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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />lVleter Release <br />tl <br />Rough (/zart ,r*'tt <br />FINAL I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc T_ <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrchy 0fl_rm under I].nalr, {,r pcrjury rhar I !m ercmfl frcm rhc Currrb^ Li..nsc Liw tu rh. iollowir8 rca$n lscc.loSl 5 <br />Bu\nhs an{t Protcssion CodeJ Any Cny .r C.udy *hich r.quidr d |]dnir k, o.\iflct, altcr. nnl,ovc. dr'tulth or EFt aiy <br />stu.ruic. tEi* ro ir\ i\sunR.. also rcquncsrhcamli.inr fd su.h Fflnir to lilc a signcd st.tcmnt ltar tEor\hc ir li.cntd pD^uanr <br />b ihc pn,vtnnN ofrhc \ l-i&n\cd ljw (Ch,prcr 9, C. nmn.rn! wnh Scdion TlxxJ of Division.l of rhc ttlxines ud <br />Profcrsn,ns Codc) o, rhd h..rsh. k crcrn thcrcliom\isli,rlhcdlcBcdcxcmplion AnyliolarionorSc.rionT0ll5bynn, <br />rypli.ant loraI'.nnn suhjais rh. rpplic.trl to icivilr.n.hyolnol nmrclhan nvc hlndrcd dollr\ (t500) <br />_1. $ o*rr of rhc pn,Fdr. or my .n1pk,yes sirh sar.\ rs rlrt y,lc .onpc0sr( tr :. eill do rhc work mn lhc slnErurc ii Bn <br />imc ]cd or ofi.rcd rff $k ( SLr '7o1il. Busi,rcst Md B'ofc(sioN Cdc Tltr CoDhcrr's I iccnsc li$ docs tror rmlt r. irr .u rcr of <br />|x y who huild\ nr irFmvd\ rhirdr. xl sl[ d(.\ such w* lrlm\clt or hcr{ll or rhn'ugh hi: or hcr o*n cnfloy.c\. <br />nrovidcd r har such jmpraKnrnh rc nor i crtlcd or olIcR{ f{n wl{ Il li)acwi ih. lflildiu or n\rovcmnr is wld $irhin , nr )sr <br />ofdinpkrFn, tlr Owncr Buil.Jd *ill haE rhc l$dcn ofprcvm8 th.l hc or \hc dil trol ttriklor rhr pmFny iir rtE Ptrlr.{of <br />-1. <br />$ oNEr ofrhc Itl)pcny. !dcxclusntly conrrucrinr wirh li.ctr*d cont..ttr\ ro..trid.r rtE pmrd (Sec. r(}1,1. Bu$c$ <br />uil ftofcsi,nCodd:-l'hcG,ntactn s Liccnsc Lrw d.cs n l rl,plytu ar owncr of prorcrry who blildsor impoh{lhricon, <br />rtrd who contBcf r'or slch prcj.rts siri ! Conrrdcro(s) licetrscd rluFoanr rorh. <br />-l <br />umcxcmfr undc, Scdi->o-U o*n.. <br />I h.d,y illirtrrnn(l.r N lry ol |['j f oN olrhc 1,,11,,wi,,! <br />-l <br />lrvc el wi,l ruinrBh ! Ccnificde of C.Ncnr h S.lflNrrc tu {orkda .onDcnsnliotr. !r 0rovnbd lor h} sccrion .1701) oi rhc <br />tibor Codc. for lhc pcrformncc oI lhc *olt lhr which rhc pc,n l n iNucd. <br />IhdvcandwilliDinrninwor*cH.ompcnsat,oninsurimc.asrcquircdhyScction37(I)ofIheLahorG)dc.furlsPrloiimncol <br />rh. work fttr which rht is nsu.d My vorlcd .onrpcneriofl i,Numncc cnEicr ad policy nlahcr Ec <br />_l ccnilythlr in rhc Frlorroncc of rhe wnrl for *hichrni\ permn i irsucd,l dru.or cnrrloyonyrcnon in lnynunMr <br />$ a\ b r*om slbiccr b rhc wtr*c $mpcnslion lr*s olc{lilornir. and a8rce rh ifl should bc.o'ft subjrd rotlE <br />*.dc* L\,n .nsnrt,n Imvisiois ol sedion l7m .l lh. knlr Codc, l shull- foah*irh co'nply sirh rh){ nmvhons. <br />WARNING |rinrc b {cnrc *orkcri r.n,Fnsxrion cokrsc i\ ttr rwlu sh,lt subt{ an cnrloycr x, siminaln Nlrics snJ <br />ciril lin.\ up hun r.d rlbr\r dollnr\ ($l(X).(xX)). in l'(ldil conDc.srrion. d Mgcs x\ pruvidcd ln' ihc <br />Sc.rion 1076 olrhr Lrhn(odc. i crc{r d rtr.nrt' <br />,".7 -)4 -{L <br />I hcrbyatirnrrndcrpdnrlryofFrjuryrhnr I Mrli..ns{ undcr F,vi\n or 9(coflnmrcinA *ilI S.crion TlxX)rdlDivi\n :] <br />ol rhc llusirEsslnd tto lassio n s Codc- dl n,y liccn\c is in lnll iiftr and .lT&i <br />_Lke.s. Numb.r: <br />SONiIBIJI:IIONI.DIDINCACENI.I <br />I hcrcbynlfirm unds penallyoipcrjuy rhrr rherc is ! coniocrn,n bndin!.8ci.y lnt rh. oflhe work Lr shi.h rhh Frnrir il <br />issucd(S( 1097.Civ. C ) <br />APILIqANLIECI,IBAI]OX <br />I Mlt affim u*Lr n mh y or p.rjnry on. or lhc lollo*ing {h.lmrions: <br />Dcmlirion Pcrmik.AslEsros Notification Fcdcdl Re-qlhtions (Tirlc 40. Pdn6) <br />-R.quircd <br />t rrcr ol Nolirr.lion <br />Icc'lilyrhrrrhelidcrrlrcEUhri,,n\rgmln,ErhLnosrn^lrrnorlll)tl'.d,lct)rhisplrl..r <br />I r. ilirhrr lhrvd rud rhirnfDlirri(r d {rrc <br />odinrtr.e1!nd Srarc l:t*sr.t in8 h huildi',gcon{tu <br />vr iniflndnnr i\corrccl IiBGx'con'flyIirhrllCiryMdC.unty <br />rurhorizrftprcrnhrilcrofrhisCiiyan'lCounirbc crr1l rh. <br />ali)v. rNnrioncil lropcny lilr inrpc.r <br />,\ ppliont or ,\a€tr1 sianll ure <br />5Maea,<.v ,",.7'lo'1b <br />ITflfiAdEfiI <br />APPROVALS <br />Communications Cable <br />Service lvleter <br />,ar? <br />EA t=t\--t=z <br />T <br />I <br />I <br />i-