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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O'IVNT]R BUILlIER DELCARAIION <br />I hcrchy ltlnm undcr Nnalry al lrcrjuy llrl I d cxcnur froD rhc C.nts.rorr t-i.dns ttra for rhc hllowin8 ,.a$n (S...70:rl 5 <br />stsincss and Pdt$ion Codc): Any Ciry o, which r.'tuircs o rslnir lo consrrucl. alrcr, impn,vc. dcnn,lish .r NtE r r, <br />{flcrurc. prirro irs is.xrtuc. ako rcqxncsrhc atdicnnr fd such pcmn ro filcr sigtud srarcmnr rh.r h..r rhc is liccnrd <br />ro rh. ptrrlhions of rfu Grnrr{rois I-icciscd L{r lchrptcr 9. Connrc.ciog Nirh S.crion 70( of Divi\b. I ofrh. and <br />PnricsiotrsCodc) orthd h.orshc iscrcmrl lh.r.from and rhr h*h lor lh. rllc8cdcrcmfrion Aryvhl ionolSccri{,n70115hylny <br />amlicanr for !lcrmil suhjalslhe atpli.ant lo acivilpcnahyofnol nmrclhan tilc hhdrcd dollur (5500). <br />-1. <br />as owncr of rhc p$pcny, or my cntloyes wnh wngc\ A rhcii nnc coml'ensrion. will do lhc qork dtl th. strrlE i mn <br />itrrc cn .rohtrcd ior uh (Se ?044. Businc$ and Prclt$ions Codc Th. conrek s Li.cnsc Law docs oor drply ro o o[mr oI <br />rhc pml.dy who h{ildroi inlrmhs, dnd who des ssh qo* himsclfor hcMlf.rrhFu8h h( or hcr oancmploycs. <br />lrovided rhar such nnpmrmnh arc mr inrentn orolIcrcd tor elc. tl. homvcr, tlE buiuins o! n{,tuvcm h $ld wilhin onc )tr <br />or.onpLrirn, lhc O*nc. Bliklc. sill hivc rhc hil.n or F)vin! rhd tr or shc did nor buiH n. i.pnrrc thc ,'mlEly f.. rl! purlbs oI <br />-1, <br />!soBncr oirhc pmr.ny. r,ncx.hsivcly conrracrins $irh liccn{d c.ntn toF ro consrrucr rlE !$jccl (S( 7014. Bn(in.( <br />dlld hnissinCod.:'l h. Conk*nn s Liccnk bw docs ror r,,Ily ro an oqncr olproP.ay who build\ or nnpmvcs lhcrcon. <br />and uho conrEcrs tor sucn I,n)Fk virh o C.nrmdo( s) liccnsd purdxnr tu rh. Co r.cktr s Liccn* I2s) <br />llOaKE&r:grMSENliAllAN <br />IIDI;'dSTIION <br />I hocbt rflnr undd Fn,lryoftsjuryorc orlhc iollosir8 dc.lararion\: <br />-I <br />h,vc i,xl will rtuinrain u Ccaificlrc of Conscnr ro Scla l.slrc for workds ompcnqri.r as rovid.d ror b! Sdion ]700 o, rhc <br />tlbd Cdlc, a{, rlr r.rronMmc ol$c work for which lhc trmi n &kd <br />-l <br />havc (nil sillmrintoin $. c^ comFns,ion insunn.c. t{ rcqui..d by S(r ion .l7l)O or rhc tjbo. Codc. ior lht prrronM^_c or <br />rhc *ork lorwhichrhn p€rni is t\!.i. My workn( .onr.ns,lion in$rrcc otricr ei lnicy numbct uc: <br />Y/l(r <br />XP,,( <br />oS-ronc t ( c*t . ^,^4L4(-qt?us \-ro-,dtl <br />-lceniiyrhulinlhctcrtordhnc.olrhcworkf(rwlricnrhN!.nnir <br />is nucd.l shall nor cmPloya.y Pcrson inlny nldnNl <br />so i! b h...nrc suhF.r ro I hc workcs' .o macnsal ion laBsolcalifornir- and nBE rhd ill should t cotr{ srhr.d ro rh. <br />wo*cn' coqrtrs.r ion nmvnions ol Sccrion :17fi) ol I he titr'r c.d.. I \hrll. fonh*ilh conlPry wirh ih.* provisions <br />WARNINC: Faiuc n, *uc workcN compcnsilion covcrs8c is unl.wfll- lnd shrll subjd an cnlPloys lo oninil FrkEs (nd <br />civil fincs !p ro orc hudr.d rhous,nd dolh6 (Slln.uD), ifl ddniotr ro rhc cor or..ntEnrrrion. &nE8es 3s lrovidcd aor rh. <br />S(rr,r lon, ol rhr ljrnr CoJ.. 'n'.m{dnd droflrcy s Lc\ <br />>'"'"1-t*t9- tg Xppt""'t w /L,@' <br />Ul.[LUiD{9NInrlrI()llD!(Ir\tsilll!)l <br />I hcrctry aflnD undcr penalryofFjuryrh l !n lien{n undcr ttuvision olChrprcr 9 (coDnrcncins wilh Sftrion 7000) ofDivnion 3 <br />.f rh. ansincs rnd Profcssions Codc. and nryliccnse h in lull for.c and cffc.r. <br />D(*-"""",519 ) s-> <br />>,,"lrJ>,-tq-ts 7az- -/pi^-s- /:r..A 'z <br />l.cniltrhd l hc lcdc.,r I rc8ul ionsFguiiDB ish.nos rcmorxl lre nor rptli.nhL ro rhis fotccr <br />I rnilyrhnrI hrvc rclld ihn ryplicdri{,n rkl {ar. rhd rhcxh,vc inln i$ ir .orccl. l .3ra lo conrply $irh rll ciry a d coutrry <br />ordinrnccsondSrdclnwrrclarinsiohuildingcnndtucrn)n. dhcrehylurtutrizcrcrc{nr.rivcsolrhisCiryan Counrr ro cnrn trPor rh <br />L Jb.vr rnrtuNd nbrcny for insFctiotr nurF{s <br />for,,.-, - n*-,.n-.*'{'4 ji1? <br />f,".-,**..,0n.,, R- st< I t t3-+./o,.eg.,n.,-z <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding i Groundinq / UFER to14lt9 ,{/aq7 ) <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release tolllty..{,t4f(/1- <br />Rouqh /o/qlt9 ..<144(i) <br />Service I\/leter <br />FINAL rch ltq /.uLq f4) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc t, <br />( <br />Translormers <br />Air Conditioners <br />-lrncxcnrDl <br />undcrSedion-. B & PC fu rht rcinn'. <br />D!lP, OPm. <br />a1 <br />CANiTBII(:IIAN.LENDINIjICENSI <br />I hcrh, amirn undcr Fnrlryotpcijuryrhd rttc il a @n{ cridnknding.Ecncylorlhcptaln,rurccofrhcsorklorwhichrhispcrmin <br />n\u.dlSr.. 1097.Civ. C ). <br />Irl'n.,'. A'lJ'c{ <br />- <br />AITUSANLIIEII.AAAION <br />I lrr.b,,mmxndci Fnolly ofFrjury orc ollhc fouoring d(lamtions: <br />Dcmlin,n Pcrmih Asb.sros Norilicrrion Fcdcr.l R.gularions (Tillc 40. hn6) <br />-Rcq!ircd <br />brr.r or fiorir'cartu. <br />--T_------ <br />- - -T------