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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I h.rcby .tfrn uido t elty of pc{ury rhd I d .rcopt fion rlE Conr*bR Lirn* trs for 0E fotJwi.g G&en (Se.?O31.5 <br />BuliNs rd Pof.$io. Codc)i A.y Ciry or Cou y ehth r.quiEs . Fmn ro @dM, all6, iq,row. .hmlnh or Ep8tr uy <br />sLu.rlE pritr ro ic issurc. llso r.auircr th. lpplicot for su.h Fmir lo filc . si8r.d sral.mtrl thd Ir or rh. i! lkoed pumur <br />to rh. pmvisions of rtE Cinlmrd\ Liccn$d trw (Chlpr6 9. ConmEing wnh Sction ?m0 of Divisnr 3 of rh. BBiocss 6d <br />Pmf.ssions Cod!) or lhar lE or sl* is crcflU rlrcrcfmm !d rlE b€sis for rh. rllcgd d.nprion. Any tkJhrion of S6rb. 70! 1.5 by ey <br />applicafl lor a l,emi slbjcr thc applicdnr lo s civil pcn6hy of nor mr rh.n ,lr hlndEd dollus ($500), <br />-1. <br />os owncr ofln prclcny, or m, .mphrrcs wilh wa8.s {s rhcir ek @mp.nsalion. wil do tE wo* orn dt srarw i\ nol <br />inlmtu or off.r.d aor sk (Sa.7044, Busircss ond Profcssions Codc: Tto Co.rr0clols Liccns L.* &cs not a! y ro owncr oI <br />th. pDFdy wlb hrillr or iftprtB E6n. and *lr d6 fth ur hifrrcltor hcrslfo. rhmuSh hk orh.r own.mployecs- <br />!,ovidcd rhal slch impmwmnls m ml i edcd n oficEd aor slc. lt lFw\u lhc t{ildine c inpt$Emfl i! sx wnhi, om l€i <br />of complcrion, 0E Ovnc. Builtu wiu tgB <br />'lE <br />t rd.. ollmviit ihal lE or rh. did d b'rild or i,prDw dE Fotsly ld llE I'orPos of <br />-l, <br />as owrer of lhe pmp.ny. 3m crchsivcly conlrEl in8 wirn liccn*i conlreloB to con(rucl lhe (Ss. 7et4. B!\ines <br />.nd Bbli$bn Codcr Thc Cd.ktrcioal Lkcnrc Law dcr nor Eiply ro rn .un.r or p.oFny who builds or improv.s lhcrcon. <br />and *ho co mcls for sEh l,orccrs wirh 3 cor racto{t lien*n l,uslanr to de conttucrols Lirn* L,w) <br />l ncxcnr trndcr Sccli, .a &P( ijrrhirrcr\.n <br />raf,rEf,s:(aMt0sArl0! <br />DESdAAIIII! <br />I hcicby ltfirn undcr pcnally of pdiury orc ot llE aollowi,s dRld!|ioN: <br />-l <br />hlw &n will mi.l.i. a Ccflifr.l.of Cooc ro for *dI6 onFnera6n. as provklcd lor by Selion 3rm of ltf, <br />L.tor Codc, for lh€ Frfctrm of th. *orl for shich lh€ Fmil is hsucd. <br />I aM will @inlain worl.s comF.s.rion insu,Nrce. d! eqlircd by srrio,37{)0 ofdE rjhor Cad.. for lh. pc,{omme of <br />ric work aor which Ois is hsql My workgc .oq)clsrion insumc d poliy nuober m: <br />I f\ <br />-l <br />anifylhat hrhcpcdbrrorcof lhcw.rt for rhi.nihis pcflnn is issu.d,I shlll not cmphy any tccon in any <br />s a h tsom slbiecl ro rhc w6rlN conFnsrion lasr of C.liaodia, 6od lgrc rtur if I should heim subj..r b ltE <br />worlc* @ntcn\alion lDvisions 6tSccrion l7(x) oa rhc Lrb Codc.I sh,ll. ronhwirh.rmply wirh lths povitioN.. <br />WARNINGT Fuilurc rD su. qork r' conF.sar <br />civil lio.s un lo om tundr.n rh.usnd dollus ($ <br />ion covcrugc i\ rtrlawtul, ind shrll loytr ro siminul Felll\ ad <br />s{rion 1076 olrh. Iltrr C&1.. i.rcrc{ <br />D.,.: 4'c{-(Z <br />Llt;ENS[D!0!r&tqr0B <br />PECIABd-IIQN <br />I h.Er,y !!tnn ondcr FnalryolFrjury thd I ad lienEd lndq pmll\ion orchnprd 9( virh sNtt n 7fixJ) olDivision l <br />of llrc blsim$ Md Prcfesions Codc. ud my liccnrc h in lull fora sd c,Iccr. <br />c 72?)i5+-'l ^t6 <br />(ANSIBIJCIIAN.LENDIiiTi.AG.EN.gI <br />I hcrot'y rltnnrrndcr Ilnrlryorl.rjurt rhdr rhm is r conntudi{,n lcndins a!.,ry lnr rh. Nrtofltun.c orrh. s.rk lor w[ich rtn I'cnnit h <br />i\suc lSc.. :loe?. Civ. C ) <br />-l <br />ccniirrhn l havcrcad rfiisapplicarion&d slarcrh lhcltnrc inlbrmt I ase ro co'npl, *nhdllCiryrid Cou.ry <br />rriles ofrtisCny and Counryro enlo xlb. rtEodinomcs and Srorc tjws rcl,rin8 ro buildins con <br />lbovr mnliomd proFfly 'q-q,'/8 <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Meter Release I I \ <br />FINAL /n lu ll{ .1M qr\ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. 1 ,, - -f- <br />ID/SIG. <br />Duct Work <br />Other <br />Final Test <br />D.te: Okner: <br />AIELICANLDECIAAAII()! <br />llrrhyrflnmu dcrpcnrlryof prluryoicolrhclallo{inEdcclnrnrnnN: <br />l).nn,liri,nr l,cirnirlAshcsos N.rifi.rri{nr l,c(lcril R.ruhtnm\ arirlc 40. P n6r <br />R.qtrtr d l-crrfi of N.!fi.di( <br />I .cnify rhd lh. Lldcral eluhrions 6g&lin8 6b.nos ,.mvd dc nor appltubl. h rhis pmirt <br />I <br />I