<br />I hd.t).ltw u.dd Fohyof Fju.y lhl I ndori frn ilE coffim Lto* ll\ for rlE follorIts l@n (s<701I I
<br />r}!!6r .d Frofdiin Cod.) Any Cn! or couoy $hkt Equr6 . Fhi lo Ntdrud. .hq. in4..rq damlih ot ,qn E)
<br />rrudEi Frr ro n! i3.lffi. ab a$ri6 tlE +li<Dl f.r ufi Frtri lo fik . ttn d liormt rhr lE or iE a lilB.d Fmd
<br />lo rh. tfrrlFd olrlr Codr*rc s Lirrd lr*'((n!fld 9. (-.n1llEine rih s<lirn 7@0 of Dti.F. I of rh. soiB dd
<br />Preldih (ird.) or rna lE d dE i! .rdt'l lhd.iion !i lh. txi for rlE lll.s d dftFFn ny r idhrbn olsdior ?0! I J tr .n)
<br />dptk.fl for r FFn subjcrs rh. qiplid ro . ci\ il p. t!of mr mElhe li\. hun&.n dole {t500)
<br />Ldro$nd.fth.rroncn!,orrycnptr\6$dhtr46Brh.irslccomF.slirn.snlrhrh.\rrtEdllEslrulranol
<br />inr*ial or ofts.d tu $1. (sa 7oi.l. Bu!in*! i.d Prrf<n N (i{. Th. Canhtdoas I nq doB tror qlply ro M o$ nd ol
<br />rh. Inlthr- sl$ h,ildr or improv6 th6sn, .rxl $ h' Jo6 r .h $ of{ hims.lf or h6.ll or l hruush hi! or hn oM .mDloy6,
<br />pR,!id.n ih,r irdh ihFo\ .lmls r. nol if,llddr or.rTdql fitr qk lf, h.$46. rtE hik]i.s o n{tu\ .lmr it $6 $ilhin oo. yw
<br />of$md6u. rhc (x nd B{ildo sill h.\r rh. h!&n .fFo\ inr llld lE or ,t dvl rcl hild or inl,ror! th. I'trrEly for df, FrrFr.f
<br />l. 8 o$ffi of rh. p.oFr!. M dclBnd) .odrr<ros $ h!.oddoE lo cotdrulr rlE FdF (S€ 7Or4- hBi6
<br />.,'d hskir ( or,.: Th. Coddo.r l-rc@ l..q' dE ml 'lrlr lo o o$G of rm(ln' *ho hlld! or inFord lham..
<br />.nd {ho odrsB ftf, Mh FoFs snhr Co'tsro(.) lrd!.d Fllsld b rlF(oddr6r'.1a.G L,$)
<br />I @.ronpi u € S€rhn
<br />l).r. ()a..r
<br />\r ol.kris' ( oil ?t;\s,t iioN
<br />D[(l!ln IlAl
<br />I lrrrli\ annnr trntld] otIEjrD onc.frhc nnhLtrU ddltrrdrions
<br />lhn\.irxl\vill'n.inrainac..lificrtcof( ontql k) sclllnrtrc 6r sorkar' .onrp.rMl ion- N po id.l f.r bv S4lion:1700 ollh.
<br />Iihr (ixL- a,y rh.,gromdc. ofrh. (o forshi.nrh.Ftni n iasu.n
<br />\r,lBlr.d$ill inrli. \o,ld c.f,Furirn iBoEft.. s rcqun.d b) Sclioi !7m orrh.l,t{r ( od.. fr,r rh. Faffi ol
<br />$trt ror{hrtrhi! Fon. t&xd Mtsort6 mnFEri.n iMft..oii !nFlict tuntE d.
<br />(i,rr tl&+ h<. G '
<br />BP/ *c o tL/? q)L C-Lc
<br />,.di( rhd ntr (h'rhihr tdnri! is issu.d.Ishnllnor 6nlld!.nr F$n inaolmMffi
<br />$ Nt, h.Lom. ut!,..1lo th. r.*6 ..nn6!trir litrs ol(.liloma. md lsc rhd ifI sh.trld t<oru suhjc!
<br />'o
<br />th.
<br />$0*6r'<ndliorf1ro\tsionsofsal6n!71x)olrh.lihtr('odc.lslsll.ronh$\\rhrh)sro\isioN
<br />WARNIN(;, |.'lur. r. RU! strl6'conpdlalion co\$s. is unla$ful. 6d shdlruhj(l ,n dployd to nininal pqullic !.d
<br />cnil fi!$ trt t\ on. hundr.d lhouend dollarr (tl0o.lxx)), ih tddirion to lhc (oi ol coml.eriL'n, dmaA.s 6 providcd nt rh.
<br />s(r io. rc76 o l rh. t.nbor.( ode inlddt ud nll(n.-v ,r ld
<br />Y lzrlrt
<br />I n@bt llIrn! I- FElyof Fiot'rhi I m li.q!.d u'i.r F!\ition orchrFd 9lomffii'{ silh Set-, 70m, .r l}i\ tkn I
<br />of rh. B6in6 dd ProfdbB c.&. rn ny l{ce . in lull f.ra tn .fi.n
<br />(-to
<br />r-LL-ll(-,."d-
<br />/eot-70t 7
<br />ffi_
<br />SllilBI]CIIONIIIl)tllj-AClil(t
<br />I h(chy ailun undr ri.ralo oaFjoryrhd{rucrir.lqd'} forth.Ffi,nno(of rh.$orl lor\hichrhlr Fnnir ir
<br />nsual(sa r(r)7. ( n ( )
<br />Aftu(ANfDfclal^rra!
<br />I hddD .lIm u.d6 FEh y .l Fiu.} om of
<br />'h.
<br />f.ll'tr in8 d.(lrtrhd
<br />Dnnnii.n PdmillAlb6los Nolifi calion f R.gul ioN (T 1.,10. Pd6)
<br />R.qun.d I!rd of Nolift albn
<br />l.milv lhll lhc [cdra! rqulsrnris r.${dnlr esh.srtr Ic nnnl ar. nor arlli..hl( k, lhr |B,r(1
<br />l.difrrh lM\.r..d lhisappli.alion&l!l{crh.r$\. inlom ionFcotr(t lirr<krrompl) uihall( ytnd(irunrr
<br />.rti'nd.L6 i.LlSrir.l..*s rcldr"! to h{,ldm! ludntrttr,., .ftj hd.t'! .uttri7. rqterdn6 ofrhtr ( ill tnd Cnunir_ ro nld uFn llE
<br />,h\( ".rr,..rr l"nnd! rd rN;*." 16-*
<br />^il;;,;;-:.;' #- rh,. sbt.
<br />Pdn(,: &k
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framinq
<br />lnsulation/Enerqy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />lvlasonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />/.1? 5 ot- tt y'ar!.al b-?-4.'t7 d /o)
<br />FINAL /e-21-B bx1/ /h,
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />ID/SIG.