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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUIDER DDLCAR TX)N <br />I hcrchy urfinn uRldr lcnilry (Jl tcrrury rhlt I !m cxcnrpr fronr rhc Cditrr.ttri Liccnsc L{w lor lhc nnbwing rc.$n (SN.?0-ll 5 <br />B!sinc\{ a'd Pmrc\sion CMc): Any Cily or Coul, $hi.h Eqoi,c( , trrmn b con(ruct. alls. nnptuvc, dcmlish ot icPrt any <br />sru.rur.. prio o irs hsurrce. ako requtcs rhc applicM! rorruch p.rmil to filcn sisncd sr cnrnr rhd h.orshc n liensed lrurslnr <br />ro rhc provi\ions of rh.'s Li.cnscd tnu (Cluplcr 9. ConnncncirlS wirh Scdio. Ttloo oi Division I orth. ausincss.nd <br />Pn,rcs\nnrsCorl.)orlhrl hcorslrc is cx.nDl Ihcrcfnnrhd rh.tusi\ nr rnc.llcSed cicmplion Anyvnndn,nofSeclbnT0ll5hy!i, <br />applicant hro,cn l {bFcrsrh€ stpli.anr !, r.ivillcn.ltyoinor flxtrc rhan filc hundi.d dollrs (SstxD <br />l. tr\ owmrofthc Dtutcny. ot nrycmployccs wirh {!gc\ as n,tr ( willdo d- w.rk anl rhc nnEtuc h nor <br />imo ctl or olt'crcd lnr slc (SN 7014, Busin.s Md Prof.ssioN C\lc: Thc Conrru.ttr \ l-icctrt ljw d)cs nol 4plr ro an ou(r of <br />rhcpnrlrny sho bu ilds or irqni)vc\ tlf,B)n. ond wlm d{Er flch $r'* hin,s.lf or hcrscll or rlmugh his o, hs own c ltlloyccs. <br />prov idcJ rhlr su.h i'ntrovc'tu s e mt idculcd ot .lTcGd hr sh ll to*$ri rhc h{iktnr8 or mFovc'nd n w'tl *ir[i'r otrc )trtr <br />olcoDrplcli'n. tlE Owrcr Buildcr *ill hrvc rh. hurdcn ofJtrovnB rhll h: or $c dtl n.r hlild or n\rolc rhc nmFly for rhc Plrln{ of <br />-l. <br />rso$ncrotrhctnpcnr- tr'ncrclr\ivcly(dikdcti,rS *xh li.ctrrcdco rr.irs r. L$nnrud rhc nrcrrr ( Sc. 7or4- Bu'i^-''\ <br />md th,fcsii Codc ThcCotrtrrcrols Liccnsc Las dijcs oor amlyro "iotrnn oflroPc(y*h. huildror imfroucs rhcrcor <br />rnd who conrncrslor \urh pmrcc( wirh rC.nlra.ktr(s) liccnscd n!6uanr b rhc conh.cttr r tnw) <br />-l <br />ncxcmfl lndcr Sccrn, <br />Dlle <br />- - <br />Osn.rl <br />WORKERS' COMPFiiSAT(N <br />DECI.ABAIION <br />I hcrchy afiirnudcr |Enoll, of pcrjlry nnc 6rrhc rollo*ine d(ld{rions: <br />-lhavc "idwill mainrdn n Cdnill.Nrc of Cttr*nl to S.lllnsrcnr*o c^ co'nPctrsrtion.r( Providcd fq bt Sc.rnr l70O ol thc <br />Lrhor Cqic. for lfic pc.fordancc or rh. w.rk r(r Phih rhc lnmir i\ hsucd <br />-l <br />havc rnd will m, inrain wurlcrr conlr.nsrlion insunrcc- as rcqrird hy SNr im .17(X) ol lhc liho. Odc. ld rhc F* oi <br />....,.,\ r <br />rqr'. F.u"d Mr q.rtrs. .or'nfl '''i{' iru' tr. r.rarr .'nl F li, ) 1. trI'.' tr.c-c='.-a-ia, -tu> Co+ba 5s4@/-{-/ -/1 <br />I c.dify th.r in thc pcrLnuftc {,lrhc work ntr shi.h rhR rcnnir is irsucd. I \hrll nor tnDl(,) rny in lny nrumr <br />s $t, hcmn* sobjrd t,lhc co r|En$tion hw\ otcrlilon,ir. rnd,sft rhrr ill should bcnnm tbrlt' r. rlt <br />workc^'Llnnp.isridit'ovhi(,n\olscclnnrlTO0ofrhcl,!t'orCodc.l\hrll,ronhwirIconDlywithlho*In,visrns <br />BARNINC l'ail(. io rcuru sorkoi <br />cilil llncs u! h onc hun&.d rh.trsdnd <br />Sc.rn,.1076 oirhc l-a|,tr Gnlc, inr.r.{ <br />,,,.:21:l -tE <br />.o'nncn$nnr covcmpc h unl{rtu|. md {hrll subr.r m cmploycr ro Gininel Fnaht\ otrd <br />dollrs ($lUr.OLrO). in lddiitin ro rhc.o{ olconD.nsation- donEr.s rs lr.vilcd for lhc <br />nrr,,**,@bkt<L <br />UCENSIDJONIIACIAA <br />IIDCI.ASAIION <br />I hrEhy aiirnrnddr pc.alryolFrjury thal I mr liensn undcr prolhio. orCh0,,rd 9(onnErcins *irh s.crk.?(xD) olDivtion l <br />of rhc Businc$ and PDfcsioos Cod.. r m, lkcn$ is in tull IoEc atn cffcd <br />b Z611Z <br />7-//:/6 ...,."",.. @5 Jz=lE <br />colsralqualuENlllc-dcllcr <br />I h.rcby rmrm undcr rEnllry or pcrjury rhd rh6. is s snsiru€lion lcnditrS lsen , t{tr thc P.-dntrErc. ol lh. sork r.r whkh rhn IErn l i <br />ksucd (Scc.3097, Civ C ). <br />ATTLICANLDICI,IIAITO! <br />I r$:i4afi under I'cnahyolDcrjlryoic ofrh. lnlbwins delmrirns: <br />Demlirion Pcrnirl Ash.sos Norifi.ation lidcral Rcguhr ionr (Tirlc .10. Pr6l <br />Rr{lrnrd LL(d of Nurili. i( <br />_l ccdiryrh,l I hrvc tuid lhhtrDllicrrionund nalc lh.rhn'cintnnnninr is.otrccr Iisur'..nrflywilhdllCilyudCounly <br />\ ad Sralc ljws rclrti.3 lo hu hrrurktrizc rcpcsnlaris ofrhn Ciryand Coutrry ro cntcr ulrtrrhc <br />ole morioncd popcny for in <br />r\pDlnrtrl r l,]rnl sirnrturr <br />4252_ <br />7-tl-/8 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq i Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouoh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Rouoh sht/,t tub?/t-/r\.-- <br />Service Meter <br />illtallr Amdm,lh./ <br />Notes, Remarks, EJti <br />l ,.?/1^ <br />APPROVALS <br />IVleter Release <br />FINAL <br />Lrnlc''. Nrmc'_ <br />-l <br />ccnily that rtc fedcral r.lohrbn. nS ding ash.nos rcrmvnl orc nor lptli.nbL to <br />'his !ojd. <br />F <br />=