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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWN'EN BU&DEN, DALCARAIION <br />! lEEby s,Irh lndcr p. lly of pcrjurt rhll I m ckmpr n m rlE ConrmroF Lic.ns Ls* for rh. folloehg @sn (Scc,7ol l.5 <br />Bu.incss atd Protcsiion A.y Ciry or Crufly whi.h rcqliEs a |rfrn 16 @nsrer rlrs, irlpore d.mlish o. Epot ey <br />strldurc. Fkr lo ils is$'N. rt rcqdB lh. rpplicol fo. sh Funi lo ib r sigrEd na.tcc rld lE or 3lE i ,iensd lrilut <br />lo llE protiiioni of tlE Conrrcror'! Lienrd Llw (Chaflr 9. Comtuin8 eirh Scdhn 7000 o{ Diviion :l of thc A$i*s rnd <br />Pmfcssions Codc) or rh,t lE tr sh. h cxcmpl rhrcnom and ihc lEsi. ror ih. 8ll.e.d crcr$hn. Ary riohrion of Sc.rion l03l.5 by any <br />alrlicanr lor a l)cmit iuhiects rhc ro ! cilil pctulty of tur mr rhln frve nln(,l.d dollds (5500). <br />I.x\o*Nrolrhrfnrny.orn,),cn,fLovcc\*irh{ngc\asrhct{,.cotr,lcn\nri{,n-(illdorh.qork rld(nr.tuti,trur <br />icnllel .rofl'ercd f,tr {rlc (S( 7rX-1. 8unrcl\ rtrd l''olc\n rsGrlc lhc(intrkn\!rljwd.csnor3prlybmo*n.rol <br />rhcpRIf,nv wh, htrinl\ or i'npn csrhc()n.! whod{f,\\uchso'thi'ntcllorhrr{lforrhruu!hhi!orltt.$trcnrtnovcr\. <br />orron'nLitin. rh.Osrr Btildur willhNrhc hurdenol rvinr rhnrhcor\hcnLlnolhuil or irnnmt! rlr p!,txiy hr rhc l[r)* or <br />-1. <br />acowmrollhc potEny. mcrclusivrl,conro.tine wnh Uccnscd co m.loFtosnslru.l llE,,mr.t (Scc 70'14, Busimss <br />and t\iissiD Codcr Thc Conr&hCr Law docs ,or q,rly ro en 6sn . of pbp.ny who builds or iq),.B th.rcon, <br />snd who .onlmcls for su.h Foiccls virh 3 licc.B, puffWt to rlE Contlero. s Litn* L!q). <br /> undcrselbn , A. & P.C for$ilmsn. <br />o",., Q-Z.o /9 <br />lo8trE8sgrMgN$AroN <br />DECIdAAION <br />I hcEby slfirn und.r pcmlly ofFriury om ofln lollosinS deloriors: <br />-l <br />n re .d will miirai! | Cenili.{e .f Conror ro S.U.ln.!E for srkqs' mnFNrion. a FDvidcd for by Sedon lr00 of rh. <br />t$or C!d.. fd lh. F,foltt1,N of 0E mrl fo. shbh tlE p6nl i! hrucd. <br />-l havc .nd will maifllain worlcs' compcnillion insurarcc. as EquiEn by Scction 1700 of lnc L!6or Codc. lbt rlE Frfo,rj1m. of <br />thc wrt {o. ptish ltis lcmn is i$€d. My work€s mmlEnerk'n i.slEftc cani.r ud ,,1k, nlmbc @: <br />L,)tx t f,lo-/-l <br />-l <br />enirr rhar in rhc r.rrornEmc orlhc worl for *hich lhis p.rnir is issucd. I shlll nor rmplorany Fmfl in afly Mm. <br />$ as ro tEcotu slhjsr ro rh. wo*m coajltnerion bws of Califonia, and acE lhar if I {holld lxcoft {bj(rr to rh <br />worts odp.oiarion pDvirn,ni ot Scdion ]70O d, rbc l,n$r Codc. l dEll. fonhshh 6iplr {irh ihd$ pmv(ions.. <br />WARNINGT Fdilur. r. wnrc *orlctr' comFnsrn,. stcrrgc is unLw6rl. lnd $rll sub.jccl 0n cry1lorr. ro sihin.l p.tultic\ lnd <br />cilil nn* up !o oN hurdEd rhousnd dollas (!l(x),filo). in ddiion lo th. cosr of.orryf,nslio., dam8cs as rrcvidcd {or lhe <br />Selio. 1076 olrlE kb.r Cod.. inlcrcar.nd.l <br />,*, 9'Zo't8 YWa- <br />DEIIAMIITN <br />I hcrcby nmrm undcr pctulry of lc jory rhat I am li.en*rl undc. tmvisb. dtchipis 9 (..@*ir8 wilh sdion ?uJO) of Division 3 <br />oI rhc Bnsimss ond Px,fcsio.s Codc. ud my licctrs is in tull foc .rd clT6t. <br />,,,.,Q-St rJ5- <br />9-zt-tZ <br />coNsraulI&NIENDtNli.dcINl;I <br />I hcrcby dlirruRlcr p.nulry.l l,crJuly thlt lhcrc isr.on\rucliotr kndir8 lBemy i.r lh. pcrfonruncc ofrhc {qk for whic[ Ihis Fi,nir i! <br />h\u.d (Sc...1097, Civ C.). <br />E-SIIIC NIUL:r4I.BAIIOL <br />Ilrrhvx n ru Jor t).fu1r! oltrlury otrc.l rh. n'll,)sfiB d.rlx.rrnnr <br />Domjlir(,n Pcnnn\ A\hLno\ No(ill.rrion I.d.rxl RrSUlxri,)n\ (l irlr 10. l,M6) <br />Rcqtrird t rr$olNohl,.r!.0 <br />-l <br />enifyrtar rhc fcdcBl ,€rlkrn,ns aesdint lsbcsros rcnrvalurc qor applidhlc ro rhir lf,*xr <br />-l <br />ccniry rhd I havc End fii. lmlic0ri.n &d iai. rhd $. ahovc intornniof, is cor.d. I 08re lo co.ply rilh !U Cn! and Counly <br />ordinaft.smdSr.trwsElrlingrohuilllineconsrd.rion.,rdh.icbyauhoriur.,rcs.nttiwsoflhisCnyandCouiryrocnlq,ponlhc <br />1-zt't6 <br />UNDER GROUND rl <br />Waste & Vent I tr)fr W 'lfu.EA-@ttt <br />Water-Under floor tr L:---- <br />Gas-Underfloor I <br />Buildinq Sewer I *utn-lt*-ti/tl'tv <br />lnterceptor/ CIarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rouqh Plumbinq <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release I I <br />FINAL 4l^6 K, U/[/tr'/l,fr I IV <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc ryIr <br />Try <br />zl'il lyl <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />-t <br />{ytNu. <br />.h . mnti,,mJ nmncd) f'tr in\ngrhnrulF,{\ <br />;;,,;;, ;, ^;;, ;,;, rxa* . {\. y-a^. <br />Pcmi,trNme(pri, /4-7 | /r\G+ <br />-------r-----