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ELECTBICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNNR BUILDNR DELCARA'TION <br />I h.rcby rifin! undcr pcnalry ofFlury rhar I dr.renpr fr,nlrh. Conkr.ttra Liccns. Law l()r lhc I'ollowir8 rcn\rr lscc.Tr-ll 5 <br />aurn.\s od PNfc$ion Codc): Any Ciry or County shich r.quncs ! pnrir b connrucl, llrcr. inrprovc. dctrx,lhh or s|un ,ny <br />drucrurc. lIi,ro irs Gsuucc, ako rcqutc. rhc lpllicanr itr suci Frnir io fihr si8n.d {aremhr rhd lrorshc s li.cnscd ,)u6tr.rr <br />lo rhc pnrvision( oi rh. Cotrlr.ctofs Liccnscd Law (Cn!|]lcr 9, C.nnncrcins wilh Sccrion 7(x)o oi Divirion:] orrhc Bu\inc$ and <br />Pbfc\\ions Codc) orrhar h. or shc i{ cxcmpr rhctofroh dd rhc hasis for rhc dhgcd cicnl.)rn,n. Any rtr ion ol SLrrinr 70ll l hy a.y <br />rpplici rbr suhjdsthc apflic,trt lo 0civilF.oltyofnor NrcIhr livc hundrcd dolhF($500) <br />-l- <br />!s owmr oi lhc t'opcny. or my cnDkryccs wirh raacs as lhcn sob NrrBnsali()n- will d. rlt lolk .flI thc i tufl is mr <br />inrcndcd or ollcrcd ln qlc (S( 704.1. Busirr.\s and horcrsn,ns CGic: Thc C.nka.r.r's Lkcn€ bw des ml 0!dy ro 0n osncr o{ <br />rhc nmrEny who hoilds or iuoB lhcNr.0.d sh. dfts srrh {ori( himscltor ncmlf or rhmusn hh or ncr own.ntk,ye.s. <br />t'iovid.d rhdr skh inpior rnts dc nor inrcfilol .i ordcd f$ sL. lt how.vd, rtE huiktins or iirr,n,rcmnt ir hll rirhio om rur <br />.f.o'rpLrion. rtt Owmr Buikkr will lar rh. burdcn of lmving rhnr h. or slc dit mr huild or in{mrc lhc tmp.ny for Ur !'uqn{ o, <br />L N uwRi of rh. ln,rdy. im cx.lusncly conrkrinB wirh liccn\cd conrlcror r, con(rucr rhc preJsr lscc ?044. B!\inca\ <br />Md h.,tsionCodc:'lhcConrdoisl-ic.nscI-Jwdoesnorapplyroano*nc'ofprcpc ywh{' huildsor iinprov.s lhcrotr. <br />rtrd alar R) Bds fn such wirh. (tnrtuclo(s) li.cnscd |)u6uotrr ro rhc Conlructoir l-iccrsc Li*) <br />-l <br />amcxcmrl undcr Scdn,n-. B & a.C lor rhil r.asn'. <br />Dnle: Oqner: <br />rvoRKERS', Crr\rPEltsATt(lll <br />DICLABAIIO! <br />I hcrc$y.lfiDr undcr pcmllyolpcrjury onc oflhc nnbsinB dcclanrn,ns: <br />-lhovcandwillminr(in!CcnificlrcolConsctrrroS.liln\ureii,r$orkcn.ompen{rnnr,,srmvid.drorbyScctionlTt[oltheLohor Arlc. for lhc I'.rfoamnN ol lhc work lhr Bhich lhc lsmil n issucd. <br />-lhrvcrnd*illmlnoinwrk.rrc.'npcnuiioninsurancc.asrcqrtdhySccrk'n.lTln.frhcL,borCodc.forthc|ulhrunccolrhc wori nnvhichlhis pcnni! is i\\ftJ My*orkcrr dnnpcnrrri,r iNdraxc.adicr tull B)lkyiu rhcr rc <br />c,ni"., r € x€ r7'r P1' <br />I ccnifylhnr ir rhc r.rfo notrcc ol rhc w.r* Lr uhich rhis pcirnir n h{cd.I \halln.r c.rtnry,nt ii rnyntnncr <br />$ a! r,, l,conE sub]ccl ro rlE *orlcr' q,hpdn\arn,n hws oi Calilornin. dnd .Bruc rhd ii I $.uld tr..nE subj.! h lhc <br />sorkcr\, <,ma.nsflrion pFvhiois of S.d n,n ]700 of rhc ljtnr Codc, I shall. f.nhsnh c.nllly w irh rln$ nrcvkiotrs.. <br />WARNINC: FJIurc ro scurc workcs com|xnqrid corcrn8c ir unl.Ntul. and \nall cnDl,)ycr n) .n riirl ltnllk! itul <br />i0,. ,lxnaSc\ n\ |m*nlcd tur rh..ivil ftrcs up k) onc hundrcd lhou{rnd dolhr ($l(x).t{x)). ir <br />S(rion 1076olrhc bbor Cod.. i.tcic, and dtonEy s lac!:l/z-llLr ^ppliotrt:>l- <br />DF'CINRATION <br />I hcrchy aflirmundcr pcnalry of F.rjury ih.r I un! licdnrd uodcr povhion olChrtln 9l.omnEncing virh Selhn 7000) ofDivni.n.l <br />oI lhc Businc$ rnd Profcsions Codc, ird my liccnsc is in ltllfore rn cffecr <br />Cto 4365/-o <br />3 a! * .-,-o*,pZ-K_> <br />CONjiIII]IIIONIINDINC.ACENCI <br />I lrcrcby 0flirD u.dcr ncnaltyolpcrjurylhol rhcrc t a con\rnrcti,n lcDdi.s qcncy h,r rhc l].rronrhrc orrhc work ror Nhth thh Iicrnril is <br />isu.d (Sc. 1097. Civ C.). <br />AIILICAILDEIIdXAII!}N <br />I hcr.ny ofim u nder lcnulry ot Frjur, onc 6t rhe follo*in8 dcclml ions <br />D.mlirion P.nnirrArhcios Notiic.rion Fcd.ral R.Sulrrions (Tnb 40, Pan6) <br />Rcquncd llner of Norificdirn <br />lccnilirh i lhc rcdcolrcsuliri,ir\ rc!rr'lirs x.6(\lo\rcnnnnlirc nor rr0li.rhlc h rhn tx),c.r <br />lZ{"en:,ry wr t tr* rca u*appri.lrio. md sht. Ihar rh. dbovc iniormr <br />orZ<tV <br />to conDly wirh ull Cny,.d G,xnry <br />rrhn Ciry.n! Counlyro cnrer uBrn rhc <br />,,.,,, .?/*q//9 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />L ight Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Lite Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bonding / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />It/leter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter I <br />FINAL ,/o/o?/z 74+'Lr/ ) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc..,u <br />-+ <br />rD/srG. <br />PolicyN!nbcrLExpncs: <br />L.ndcr. AddEs.- <br />orliranccs rnl Srrlc Lrw\rchri'rgb hrild,.! <br />abovc nrfioncd pmrcdy for in\I(rion <br />+ltqrb <br />Under Slab / Floor