarion. drrogcs rs lroeided ior rh..iril lircs u! k, onc htrtrrlr.d!nd dot <br />Scrii,nr 107(, ofrh.lntbr (.odc, iDlcru( nid <br />nnu cr l.nrlry oifcrjurr- rhrr I(D lic.nwtun(tcr Jrftrvi\irnr ot(,hiprn 9 icom rrirB qirh Sd.ri{nr 7r)(](lrofDivi\nrn:] <br />or ihe Busiros &d tmLsiols CoJc- aftt nry ticcnsc is in tuI forcc ud cfliii <br />\c Nu'nhcror2bJ <br />APPLICANTDFCI ARAT(IN <br />I lI,t'b, aliim trnd.r pculty o! p.rjury one o{lh. rottowins detdarions: <br />Dcmolilion P.rnih Ashcnos FcdcBl RcSu,.rions ('t.iltc,l0. p,n6) <br />-RcquiEd <br />kucr of fioriaEsihn <br />os.ctrk{nlrrc n.l qrfli.dblcbrhhtr+d <br />rc abvc inromrion t.oroi. I asre roc.mrty wnh otl Cny ond Cohryat hcFhyaurhn',c mpr.snr,rircs ofrhh Cirydnd Coutrty ro.nh uFn rhc <br />*,, ot/z$f ,y <br />?z4^l C'?'-1/ z <br />ID/SIG. <br />Walls <br />FINAL <br />(IoNSTRUCII(IN i FNDING A(]r\CI <br />I hcrut y sm.n un]"i pcnalry ol r.rtury rhul rhc* is a.onsr,.lion hoai,g og"*y a- rhc p.An,*mc orrh. work for *hi.h rhk l*,nri Gisurd (Ss.' 1097. Civ C ).t