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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor t. r lr A <br />IJfuil*ABonding / Groundinq / UFER upflql t@ <br />Transformers l, <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners I Ir <br />4/2l2dV whfl,W <br />Factory Wired Unit / <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter tt t <br />FINAL HW'A?'4*tt/4.//u 2x <br />Notes, Remarks, <br />or Nl:tt Btrurat DEt{atanoN <br />I lsrt'y .llm un& Fun]_ df F4!4 rhd I m .ronF fios rh. (\nr-6 LicG li* foi lhc t'th*nB r.sqr ts.t 70! t.t <br />BBi6r ,sj PNa*{n C6d.) Anv (ir, or ( mn! "hkh r.qttrG . Fni lo o'lnrud. ild. rhFo( &n{lih or EFtr e! ' <br />srrudu.. Frn ro 3 isutrq !h. Rt!r6lh. aFlic l ror such Fn kr fik. si*.Gl nd.lMr rh.l h or slE a ncqN.d pNltl <br />ro rh. Fuiii.G of rh. Co rrcloir l.ilnGl |.tr (CltrFd q. (! Nilh s6iion 70{{ oll)nih.ll oflh.ltu.iN ud <br />PoaNioN cod.) or thar h.orsfic LcioIpl lhdcfrom ord Ihc h&iE fttr lhc .llcs.d .rmp! io. Ant viol.tionols.db. Torl5 by 3.y <br />!9plic!.r tr . Fnr ir suhjcrs lhc lrrltin! k, r (iv il potsx, o f n.! mo.. rho fir. hund..n dollsr (tJ00) <br />l. s 0$6 6lrh. FrFnr_. d ny.nplorE rilt u.a6 sk snFl,lir.. tri & EsuitndErirlEaEIr <br />idd'd.d troltoil ,tr rk(Sa 7O{4, aunB od PrnaBb6 c.n TrEc.dre rli6El^d6dtptroxorEof <br />rh.DrDFary qh. boild o.8pm€drdFtr rn rlF &Erxn *dl h'nklror h6rrf orrlmulihir hc o*rdrylord <br />Fovxlal rld .uch lmrrullrB c d id.r&l r otuql fn 5l. lf, ho\r6q. llE bulll'ra d nF.\ffi ir ild withr oE ts <br />ol conplth( th. (xrd Elitb "ill har rlE tlnJd of FowB thi lE or JE dij mt hnB or nnFDt th. FoFly 6r tlE Il Ir* of <br />L s otrffi 6f rh. Infqly. m .od...ling wirh licard conr.r.loR ro codtu( rlE r{j<l (Se. 7Or4, &acr <br />ud l,roki{ ( o&: I h. Conlmclor'! l-actu lrw do6 mr ,pply ro o o*n6 of Fop.ny f,l$ buil& oi inpror6 lnao.. <br />.nd *h 6nrrl! for $.h FDjdi shh. (nddo(s) ltdB.d n!E!.!t lolhcco r(1or ! l-rfu t^r) <br />! m.rdfl !id.1 sdrion <br />Drre otrner <br />]x)lrl:as]l)Ntt!t lI9J <br />!l!,(l,A&lt1a! <br />I h.r.h\ nllitr'trnJ.' Nnrl(\.llEiL 1.n..lrh.n\lh\ir!dfrldrritrtr <br />I h,\. &d * ilr , cdifkd. of (nnsr ro S.lf-lcu'. ld tr{.td soFlt d( B F\ Itr, for b} Sa-] ion 17(ir ot lhc <br />l$or CqL- aq rlE Ff(ffi. of rh. \ orl lor sikh th. Fnn ir 6u.d <br />I lE!..ftj$ill m.drin \eorl6 comrE6ri.. il6llfu.. s r.qut.d h, sdm 1100 otlh. lrtbr Cod., for llE Ffoffi. of <br />thc *!rk for *fiich rti rEmn B ald M, $orld' .nmFMhn iEu@. cdir rn pon.y ou6ld e: <br />Icdritrh in rh. Ffolr1l'reortlr f,o.l f trhkhrhi3Fm u ie.d.I ltDll dx dnph) oyF$n in uyIuE <br />s 6 r. h.r.ft.uti( to tlE \o 6'oqEMior Lss of Crl,t n|1 !dlBErhd ial nsuB b<om 3uti6l loltr <br />s.rld'6nFMrio.F.ri3ioEotsdnn1700ofth.L.b.rCod..Irn.ll tolhlnh.ondt $ i'h rhos lroviiod <br />$ARNIN(i lflltrr. l. Kur. trorlol $'n|knditnr .ordi!. B nn!i$i' <br />ciril fin$ w x' on. hundrcd rhousnJ nolla,s (S100,000), in tuldni{r k, <br />k,)d b ciminal rEmha! ud <br />d,m!d a pmvid.d for th. <br />sLrrklr 1irx, ol rhu l.'|rr i.i6d inn i .fre r f6 <br />I undd F,lrrof Fj!r) lh, I M lic6E d uid.. Fo$ni of (trBd e(omnftnu $ h S.tli.i nm).fDirirhn:r <br />of rh. BBm< .nd PhfaioB (-od., all m) lic.G b in tull f.rc,rl.[<i <br />r toI Ltr.B. Clu <br />| -,, ?1tvtL? <br />lt ztrz, <br />I hq!t,, !flim und6 Fnrhy of Fjury rhr rha. ir . o'Eddion Ldin8 .*dy for lhc pohmB. of rlE $$l for rtkh lhb Frnn h <br />isuaj (s6 !0e7. civ. (.) <br />AT[L!(ANI.!}:SJIAIIA! <br />I halb riin un& Fn.hy ot Fj!D- oft of rh. folhsins ddhils$ <br />I)<solibn P(mirr-A3lEros Norinci ion ltd.ru1 Rc8ularhnt (TirL 40. Pfi6) <br />R.q trd I .rr0 flNfili.a!.n <br />I c61't rhsr ihc f.d6rl rc8uLr ioB r.llodint .rf6ros rd$ trl d c nor ilrhcabl. h tha l,nrFar <br />I cd i6 rh, I he c ral rh6 allt,ltd i.. ,r! il.r. rhd rhc .tn\ . 'nn,tu i! coral. I lsra ro mftd) tr nh t[ Chy .nd (nunh <br />ordinaN6 ej sr.l. l,n3 EhnE ro otrh'r( dyad Coldr ro ora qF. rrE <br />db.\. natn..rl F Fn\ ntr g((b ( t1,1lplici r or rRt r Sipnih'rr AD..v1"\l cLL/ <br />Pole Bases <br />lA <br />Roof Top Equipment |tlbf <br />(2"*D