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dS{JILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OlINER BLII,DEI' DEL('ARA NON <br />I hcrcby Jflntr' utrdcr pcnalry nI p.rrur) rhar I m.(mpl frcm$c Contn loa-Liccnsc L.q for lhc lollowinB rcasn 1scc70:11.5 <br />su\incs ud Proltsion Cn'lcr Any Cir) or Counry which rcrluircs 0 pcmil ro conFIdcl. lllcr. improlc. dcmlkh or Epalr any <br />erudurc. Pr6rro ( (umc, ako rcqu 'rc hr rgplranr for su.h Frnir ro fih a ri8tr.d enrcmnr lhnt h. or shc n liccns.n lunuanl ' <br />to !hr fru\ni,'n\ of rhc Conhcroi\ Licend tj* tChtrprq 9- Commncing *irh S..lion 7O(r of Divilio. I or rh. Bn\in.$ trnd <br />L\ofc$ionsCoddorrhrrlEor('rh.rcft,{nrndlhch,shror'h.ellcsdcicnTlion.AnyviolatirnofScclionToJl5bydny <br />apr!'t8nr ror aFllir \ubi(h lhc lnrlrcrtrt to a!pillrcnrlrvrfmr mnR rhan fi\c hundrcdd,,lldr{l50nr <br />ff . ^ .",*,,r,* n-*"y. r'ny.mnrorrr\! h l aacs us rhctr a,rc con,Fner ion. wdr do rh. edk 8Ir rlr srmrm i\ nor <br />int cd or oficrcd for sk ( Se ?044. Busincss rnd Pn,acscions C,dcr Thc ConkNror's Li..ns ljw docs trot rpply ro !n own.r of <br />rhc pmpcrl, uho huildsor in{m6lhcmn. Md who des sEh po* hnmclfor hcrsllor lhnuch hh ornqown c@loyccs, <br />pmvidcd rhll such inJmEnrnrs @ frr inrcnld m ofidql for slc Il lx,*cwr, rlE t{iBnr8 or irlmErEnr is sh uirhin om F{ <br />ofconrphlion. rh.Owncr Aurlr sillhr\r tlE hdrdcn ofpfl,rihg rL, nor build or inlllm\t th. tmFrty lor rh. puqnc ol <br />L rso(ncrofrhc lropcdr. r'ncxclu\ivcl!.u with*d .oftr.r.r s ro cotr{ru.r rnc fmr&r (Scc 704,1. Aur.c$ <br />!d l',ntcsi,n Conc thcConlrocroisl-iccnscLarvd.csnorlmlrrorn.uncrofprop.nywhobuildso.imptr'vcsrhcrcon, <br />rnd shi, .o.rhrh r.r such ttuF{s snh n Conh.k'(n liccnsd porurnr <br />1iD.r"z./zz (,x.(/'/ <br />t)tl l \k,r rr)N <br />I hc'.hy rllnnufd.' p.trrlryrr n.rtLryom.l rl[ nn],)$nrgdc.lx'ri,^ <br />l hdvco willnuinrsinsCcnifrar.ofc.isc i,Scllln rc for workcr' crnrrrnsdiotr. rs t,ovdctl for by Sel ion ITUJ of rhc <br />t:htr Codc, ro rhc pcrlomaicc oilhc *ork lu which lhc lrrmi is n\ucd <br />lhiuc r0d srll.rri'nri'r work.ra.. rt* sdnnr iisrranc.. \ rqur.d $J-Sc.rdr:17(x)ofrhc t]horCodc. iorrhc ncrnnranccol <br />rh. *ork f(r {hth rhi\ Fnnir i\ nsusl Mt sork.ra .o'npcnsrtn,n ihtrr cc.rtricrdl fxni.y Nn$cr dcl <br />{g (niiy rhri in rhc Ndn mmc or rhc {o'k ior vhi.h rhn p$mir t issucd. I shall nor cmrby any pero! in any muncr <br />$ N ro lEcom su6j€ct ro rhc workcn compensal ion laws ol Crlilomia. lnd lg@ rha! il I sholld tEcoe sxbFi ro rhc <br />solkcrs co'np.nslrion pDvhions olSccrion lT0Oofrhc Latn Codc- l $ill tunhwirh co,nply sirhr,x,r pruvisn,n. <br />WAIINNG: Failurc ro wxrc onpcn\arn,n .ovcagc is unhwtul, ,nd sh.U subjdl ar cDrlo)q lo ain nol |Etr0ltics rnd <br />.ivil lnrc\ ut) k) o c huidrcd rhousrtrd dollx^ (slu).Ux)). in nddirirni n) rlrc con dnmscs !s pro\idcd rbr rhc <br />Y::;:;A/;{::^,X,,,,/-\..-.- <br />LMNSIiDlOtit&{qlla <br />DEELItsIIjOI <br />I h.Rhyannflundcr pcnalr! or r.rjury rhar I rn lion*n xturd pr.vist,n orChll)rn 9 (snnrErcinS wirh Scdi,n 70(()) ofDivnion 3 <br />or ihc Bu\iies and Porcsion\ Codc.,nd nry licensc is in lullhrcc {n <br />D,".'*."* <br />CANEIBIJqIIANIEIDTIIiJIIjISI <br />Ihrfthyrffii, ! crpcnahyofpcrjrryrharihcrchaconitu.ri,nrLndi'rgr8.kynnrhc!.donnM.coflhcworkl'orwhichrhis0cnntk <br />irucd(Scc :109?- Civ C.) <br />AITLIIANLDECLdIAII9II <br />I hcm6y dllm uDncr p.N li, ol li.rj!r) onc or rhc lollowing dc. hfirn r <br />l)cnr)liln,n fcnnils Asbcnos Nolificrlnnr ftdc.rl Rcrululion\ (-l illc 40. I'ma, <br />l{.qtrt.(l l,crr.r.l Noliri.rrio <br />"E*.* <br />ily rh.r rhc rcdcrnl rcBul,rion\ mgadrB asbc{os nnBvdldc n.r lpplic$lc lo rhis pmjccl <br />rhar lhlvc rmd rhis !pplic(nnr rd srurc rh{r rhc ahrvu rrr i\.,,trccr I xgR ni roDI,lt $irh rll Ciy dtrd ( ({n ! <br />odinnn.cs od Sr!ic liss rchring ro building con(rucri{r <br />dborc nrmnmcd [opcny lor nsFrr <br />i{ppli$nl or As€ot sirn"l <br />(rtmirr unrtlpanrr:ffi <br />"';'"ii'*"''" <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />Subf loor/Vent/l nsulation <br />Boof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing o,r pla 19Giw Ntz >) <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />I <br />FINAL I,M 7b) <br />Certif icate ol Occu I I I a-Tpancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFEFI Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Brown Coat <br />It/asonry <br />Flood Zone Ceftif . <br />wilQ.(t <br />t---+--- <br />---r------ <br />= <br />I