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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hc.cb, amrn !nd( Frohy ol pcrjury lhrt I m cxent lmm Ihc Conlmcron l-icc.\. Lnw for rhc rdlowin8 rcasn (Scc 70ll 5 <br />Busincr{ and Phrcssn Codc) Any City or Counly whi.h rcqutcs ! Frn,ir lo .on$fl.I. rhcr. i'n[ovc. demlhh nr mntrn rny <br />irucru.c. pritr ro ns issuancc, als rcquncs lhc 4plicanl for such rrmir ro 6L . sigftd $.t.'m $01 hc or she is licen*d p!^unnr <br />lo lhc [ovisions otltE Conlrsckn i Liccns.d trs (ChDl,r.r 9. Com'ncncine qilh Scction 70OO ot Dirisn,n ] oi rltr Bnsints a.d <br />Prcfcssions Codc) o, Ih0r lE or sirc irexcn9r lhcrcli.'n6nd rhc hNi\ forthcallcBcdcrcmolion Any!iolar6..rscclidl?0ll.5hyany <br />!!plic! tu!pcroir suhjdk rhc appl,.rnr to 0civil!.nrlryofnor mrc rhan fivc non&cd dolldr($500). <br />-1. <br />N osNr oa rnc phpcny, or my cmFbr.cs wirh wr8.s as rhci slc corr.nsul ion. will do rh. woA .ti th. srtrtut is Dr <br />n cfthd or o,Iercd for $lc (Scc 7014, Busines ud tloac$ions Cdlc Thc Conrmht s Liccns Llw des nor apdy ro in oatur ol <br />rhc lrfl)peny who build\ o. invnits rhcrco.. and who dtus su.h work hnnsclior hersltor rhrcush his orh$ oen cmfloyces, <br />pmvidcd rhar nkh nmorcmntsm nor inlcdcd or otcNl nn sh. ri hoqlvq rrr lflili.s oi in,oE.Ent is $ld wilhinoN Sr <br />ol complcrhn. rhc OBncr Buikld will hnR rh. bunlcn of pn'vhg rhar h or shc dn fr, tuikl u inDfl,rt rh. tmFiy for llE Nrlre ol <br />l. l owrui nr thc pirr.ny. 0 cxclusivclyconlracrins wirh liccnsedcoitact^ro.ntrnru.r rhc 0roicl (Sec.7oit. Bonn.s <br />a' li,ltssk'nCodc:IhcC.nkrcror'sl-iccnsct-awdo.smra|flyroinowncr.iDropenywto$uildsorinprovcsrlNreon. <br />,nd who cotrhch tu such roicl\ trnh a CorrEcron \) lienscd pu^urni ro rh. conra.lrtr's L.Ins I !q ) <br />I an.x.npl undcr Sslio <br />w( )RxFtis. c( TNTPENSAT!()N <br />DECIdAA.I]A! <br />Ilrrcby,mrnr uMcr pcMltyoItE juryom ollhc nnh$irs ds.'lururn rl <br />-l <br />hrrc snd will tuinrdin a Ccnit*arc or CoNc to Sclf.lnsurc for rorkcr' co mlcnrar ioo. a\ pbvidcd lor bySccrion 37m or'hd <br />Llbor Codc. for lhc pcrlorronc otrhc wo forwhi.hrh.lcrmn i( irsucd. <br />rndsillm.i rin wotkcr' .onrl'.ns.rion insuran.c. as requtcd hys.crnrn]7mofth. t ta,rCodc. hrrh.Frrornu c.oi <br />My !u[s i con,,).nsrri{nr i'rumi(.rnid.nd Bnicy nnDhc <br />..-S qlq -7.2;\b ,,,,*-'\rl Lbltt'rs <br />_l ccnily ihrr in rhe pcrronnrnc. orrhc work r(tr shi.h rhh pcnnil n i$ucd. I shrll nor cmpk,y tri, lcMn in rny hnnncr <br />$ N to lE.onr subjNr h, rhc sor kcr{ co',,n l!w\ .l Cllif{ris. "id nSrc rh0r ir I shuld hccom suhjcd ro rrt <br />sorkcs' L_onlpltrs.l ion povhn,ns ol Ssr ion 3?(x) or rhc lf,hr C.n.. I shtrll, rod h$irh onrnly * ilh rh.Y Pmlisn,ns . <br />WARNING t_3ilurc k) {.uc *(trkcr( cnnDcNfiotr..vcmAc i\ unh*1ir]. rnd shrll srhj.{r .n cmflorcr ln oiminrl Fu[hs 3trd <br />livil fine\ ut b on. hrndrcd th.usr d dollrrs (S100.fix)r. ir .ddilt,n lo rhc co\r of.o rfl.nsarion, drtrmgcs as Pmvidcl for rh. <br />S.cinn, .1076 ofrhc Irhtr C.d., inrcrc( rnd rtl.aEy's l'e\.-qltLtltq <br />IIECI4EAIPN <br />I hcrby dEnnu lfi pcnahy ol,rrjury lhd Ian Iiccred under pmvnion of Chafld 9 (.onrmncins wilhScclhn 7000 ol Division :1 <br />ol rhc Buriiess and Phrcsions Codc. oi my lic.ns h in tull lhrc and cfiNt. <br />t1 CA 113 <br />,,,",.q1 lq ltg ..,*,o.K <br />IQNIIf,UEIIONIINDING.AIiENCI <br />I hcrhy !ftrn ufldd Ftrrlty ol pciury rlur rh.rc i\ s con{dcri'd lc*lin! iecmy ln! rhc ,). oflnaNc ol lhc hrk ftn which lhis |.iinil is <br />ksucd (SN :1097.Civ. C ). <br />I rrtc,'. NJrnr <br />dEfucalfD[st axArlots <br />I h.n'by rmm uidcrycndlty ol p.rjury onc of thc followinS dslarrr ionsl <br />Dcmlirion Pcrmik Asbcsros Norirrcarn,n F.dfdl R.Sulsri.ns (Ti1.40. Pan6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />lxxerof Norifi .irioo <br />_ l..d'ly rhrr rlr rceulrlion. rcSsdinS hbc{,r rcm,olarc n,i atpl'.ohl. ro rhr lmJcctrlu Ll Rn riy rh,r I h,vc rcad r hi! rnnlicah,tr !d {arc r hzr rhc ltnN intormrion n codccl I o8re ro smpl, wirh sll Ci', ind Counry <br />ordinonccs lnd Stllc L3ws rcbrins lo bxilding con{dc(i.n. @d aur horiz rcnrcscnralires ofrhis Cny Md coxnry'o cnrcr upon rh. <br />dhorc NIrion.d froDcny lor in\plcrion <br />applicnnt or Asent sistr.r,r. X <br />pcmi,rmnE,pr, ,:K &nqa iCA E)ttwvvtq <br />1L{rq <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Lioht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Satety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />lvleter Release <br />Rough <br />Service lt/eter <br />FINAL qtulk f4t4 rt'/+-lI -r-Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />-l