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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BTIILDIiR DEI,CARAT!oN <br />I hcrcl,y afliir. under ncnalry or n rjury rhal I m cxcmDt lmm lhc ConlrdoF Liccns Law fo! rhc LU.winB rclsn ( Scc 7031 5 <br />Businc$ and PofE*iod Codc): Any Cily or Couniy wfiich rcqotui I lEnnii lo mn{ruc|. slrcr' nupmvc. &mlish or elxir a.v <br />sru.rurc, prior ro ils ksurnce. rho rcqui$ rh. apllkanr f.r sxch |]cnnit lo filcasisn.d s cmnt lhalhcor shc i{ lic.n\.d lnrsml <br />ro rte nmrisio.r oa rhe C.nractols Li.cnrcd t w (Chapler 9. Conm.midS wnn Sccrn,n rfl)o orDivirion -1oflhc B!\ioc*,nd <br />Ptufc\\tunsCodc)orrhat h.orshc iscrcmpr rltclrcn rn{ rhc bnrtu ror dr rllescd erchPrion AnyliolariotrolscdknT0-rl5 hy t <br />ippliconl l'or 0pcrmir suhjcchrho dttlicant ro acivillrnllryolnot nBrcrhan fiv. hundr cd dollas (S5m) <br />-1. <br />,s ouno or rhc trclEny. or m, cmrl.yes wnh w.8cs !s blc comPcnsd ii,i. aill do rh. *ork 0d ltE {nrlur i( n.r <br />inr.nd.d or oficEd for slc (SN 7(!,+. Blsinc{s ,nd Proltsio.s Codc 'l'lc Conrracrof ! Li.cns. hw does nor aPplt lo nn oRmr oI <br />dc pmlmy who builds or improhr thffin. lnd who &s sth w* himsclfo! hdr\.lr.r lhroush hn or hcr osn cnDIoyes. <br />prcvidcd rhai och i.l,oEmnrs.e rnr inrcnd.t oroifc..t lor$k lt h)ac$. rh. tDiklirg ot inDm\tmd i\ $ld withinnnc )cr <br />o,conrrkri,n. rhcO*ncr Suiud sill hrvc lhc horden of[.ving rhd lk or xjdid mr ttrildor iqrow 6c pn{tnv for lh. puqns of <br />I. ss osn.r or rh. tmicty. anrcxch\nclyco n rio! si(h lic.nscd conrmclors ki 6idtu rrrf,ltuar(Scc 7o'r'r. Bu(itr( <br />rld ftofc$6n Codc Thc Conrd.r.f s Liccnsc Law docs nor onnly ro !n o*n& or Dmp. y qho hu ilds or impror$ lhcrcon. <br />and oho c.nrd.Bfor suchnmrcIs*irh a co nrrucknl r ) I ic.n\cd ru*uotrlto lhc G,nirrcktr r t-ionsc tjw) <br />I ! trndcr scclio <br />Dale Own.r: <br />w(!nKF[s a:attrrP[|\SATI()N <br />DECLABA.IIIJ! <br />I hcr.l,y,ffiim ututcr prtriltyorFrjuryoE ot rhc rollowin8 d*lardions <br />-l <br />hs!. ,nd will mn din 0 Ccrlilicarc of G,nrnr b SclHnrur fd tork.6 .ooDensar i.n. rs pmvidcd ior h, SEr i(,n :r70O of rhc <br />L{h, Codc. (tr rhc p.rrormncc ol rhc Po,k for which lhc Pcrmir i\ i$ucd <br />I [iE rnd willnuinkio wo*.rf.ontEtr\rrn,r inrurrn.c. a\ rcquncd h, sc.rion:17([oflhc Latxncod.. forrhc lcr,hrnBrc or <br />rhe work l'or whi.h rht pernir is hsu.d MyNorkcn Nml'cnsdio! iisoran.. .afticr rnd Policynumbcr ml <br />l.cnilyrlrr in rhc pcrlorrotc of rhc $or* for shi.h rih Nnnir is i\{r.d.l nDllnor cnulnyanyl)cr$n inrnynunmr <br />so sh hcunm subjcd ro rh. nrtc( comlttrstn,n liss orcrlir(n id. md tArc hd ifl should hconf, subicl b rh. <br />+,orkcr'conrFn\arnrn,n,visionsotScclio:U00oIrh.latrC,.,Isllr]1.lonh*irhco'nPlyairhrlD$ln)visions <br />$ARNIN(i: Fnilurc lo scurc workc^' comPrn$ln,n .o\sr8c is unluNful, and shdl subicr 0n cmlloFr b rnninrl ncntrlrts and <br />to onc huftd..d rhou$nd douds {$loo.0oo). in uddnion k, rhc cosl olconlEnsalion da@8cs !s lrolidcd rbr lhc <br />Sccrion :1076 ol rhc lihor Cnlc. inrcrcn md . onEy\ Icc\q/^1/'c/ (2 <br />^wti.nnt <br />DESJAAU!]N <br />I hcEhyamrmundcr l).noll, ol periury rh(l I rm li.cnscd undcr Eovhion ofChaprer 9 (.onrtrftin8 wilh S(rion 7qJ0) nlDivtion:1 <br />of rhc Blrinc* and P&fcsio.s Codc. and mylicen* h in lull tDrc. and cftacl <br />",,",1/4y'->" tL . <br />SONEItrIJSUANI.INI'IN1;IIiINII <br />I h.rhy rfltm und$ ncmlly ol pcrjury r h r rhcrc h a.oh{fl.rkn lcndin8 tr3cncy ttr rhc Frfontuncc ofllrc *or[ lar *hich lhir Fnnil k <br />i$ucd (Scc 3097.Civ. C ) <br />AfIUSANLDECLABTIION <br />I ,rnhyrfiinn!ndcr pcnrhy of pcrjur! onc oirhc lollowins dcclarDrn,ns: <br />L)cmlnion Pcrmir! Asrrsos Nolific.tion ftdcral RCEUl ion\ (l'irlc40. PMO <br />-Rcqutun <br />kllc!.t N6ril^ldion <br />-l <br />c€difr rhd tlr f.'i.ral rcnrlntions Bgudinr ashc{ \rc nr nl arc mr .Pnli.lbh h rhk pn,l..r <br />l.c'rili rhrl I h.\c rn(l rh \ rnl)licrri()n rtr(t jal. Ihrr I <br />ordi'itrr.\ rful Srnr. Lr\\ <br />rtn\r nf,trri(ntd |x,lcny <br />ApDliLrnl or Aa€nt Sign{ <br />r comrly warh rll cityand Coutrly <br />rhh Cirylnd Con y ro cnls upotr rhe <br />,,," ? /t,t/tltg <br />Site-Work <br />Underoround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Bouqh) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />lvleter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service ltrleler I <br />FINAL til 3+/tO -T{7,tMp?d <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />APPROVALS <br />trMcr.\ Addrc$: <br />- <br />I <br />I