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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS r! COMMENTSDATEtD/st6i <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Roush) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter z /F|NAL /d/1' / 11 t /,4/< l0 ,.1 <br />Notes, Remar(s, Etc <br />OWNf, R BUILDER DT:L('ARATION <br />I h6chy aflion unds t f,tlry of lfjury rhd I6.r.nlpr Fomth.(n ru.loE w for rh. aollosin8 lw)n (S(70115 <br />Brin6r .nd ftoadnr ( od.): Any ( it' or Counry shi(h r.qun6 . Fmi fti cotrrt rl. .116, inFol.. dqnolirh or E .t uy <br />nrudur(. rnr ro ils sum., .h. rcqlr6 th. 'l)pli.d for 3uch Fni ro frk s 3tsEd id.16l rhn tE or CE ir licoEd llmr.r <br />io ilE Fn Bio6 of rlr ( .nrxbar t.xhr.d lrs ((lqrn 9, (nmmftin! snh S6tiu '{x)(, of Drnio. ! of rlx BBilr xd <br />fmf*ioN thi lEorslc n.r.f,rr rhr.6om ind rh. b.sis f rh. dLg.d.rdFbn A.yr(hrio.ofs€1ion70ll t,a-lny <br />.ppli.. nn!Fn.uhj.rsrh.!ppli..n!rorcivilpaalryofnormorclhdnv.hunrt.ddollet(l5ur) <br />l. s orF of th. F.Fnl, tr6, dtkr)c \irh c.t6 6 $k..nF sdr,( trtll & lli r(t in rE rME ir Fr <br />irodd nofiold t( qLlsc 7ola,ltni.Brd ftolNbB Cod. Ih.codrd.,,r l.k.e b! &6d TOly t.m.*E ol <br />rh. FnI6r tr ho hril& or rp..rE rha6( ..4 srr dE $.h {n.l t'mrlr or h<Elf or rtmu8h ntt LE hq oun drrlotd <br />provid.{ lh.t 3ucfi imrntr @rt c Ri rnrarLd or nfrdd lor $h ll, $s6s. rh< hrillinS .r trr{hvffit it $ll $ihin oo. td <br />of.ompkri)n, rh. o$ n6 ltuil& lill h!\r rh. hrd.n ofF$ inx rrl, h. or Jr dil mt hild or imFovc lnc FtFly tu llr F,Fs of <br />L sorE ofrh. F.r6it. o dclBrr.l) .ontrd <br />'n8 <br />{nh h.a!.rl conteloEl. o,dtruci rlE FoFd Isc 7(x4,llu!6 <br />dd t\,isid codc:'l h. (,r.k.clo.s l-i!.n!c Law do6 nol.pplylo in osnd olror.ny \rho blilLi. or idoord !hdo.. <br />.nd sho co. Bcls for ru.h Fojeri sirh . cont&k'n r li.ft.n nuBunl lo rhc ( i,ntrd6a. l-i.@ tis ) <br />I m.\o.F utdq ss"o. <br />D.l. ()nn.r <br />w()R(f, RS'(.OnIPaNSATI(tN <br />[Ecltaaua! <br />I ha.r\.ni'ntr.d6 FMlr! of FjoD oE.f thc lolltnt l,'3 &cl{.'x'6 <br />Ih.rcsrj*illri 16 ! Cdrifrrr. df (.nsr t. s.lf-lNuE fo $ut6 onFtui n\.. s F.vrt.l for b, Sd Nn l7m ol lh. <br />Iihrr ('qle aor lhc polorrocc of rh. s.* aor whi<h rh. ldmn ir iso.d <br />t hN. ind rillnrinrli. ".rt6 .onp.Bdirr ilMuc. B Equn.d bt s<riu r7(x) of rh. Co&, tor rlE FfM. of <br />llE w* h. Nlfth rh. tEnir i! is.d Mt $mt6 onFEibr i!ffi.enn,n Ptky numtE t <br />I c.nrf\ rhll in rlE Ff.rll@. orrh. {ort for rhrh rhi! Fn r $u.d.I lrull mr mPh).n} Fsn ir.n) nmnd <br />c, s lo li.n. luhid ro rn "!116' (nrp€nsdion lns s or Calir(mii. md .gft rhd il I should tE(onc subjcr !o rh. <br />worksr ..nrp.Nr ion OlvisnrB .f S.d ion .r 700 of rh. litnr Cqle I ildl. aonh$ilh c.aDly uilh lrhs loviitunr <br />6nDlor6 ro mrul FEhB ad <br />cnil [n6 up lo o.. hun&.d rh.sntl &116 (lloo,rxDr. <br />S{l(,n nr76.f(he l.aLn ( <br />t1tO <br />t heby lnjm und6 tEn.hy ot lsjury lhd I li6*d undd FnrBi.n of (1l.t{d'r GrtnMcins *ilh sdhn Tux),olDnirni 1 <br />ol rhc lluiin* ud Pmldiotu(odc. drd mr licw i! in lullto,c.dd.lId <br />lt'1tt <br />q r7"db <br />al <br />I hGtD rrmunrl6 F hrofFrurrlMthqcn!6 ructDt l6{ns !en} lorrt pofot'llmc ofllE* l tu $tthlhAFftr n <br />Nstr.d (sc 10e7. Civ ( ) <br />a.ttucANlDrclJaArla <br />I ho6 .IIm uods, ol F)ory oR of lhc lollo*int dRlar ionr <br />D.mlhi,n Pdmhe^itlror fiorifrdnn F.dd.l R.suhtioN(T h40, Prn6) <br />R@n.{ ld6 .r Ntrifi.nb. <br />I cdrify rhd rh. Lndil r.ruldionr rcsddina &llErn r roovtl tu. to qrpli..hl. t. <br />'hir <br />proj..i <br />l cd ifr rnd l hs\. rh6 an!lr'.o. ,n sr.t. rht <br />(din.m6 lnd St{. lj\E Elninr r.Inrhli (-trt md Couni) <br />'o <br />drs ryln llE <br />ais\. md rnrJ Dnrrd' nn inspal <br />,,,,81lto ltcltppli(.nl nr \p6tstnrlu .I <br />q-L-t