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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILDER DELC]ARATION <br />I hcEhy afirm undcr pcnahy ot p.rjlry rhd I m.xcmfl abm fic ContacroN' Lic.Le L3w for lhc follo{ins rasn (S.c.7011.5 <br />Busin.$ a.d Protcsiion Codc)r Ary City or Counly which r.qutcs s rEmit lo clns!rucl. dlr*, imthvc, .hmli*h or rcIEn my <br />srdclur, lri,I to ns Lssuatuc. also reqrtcs rhc applkdr fi,r s!.h Itml b iL a si8n.d sld.mnl llul lE or sh. is liccnsed |,!rMnr <br />lo lh. pmvisions of r Conlruior'r Lien*d t w (Chr0lcr 9. CommrcinS wilh S.cli6n 7q)0 of Divisio, I of ll* ond <br />PDf.ssions Codc) or th.l lE or sh. is €remfl rheElion snd rhc bosir for Oe alhged .rcrlprion. Ary violalion ofscdhn 7011.5 b, an, <br />applicanr for a lcnnn slbj(lr rlr al4licanr ro acivil Foahyofnn me rhm 6vc nundrcn dollss ($500). <br />l. $ owNr of rhc prutEnr, or fl1y cmplorrcs wilh woscs as lhcir $lc comrcnsol ion. will d. rhc eolk 8rn <br />'h. <br />srtrtuE is nol <br />inlcndsj or oltcrcd for slc ( Sa 7014. Btriiic$ tnd E rcsrion{ CGL Thc conr,ciot s Ltlnp llw dcs nol aorly ro ro o*nf oa <br />rh. tmFny *ho boilds or inlmv$ ihcmtr ud *h..les ssh w.n himsclfo, hcr*ltor rknuSh hii or h.r owncopl.rtcs. <br />p,ovidcd rt r such iqrermnts m mr inrcd.n or otr r.d roi eh. ll howvcr. rbc trildin8 or itrll,mtmfl ir $u *nhin .m ,er <br />of.oftplc on, lnc O*n.r auintcr Rill hlw thc l,ur&n of povinS lh{ lE or sh€ dn nor buil] o, inpovc rh. pmtEny for lhc lurlf$ of <br />-1. <br />&s o*rcr ofrhc Fo,cny. !md.llsiv.lyconracrins *irh lac..icd d,n{hdm ro.onshcr inc lm]ccl (SE. ?044. Bo\ift$ <br />.nd Pisrc\st n Cod.r Th. c.nrmrols Lic.nrc Law d@s.or attly!o ano*mr otr.oFny who hnilds or inpmrcs rhcreon. <br />lid eho ontmcls for slch porccls sirh s C.nhcb(s) Iie.<d lu6@nr ro rhc c.ntra{rols LLtn* L3w) <br />-l <br />amcrcmDl lndcr Sedion-, D. & P C. forthh E$on, <br />Ilof,KEXstrOltPrNiAMN <br />DECIdEAIIO! <br />I l.i,rc$y rrirmundc. pcnally oi pcrjury otrc otlhe iollosins dcclarolions: <br />-l <br />harc lrn will nuintain r Cenifi.,rd of Conscnr ro srlalnxlrc nr wo*cN cotrrpctrslhtr. as rmvidcd fo! t y S*rion :l7m o r <br />'h.tirq a!c. n{ rhc rtrbrrumc, f'\c trql lq w\nh rhc nontrr tr tr.u.d <br />!4hJ\crnJNill'nJ'nr0 wurl rc'tutcd 6ySdi,n l70O oarhc L:bd codc,lor rh. pcrformnccol <br />thc w.rl n, whicn$ispcrn l is is$cd. My*ortcll compcnslrnr insurah-c o cr a.d p.ticy numh.. ec:4r{e turb <br />-lccni! <br />thrl h thcl]c ornuEcoflficwnrktorwhichrhist'crniri\(sucd.lshollnoic,nPloytrirypcroninanyia.ncr <br />$ d{ ro bc.onf, subi.d ro rhe wortcB compcnrllion l,ws ofCllifonri!. lnd aBrcc thur i,l should trcom subrc.r lo lhc <br />MAe^.oqr.nMrionprovisio.solSccrion.l7(x)olth.titorCode.Ishlll.fonhwilhcorplywirhrhos,r.visions <br />WARNIN(;: Failurc ro $curc wortcB shpctrrotion covcmSc h u <br />ciril nn.r ub 16 om hundrcd r <br /> 1076 ofrhc t.lf,o, Codc. <br />*,.,74//o <br />hous,nd doll0is l$llro.(xn). in nddit i. JrnrSc\ rt fn,vldcd 1,, rlr <br />ucltNsElcoNr&[.1a.8 <br />DECT.dNAIIQN <br />t hercby iinmundcr ncnrlryol pcrjtry rhd I aD liccnscd undcr !ruvnnni ofChr|,cr 9 (comntncin! sirh Sccri{)n 7(XX)) orll,vni(n, l <br />ol rh. Bu\ifc\srnd Pn,,c\\ or\Corl.. JRI ry l..nsr i\ in lulltnr.c xnd.iirr <br />clllsralclloNr[NDlNc-f,aElcr <br />I hdr.hy ntfirn und.r pc , rjury rhd rhcrc t r consrru.rin hndins lscncy nn lhc perlomn c orrh. wo,k nn shich lhis pcrmir is <br />issuLn lscc 3l)o7, Ci! C) <br />drtlrsaNlrlil:td&tll1]ti <br />lllrchynfinuntlcr pcntrlly olp.riury onc orrhc nrll,,sirs d(13r,rnn,\. <br />l).nrlirion I,cnri* Alh(n.s NorillcrLotr |ldofulRc8uhrior\ ( lirl. Ll0. Prn6) <br />Rcrtutrcd txrrcr of Nori,i(ri,in <br />-l <br />ccnify rhal thc fedcnl r€8lhrions rcseding ast csros rcrmlal ad nor ,pplicdbk io rhls <br />!.tniryrhrr I hrvd ft.d rhis{tli. iotrr q crharthcrtx c inr'o.nmliotr n corccr I lgN x,..nPly Nilh rll City trnd Coutrly <br />ontinxnr.! rn,l Srrr.lrNs r.hf g aurlbrirc rc,rc*nralits otlft Cny ald <br />r|i)r mnrnnrd tmpcnt ntr <br />Apt or A8cnl Si8nitu <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranoe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinos <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid I <br />Above T-Bar .{rt o//T o*>1n) <br />Rouqh Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL /n/tz ),,i <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. -( -a <br />I