<br />Set Backs J
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framinq
<br />ln sulation/E ne rq y
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Enqineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif .
<br />FINAL o I/L /lq
<br />Certificatei of OCcupancy
<br />Notes, BenarG, Etc. /
<br />V',,'J
<br />I
<br />-nndr., prxn ro ns aruM... tb. r.qrtd rhc .Fplicul lo rEh Fh ro fi1. . tiln.d nalmd rhd lE or !h. ir licd!.d ptntrd
<br />ro rhc FofilioE of rlE ('ontracloa! lis (('hlFld 9. (ihmocing *irh sdion 7(Xr0 otDnsion I nfln BBin.s dd
<br />Pr.adhm (ii.l or llur lE or ,rE s 6op( rh6.noE ..d rh. tsir for lh. alkr.n .lmFi.i n) \ a\LrNn orsdhn 701 I J t! tn)
<br />.nllicd ,or r pcnil ruhj.d! rlr qlPltdnt !o r .t il p.uhy of mr mr. ihM nr. hun&.d {hltt3 (l!m)
<br />l, 6 o$.( .l rh. FoFlr.. or hy dplo)d $ nh $.!6 B 3n. odFMhn, $ ill & th. s 6t &rj lh. s.Elr ii mr
<br />ddrldl (or6cd f( sLtsa 7olr. &sinBlnd ProfBnE Cod. Ih.Codrdd s lt.G l!u dE k{ 4Ol} lodosG ol
<br />rh. FtrFi) * ls rlrkh or irp.or 6llEon. td tr |. &6 ]xn $.* himslr.r lF*lr.r rhtough hb o. hd orn ..ployG
<br />phrid.d lhar .uch inroEdr r. nd inlddd ...r6.d tot el. lt hr*6 d, llE hlildinB .t imrior omr n sld *thin .n. )d
<br />of co,lDki)n. rlE (x n6 Elitlt *ill h,rt rh. tlnld ofFot irl$ lhi lE or th. dt d tlild or n{m\! rh. Fq6} tu lE ,tr'F<.f
<br />l. as oMs ot rhc ri'Fnr. m * .onlridi.s s h licd!.d .oitr.do6 ln codrlruc! rh. projd lse 70lil. Il6nG
<br />lrl Rbfiain (-od. Tt. Co.l.rld 3 t-icai. l-.$ dod nol !ppl! k, u o$nd n I FoP€ny \ n. build! nr imFrols I h6o.
<br />ud sho snbsB lnr s.h Fq.c13 snh i Conn ro(31liosa, po.}d lo lh. (tnd$'3 Li(w tr$,
<br />I xm.\. rl,r trnd.r S.(1i r
<br />D.r. Oin.r
<br />ItoRxrlLg-a (rnrPr NsAr Ior\
<br />I hrcbt rmnn unds Fn.hy oirEj'n-ronc orrh. rollori'rs ddld.'i('ns
<br />I har c .n { ill Dinr.'n . cd'rE.r. of (o@t h s.ll.ldu'. fd $fl 16 conFun.n. 6 Fo\ il.d for br S.dhn !7m .I rlE
<br />l,Etr Co&. for lhc Ftomu.. of th. Nort fo. thich rh. ld"n u iuu.d
<br />I hsv. .nd * 'll mri ri. worl6 roipner$n iM.B., B r.qut.d by S<1i.n l70o .f rh. t bor Co&. for !h. Ff.llr&. .l
<br />rlr uol ld *'hth thi rEn ir isld M! *ftId iN'm. c{i6 .rn Fkr nunb.t E
<br />,",,",5t4re Foun)
<br />,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,--? 22J4 I C - | g /,t1 /ri
<br />I cdifyllur in lhc pqtorrun.G otrhc $or[ for shicl lni] Fmir i! iso.d. I $!ll dn oplly.n! pd$n in Mv mdE
<br />$ s ro b.$r et,itl h rlE strltd oriFlndn hs. of cdiLmd dld rsc thd if I slslld bGoE sti<ll t llE
<br />tr!*d sn{EEc n. I'n\ tioB ors.dion r 7o0 .lilE l,h* Cod.. I !r!][ rdh$ nh 6n l] *nh llr& FlrbhB
<br />\IARNIN(; l,.ilur. n, Ku. so,k6'conrFN{lion cor@r. 3 unL\rf - bd isr in mr otd lo simnrlFmii6 Md.
<br />cilil fiRs ol] t, .n. hond'.i rhotr$nd 6lh'\ (tl(xr.olrii).
<br />'n add nn h .onn .sri.n. d!m.s6 a floril.d fi, rhc
<br />S(rirn !076 of rh. Irtlr Cod.. inrad !d dnrrE! !
<br />I @ !mr6 un<tr Fdr! ol FiuJ) lld I m li.6E d !ni6 tn)r irion ntci,grd e (onffinq \irh s..tbn ,olol or I)ir Bhn :r
<br />or lhc Buin* e{, PNf*iore Codc. ad o} ltce ! n lull forc. dd.,Iar
<br />ct'(*"oyl t7/ tQ fir ma&t Ecof-i'.5'
<br />I itli,,n trndcr rEnilryolFi ! thal lhr€ Li a codn'dio. kadin! .sdry rtx dr. l6f(nnrinc. oi lhc \orl tu s hicn rhB Fril rs
<br />Anrd(s( rDr.(tr ( r
<br />aPPllcll\r DE( LArtATlOl\
<br />t hdltry !fiim undcr pdilry of pdlury on. o I lh. lollo*rs d<Lrdnw
<br />I).nolnnr. Pmils-Arh6los Nol in. io. f.dd !l R.suhrbN {Tnl. ,l0- Pd6)
<br />R.qur.d t-dt6 of floiitui..
<br />I c.nrL- rhdr rh. rddrlr.Suldk'N r+xdins lstE ('1roo\tl . nor.4plici6l. k, rhk
<br />b $ih all(i\ lnd Cou.r!
<br />v dd (-ounly l,r drd uD(l.rh.
<br />I c6i'rt rh,i I h.r. E d rhis lppnc ion
<br />Garct a
<br />u/rz/ t t
<br />'Clrulftn 10j3
<br />.,i nrfrs ntr(lSr31r I n\: r.L{trU r.
<br />rt!\ . nrotron ij pr.Fiv ror