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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OIINER BUILI,ER I'ELCARATION <br />I hcrchy ofirm lndcr pcuxy or Frlury lh{l I am cxcDrFl fmm thc Conl.aciira Lkcns. rjw for lhc folloains rdav,n (scc7oll.5 <br />Brsiocs and Pror.sion Colc): Any City or County which rcqun \ a trnnn (o .otrstDcl. lllcr. impnrc, dciolhh .t Rryn y <br />strucrurc. rrior ro ns huonce. lho rcquiB rhc spplicsnr r.rruch lxrmir ro filc a siancd suFftnr rhd lEor sh. t liccnscd Punuanr <br />b rhc povhions oflh. Conrractor'\ l-iccnsed tjq (Cha er 9, Com'ftminB uith Scclion Tlxxl olDivhk,n 3 olthc Businc$ lnd <br />Pmltsions C.dc) o. rhar lt or sh. h .rc.Dr rhc!.frum d rh. bash lor lhc ollcscd .xonprhn an,violilionofsccridnT0,rlSby3ny <br />applictr.! r(, & pc,nir subjcch thc opplicanl loacivilocnallrolnol 'norcrh,n nvc hundrcddolhtr (S5(()). <br />-1, <br />rs owncr ol lhc prcpcny, {n ny.iiphycc{ wnh wr!.s rs lhcir solc.omncndion. $illdo rhc work nnd rhc slrdurc is not <br />inrcrGl or ollcrcd tu el. (sd.?(),r4. Busntrs and Piofc$io.s Codc: Ttc Conkadoi( Li.cne tjw docs nolqrPly b u osnfior <br />rh.rn,|xdy whohuildsori"Drolcsrh.No,ard*hodm\schs(,khnnscllorhcscllorlhougthisorhcrownc lplorccs. <br />p'ovidcd rhi such in\Tortmms ae nor ir .ndcrl .r offc&l ror $h. Il lm$.vcr. rhc huikline or in!rcvc'Bd h $G *irhin onc Fr <br />ol.on{,leri{nr, rlE O$ner aoius villhav. rh. hordcn ofnmvinS thd hc or shc did nor hoiH or iryrtrt rhc ptulu} tu thc Pur1nrof <br />-l- <br />!roen rotrhc tdpdry,,Ncx.tusnclycotrr.clios with li.cnscd conr,rr{rs t' .onnfld rhc Pn,jet (Scc. ?0.1.1, Busifr\\ <br />Dnd h'fsshnCodc Thc Conrracrol \ l-icensc Ldw do.s nor rnpll b in owrc. of P()r.n y who h ilds or im8trcs rhcrmn. <br />rnd $ho.ont.r.trdsu.hpmi.rkwirhaContac!trGrli.ctrscdrurrur nJrhcc(,nncntr'sL <br />I a ck r undcr Sccl <br />I lrr.hJ alllr uMcr p.mlrvoipcrjuryoncotrhc lalkiwi',8 d(hrnri(xs <br />-lhalcandwillminhinrCcnrlKarcofConscnrroSclalnsurclor*orkoilarmp.nsrtirn.rsrmyidedforbySccrion:l70o.rrhcljbor Code. a{tr thc p€,r.rtuicc or rhc work for whi.h rh. ,)cm is issucd <br />I Mlc and will nuinrain sorlcra comlriirr ion insrmmc. ,i rcqutcd hy Sar ion ]700 of rh. Lf,tb, Codc, lor thc Frlbrrotue of <br />rhc work for whth lhh p.!mi is issucil MywDrk.n cump.ns,lionnNurmcccu cr ond r,licy nnn'hcr dc: <br />Camr:- <br />-l <br />ccnilyrh0r inrnc pcrtonMncrorrh. qork ilr qhi.hrhisFrnil i\ isuc .lrhrllnor cmlhyrny p.non innny 'nr ncr <br />$ ,\(, r suhF.r r.rhc w.rkc6' conu.nslrbn las\ofcrLt,rnir dd r8m rlN ill $ould srhl.d rorh. <br />wo rri corlPttrs,r n,n p('visions of Scdion l?m oi rhc I !txr. Cdlc. I shall. lodhNirh conr ywidirfu)\c,n,vhiotrs <br />WARNINC failurc Io sur. workcs' <br />.ivil lines ut ro o* hxndr.d rhousand <br />Sccrio[.]076 olthc btrr Codc. i crcsl <br />.onrrcns.liotr $vcmS. n u.hwfol. nnd \hrll subic.r $ cmnlorrr ro cnni'd Fuhics d <br />d.llais (rlO0.OX)). ir r diri{in ro rlr <br />'/ <br />!.2r!ulAr&tt <br />I hcrcby aiiiirn undq Fnrlry oI pcrjrrr rh"r I an li..n$d xndur pmvisidr oiChl,,lcr <br />of lhc Busin.s! atrd Pmf.$io.s Codc. und my licn\c k in tull forc nnd cffNr <br />nci'!g wnh Sation 7000) oi I)ivisi('n.l <br />glNsrSucuoN.L[NplN (iE&cr <br />I hcrchyoffirflunder pcnohyofperj!rylh rhcrc itrrmn{tuclion lcndinsagcncy ld rhc Frformncc ofrhc rort ror which rhis lcrnil i\ <br />isro.d (S.. 1097, Civ. C.). <br />AELICANLDEqIAUUg! <br />I nddry,fi under Fctralryofpcrj!ryoic olrhe following d(lumlions: <br />De'tulirion P*mik-Asb.$os Nolification Fcdcral Re8lhtio.s Onk 40, Pd6) <br />_R.quidd l.x.r of Noiifsliotr <br />l.cnilirh.t lhclcdcmlrcsul ions rcsardins rh€no!renx,v lrr. trol rPlli.ablc ro rhisrtr,jdr <br />l.dlilylhnl I hrvc relllhnnntl tr,'r"l{r('r[ rl].nliri,lnrr iinrn I rErcc lo comrly wirh allCiryard Coutrry <br />nrivqorrhn Cirymd Counry b cnh uFn rhcordinrmcs and Slare ljws rel,ring <br />r&,vc trrtunnkrl pmlcny lor <br />Applicrnl or Agenl Sittrrlu ;72a8 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />lvleter Flelease <br />Rough <br />Service It/eter <br />FINAL /0 -21- t9 J)/,1q 9" <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Liccnsc Ch$-Liccnsc Numt r: <br />- <br />06l. ('ontro(lor <br />Lcndfl . Add,.s <br />- <br />Communications Cable